Hard to Follow Sunnah


Subhana Allah!

sorry to hear that brother, but u can do ur best to avoid it. may Allah subahana wata'ala make it easier for u ameen......:)



New Member
:salam2: brother,
we should just follow the Quraan and Sunnah.Rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wassallam left us these two.DO IGNORE people who try to change your way!trust Allaah then yourself while you are performing salaat and other ibadahs,if they see you confused then they try to affect and control you..

MAy Allah always guide us on siraat al-mustaqeem amen.



Servant of Allah

what is the apology for? you've done nothing wrong. it was a simple correction and if i showed anger i do apologize. jazakaAllahu khayran. that is what makes us brothers and sisters. so we can correct ourselves.