How Many Times ?????

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Junior Member
Assalamu Aleikom My Dear Brothers and Sisters

How many times will a thread like this be written before people take notice?

How many videos must we watch bashing American or Western Soldiers?

How many threads bashing Jews and Isreal must we read through before people take notice?

I ask this my Dear fellow Brothers and Sisters in fellow Muslims...because I am becoming increasingly impatient with these threads and increasingly angered. WHY? Because I want to know..



I have recently invited a very good friend of mine here..two actually. Both born Muslims. One from the US and one from Palestine.
The one from Palestine came here, took a look and left. I recieved an email back expressing her views about how she thought this forum was just like all the rest. Filled with enraged Muslims who find nothing better to do with their time than fill the threads with hate against non Muslims and the west. I immediately took offense because I have come to love this site and find it very helpful to me in increasing my knowledge, but at a second glance...I see exactly what she means.

Everyday there are new members and everyday there is something posted that incites hatred towards another human being for no good reason.

I would like to ask you all who post these threads...



I want to know because I see NO other reason except hate. Pure and simple. I see nothing but rage. I see Muslims acting like non Muslims do...the bashing in REVERSE!

I think of all the good Brothers and Sisters here who try to teach and enlighten the world of the beauty that is in Islam and always right next to them is the ugly side of Islam. The side that most media like to show.

Who's fault? The media? OR YOU? OR BOTH? Could they portray such nonsense if there weren't people who do stupid things to justify what they're saying or showing?

If I choose to bash another human being, put them down and degrade them...then what kind of person am I?

What kind of Muslim am I?

How do I represent the Ummah in my actions?

I ask each and every one of you to think about this BEFORE you post a thread..

1. How will this BENEFIT those Muslim and non Muslims visiting this forum?

2. What message am I sending to the world?

3. What kind of Muslim do I represent? The real Muslim who is kind, caring, and forgiving..who does not call attention to the faults of another, who strives to promote peace and understanding. Who strives to represent this Ummah the way it should be represented?? Or am I the kind of Muslim who is filled with hate and wants to shout to the world..."TO HELL WITH THE AMERICANS AND THE WEST...KILL THEM ALL !!!"???(and if so, how does this help you?)

4. Will my post set me apart from the world as a true believer? Will it show Islam in the same way that our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alyhi wa sallaam fought so hard to
show others? (keeping in mind His peaceful, tolerant nature)

It saddens me that the moderators of this site who put their time and hard working dollars into this forum as a means for us to seek out and find knowledge, friendhsip, and unity are having their good intentions stepped on. Having this forum turn into every other forum that people use to post their own sick, distorted views and opinions instead of a learning tool.

I too am sickened and saddened at all the atrocities taking place in this world today. I am ashamed when it is one of my own fellow American Brothers or Sisters carrying them out, but what also sickens me and saddens me is the fact that my own fellow Muslim Brothers and Sisters have stooped to the same level of these insensitive persons.

If you think I am way off the mark here, then sit back and read with an open mind some of the stuff being posted on here. If you still find anger and the need to post comments on such threads or the need to start new threads following in the same direction...then shame on you!

I know that this forum also allows us to ask any question we would like too...but in all it really necessarry to take it to the level that it goes to sometimes?

I will leave with this...

A very bright Sister had this in one of her comments recently on a thread here and it made me think a made me think of ME and how I live my my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Islam are leading their we are allowing ourselves to blend become just like them in our ways and actions. Astagfirulluh!

"Prophet Mohammad, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallaam, once said that a time will come when nations of the world will come around you as a bunch of hungry men invite themselves towards food. The companions asked if Muslims will we be few in numbers. He said "No! You will be large in number, but no one will fear you because you would have gone astray, far away from the real teachings of Islam.

And so here we are living in that time which our beloved Prophet Mohammad, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallaam, has predicted."

Have we in fact shown the world that we belong to the TRUTH? That we are walking on the path of rightousness? Or have we shown the world we are just the same as them...intolerant, angry, filled with hate and rage, just as screwed up as they are???

Are we doing our moderators justice by allowing this to happen day after day? Is this how you respect them? Just like you respect another human being?

Everyone shall have their day with their this!!! It is not for you or I to go and enforce our own vigilante law! It is not for us to rally the troops and yell "DOWN WITH THE KUFFIR!!!"

Is it not good enough for you that these people we see in these videos and that we read about in these articles will have to stand and answer before Allah subhana wa ta'ala on the day of judgement????

Do you honestly feel the need to cause tension among your fellow human beings? The only thing you are doing is fueling more hatred? How is this helpful to us? To anyone? I ask you this!

Do you know that these people will not care about your rants and raves and vowing to behead them...they will not care that You talk bad about them on some Islamic forum..they DON'T CARE!!!

Allah subhana wa ta'ala is All Knowing and they shall stand before him someday soon...I take comfort in this and so should you.

It is up to US to UNITE...TO TEACH...TO SET A GOOD EXAMPLE...TO PROMOTE PEACE...TO LOVE...TO FORGIVE THOSE EVIL PEOPLE WHO FIGHT AGAINST US DAILY ...WHO FIGHT TO WIPE US OFF THE MAP...if we are united in ways that are helpful and good, then there is no way they can get to us..then all these sick videos and articles of their actions cannot touch us. If we allow ourselves to fuel the hatred..then surely they have won over on us!!!!!!!!

We do no good for our fellow Muslims who need us in all parts of the world by using hate and anger to incite more hate and does no good and in the end...NOBODY WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Salafi Dawah is the best
:ma: sister you sure put that better than anyone here could have possibly done. I understand what you are saying and I have to agree with every point you made. I've been taking some classes on Islam and my teacher said something very interesting to me, something I especailly didn't know a year ago ( or didn't want to accept). She said "Muslims and Islam are 2 very different things" She also discussed how people are constantly misinterpreting the Quran all the time, how people don't know the history of what is being talked about and they make their own conclusions. MashAllah I have learned more from her in one day then I have in one year here and I think part of that is because I don't always feel as welcome asking certain question here. People tend to have a temper when you don't agree with them, but that is not the example The Prophet (PBUH) set for us, we are truly loosing our way :astag:.


Junior Member
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Wa aleikum musalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu my sister i do totally agree with you. When it comes to me i do only write or may i say post only things that will benefit us muslims and i do read things that talks about islam. I hope that your message goes through and people respond to it .Keep the good work sister. May ALLAH the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Majestic, the Compeller, the Superb REWARD you for your effort amin.

Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people." (Baihaqi)


Amen, sister. Thank you for taking the time and energy to express such thoughtful and true remarks. May Allah reward you. Peace and best wishes to you all, may Allah continue to guide us on the straight path.

The prophet Muhammad, salla aleyhi wa salaam, was a very good example for us to look to if we really want to learn how to negotiate peace in a hostile environment. He enacted many peace agreements with neighboring tribes, each side making promises not to attack each other but instead to allow each other to exist side by side in peace. Eventually these peace treaties were all respected and properly enforced, and everyone in the region was able to enjoy the peace that comes with tolerance of our neighbors and freedom from persecution/oppression. Should we not strive to follow this example in the world today?


Junior Member
thank you for this advice but can you let's know the threads that teach the hate as you have said:confused::confused::confused: specially in this forum
because i don't see its at all :confused:


Junior Member
Assalaamwalikum warahmat illahi wa tala wa barakatu..... bravo sister .....i agree with salahdin .... its true there does not seem to be much difference between muslims and others(u know what i mean) and the only reason is that we are not in the right path of Allah subhanawatala and its sunnah ... what muslims are know for its kindness, being humble, tolerant, generosity, peaceful, etc, are fast losing these values from our hearts and minds i just pray to Allah that He has meryc on us, guide us and give us the courage to be truthful in our deeds.......... Amin ...

thank you for the post sister i honestly hope this message will enlighten us to be better muslims ... jazakallahu khairan
Salaam respected sister,

I agree with you to an extent. This might sound a little off tangent but let me ask you - how do you know if something tastes sweet? You've must of tasted something sour. How do you know when you are happy? You've must of experienced sadness. You see, you have to know the opposite of something in order to make a comparison that is inversely related. If we do not make this comparison we wouldn't be human beings and further human beings without free will.

I'm sorry you feel that everyone is pointing the finger at the "bad guy" (i.e the West or America). I can truly understand where you are coming from here. I know I would not feel comfortable if people were attacking my country. I love my country but it does not take priority over my faith. If my people were oppressing others or even themselves then I would stand up for justice. I know you can't blame each and every single individuals for the actions of their country because of some overpowering government or president.

If I see White, Asian, Hispanic, Black, Catholic, Buddhist, or Muslims, etc being oppressed I am going to raise my voice. I can not remain silent when I see oppression in front of my eyes. There is a thin line between fighting against injustice and being angry.

Speaking relatively, I am not a person that gets angry easily (alhamdulillah). I have not experienced your sentiments, but I feel that it is always important to see what people think of you from the outside in rather than the inside out.

If I ever said something that angered you or anyone else on TTI then please accept my sincere apology.

Your brother in Islam,



Junior Member
Jazakalluh for your kind words.

I really don't want to come across as saying this whole forum is filled with hatred or bad isn't..but the few things that are..are the things that I am talking about.

I really do pray that we all become better Muslims, that we all strive to better humanity and especially this Ummah.

I love each and every one of you for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'ala and my only wish is that we unite, that we educate ourselves in the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah and never forget it!!!

We must stop blaming the world around us, stop pointing fingers and showing the bad in others and instead, promote peace and try our best to be good examples. Insha'Allah we can do this...

afterall, the best way to teach is by example.

May Allah subhana wa ta'ala bless us all and may He guide us in the way that is right and just. Ameen :tti_sister:



Sister, you have to realise that what we say might not make everyone happy. It is highly impossible.

Yes , i do agree that a lot of hatred against other religion is posted . But i also realise that some reverts are avoiding issues pertaining to jihaad. They stay from threads that have things like mujahideen and others . This might have been caused by the Western media who portray mujahideen as bad. No doubt, killing innocent is WRONG. Suicide Bombing is WRONG.

Sincere apologies if anyone is hurt


Junior Member
Salaam respected sister,

I agree with you to an extent. This might sound a little off tangent but let me ask you - how do you know if something tastes sweet? You've must of tasted something sour. How do you know when you are happy? You've must of experienced sadness. You see, you have to know the opposite of something in order to make a comparison that is inversely related. If we do not make this comparison we wouldn't be human beings and further human beings without free will.

I'm sorry that you feel that everyone is pointing the finger at the "bad guy" (i.e the West or America). I can truly understand where you are coming from here. I know I would not feel comfortable if people were attacking my country. I love my country but it does not take priority over my faith. If my people were oppressing others or even themselves then I would stand up for justice. I know you can't blame each and every single individuals for the actions of their country because of some overpowering government or president.

If I see White, Asian, Hispanic, Black, Catholic, Buddhist, or Muslims, etc being oppressed I am going to raise my voice. I can not remain silent when I see oppression in front of my eyes. There is a thin line between fighting against injustice and being angry.

Speaking relatively, I am not a person that gets angry easily (alhamdulillah). I have not experienced your sentiments, but I feel that it is always important to see what people think of you from the outside in rather than the inside out.

If I ever said something that angered you or anyone else on TTI then please accept my sincere apology.

Your brother in Islam,


I appreciate what you said and you are very right. Your responses are always filled with a great deal of knowledge and understanding. Something that is much needed and appreciated.

I do agree that we shouold stand and fight against injustice..but like you said, there is a fine line that should not be crossed. We must first stop and think how we will represent ourselves, this Ummah in our voices and actions. It's the senseless videos and articles that are targeted towards a particular group of people or country that really, in my opinion, don't belong here. They do NO justice to anyone. It doesn't help the doesn't make things any better..the only thing accomplished is more hatred just in a different form.

I am also not trying to defend only my country...its everywhere. I do not agree with the things being posted, I am not a part of them...and I too am sickened by them but I see no reasons to posts and start threads that I KNOW will get a negative feedback...that I KNOW DO NOTHING to help the situation.

That was my intention to post this say that I think we should evaluate how we represent ourselves and this when we post certain things, we do no good for humanity. None whatsoever.
(and I would like to say is not all the threads..but the very few ..the ones that get the most attention are the ones I speak of)

Thank you for your responses and your words...May we all learn from them.


Junior Member

Sister, you have to realise that what we say might not make everyone happy. It is highly impossible.

Yes , i do agree that a lot of hatred against other religion is posted . But i also realise that some reverts are avoiding issues pertaining to jihaad. They stay from threads that have things like mujahideen and others . This might have been caused by the Western media who portray mujahideen as bad. No doubt, killing innocent is WRONG. Suicide Bombing is WRONG.

Sincere apologies if anyone is hurt

No apologies Brother...please :)
I understand where you are coming from and I think that you brought up a very good, valid point!
ANNNDDD...this is WHY we need to THINK before we post. So that we may educate those who are new to Islam and for the born Muslims to have some understanding that they are dealing with others who may not be as educated as them. That may be vunerable and defensive at first.

If there is anger over a thread that is legitimate..that teaches about Islam..then whoever finds offense to it needs to educate themselves FIRST before commenting. I totally agree with you on this. If some converts avoid certain subjects or get angry by them, then instead they should politely ask to have it explained to them instead of voicing opposition to it immediately.

I have no problem with these sort of threads..its the ones that I feel are of no benefit to anyone that I speak of.

Insha'Allah we can all learn from each other and take things in the direction they should go in.

We need to keep our emotions in check and if there is something spoken about Jihad, or plural marriage, or any of the other controversial topics(according to converts) then Insha'Allah if we do that, we can all learn and benefit from it. Fighting and agruing does no good.


Junior Member
And one more thing..

I would like to also add that some of these threads and videos have also targeted Muslim countries as well, not only the West! It goes both ways.

I have also been guilty in the past of saying things that are biased and may have singled out a particular country or culture. I sincerely apologize for that and pray that Allah subhana wa ta'ala forgives me and anyone on here who took offense to it.

I aim to be a better Muslim and represent my Ummah the way it should be represented.

My apologies again if I offended someone or if someone feels that I have targeted them and their threads.


Junior Member
Asalama halikum,

Dear brothers and sisters,

We have been going thru a really hard time the last century, as Ummah. Simply because the Quran, the hadith, the khalifah, have been taking away from us. And I agree with the sista we should not fight because of hate, we should fight in the name of Islam. We are in a war thou, we being indirectly attacked. We can not stay quiet while this injustice is happening.

What you also should understand is our brothers and sisters are suffering. If we look at what is happening in Palestine and Iraq and Afghanistan, and the list goes on. We can not expect the Muslim brothers and sisters having any love whatsoever for the western countries. They lost brothers, sisters, mothers, Fathers, babies.

We need to educate yourself what is happening in our country’s, and what is happening to our brothers and sisters, yes it is painful to watch these video’s. It’s the reality. We can’t pretend it is not there. We all are reacting differently after watching these videos. I can understand that, because we feel the pain our brothers and sisters are going thru. You don't know what to do. please make dua for the brothers and sisters who are suffering.

We do not live in a world that is full of love, or respect, and I don’t need to mention the word peace. We live in world that man governs by man made law. Which is called ‘Democracy’ They will use it in their advantage and abuse it if that is in their benefit.

Which country is governed on the basis of the sharia law (Islamic law). Look at the Middle East I don’t need to say more, Do I. what would happen if one Islamic country started implementing the Sharia law. Soon another one would follow. That is what they are afraid of. Look at what happened in Somalia, When the Somalian Islamic court started implementing Sharia. The western countries were not happy with this. That is a big surprise isn’t it. Because if they let it happen, they know the consequences. They will do everything in their power to stop this. Why do you think, they are talking about ‘democracy’ when they mention Iraq.

The word ‘’UNITY’’ is in ever muslims mind at the moment. The question is how can we achieve this unity. My dear brothers and sisters, the muslim ummah is a sleeping giant. Just needs to wake up. We should call out for sharia, the khalifah, an Islamic state. Especially if you live in Muslim country. Being a Muslim is not about colour or nationality, or status. Or the area you live. Don’t let anyone tell you that.

Forget the numbers, it was never about the numbers. How could you lose if ALLAH (swt) is on your side. Look at the prophet (may peace be upon him) he started as 1. We need to wake eachother up one by one. These corrupt leaders we have, will not stay in power if we make our voices heard and unity. Together we are strong. That is they only way we can win this war.

Asalama halikum,


Mohamed's wife7

New Member
I understand and i can see what u are saying. I am usually here for inspirations, stories, hadiths, history, and much more that are benefical to all of us as muslims that strengthens our faith, our unity through internet, and our understanding of each other in many places. I tend to shy away from posts that are irrelevant/nonsense. Everyone!!! More stories, more wonderful ayats, verses to be told, history to learn to be inspired, and most importantly to help each other to better ourselves for Allah and to help others too as we have been helped with Quran and Hadiths.:hijabi:

Staff member
Sister I would like to disagree with you that threads showing opression, injustice specially by America and Israel don't achieve anything.

If people don't post such things, then who will? Obviously not the world media...

Alhamduillah, myself and my friends have stopped drinking soft drink from companies which support Israel.
And this was probably result of one such thread...becuase I have never read in the newspaper or news channel about it.


New Member


U know and everyone knows that what is being done is atrocious. I know we as muslims are not able to do anything to help our cause but atleast some people who want to do something about it express what they want to do in words. I see nothing wrong in that. Just imagine when the reality that is being shown to us is only so little when compared to what actually happens how can u even think of telling people to keep quiet and bear it patiently. We would only understand the pain and hatred when we go through this personally.
Iam sorry but i dont know who u r trying to please but i dont think u have the right to stop someone from expressing himself.

On a final note, i dont do this but i find it reasonable in others doing it.

I have seen many positive threads about the West & America and how it has treated Muslims fair and equal. Here are a few by brother Bluegazer:

There are inter-links inside the threads that show more positive actions of the U.S.

I just recently posted one right now as well:

We Muslims can not condemn a whole nation (i.e. or specific individuals) based on the actions of its government. We Muslims do not agree with the foreign policies and illegal occupations of the West. We can not hide in our closets. It's reality.

I hope I have not offended anyone. If I did, my apologies.


Trying 2 plz ALLAH
As Salaamu Alaykum Sister, as a Muslim and blackman in usa u find all kinds of stereotypes, even as alledged Muslims we don't always follow ISLAM, we will only invite are country men over or to have coffee with, it is hard 4 some to let go COMPLETELY and follow this Deen. Don't be thin skinned when a few go off on their rants about how these people are or how them people are. i truly believe we all do it in some manner, whether it's the beard or the leather socks or the bandanna or hijab, with HUMANS it will always be the mentality of something that i do, that you don't, that makes me better than you. We have a need to believe we are better than some other people Or as they say here " them people over there", instead of letting your actions and acts of worship show who is the better person. Insha ALLAH may ALLAH bless us ALL with the Hikma to avoid such narrow minded thoughts. Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?


Junior Member
im tired of such post zainsmommy which u have posted. i think such posts shdu be deleted as well.
there is a limit of patience, when it is reached , u know u can take the revenge.

Islam asks us to be tolerant where its required and it says bash others when its required. Its not like tolerance all the time lady. They are making mocekry of Prophet (SAW) and we saw like lamers

All the time, we muslim are being bashed every where in the world. When we say any thing against them , the posts are deleted. The ppl of us dont know wat has been happening in iraq and afgh. They just woke up, kiss their girlfriend, blah blah and they do the same at night. If there is something more they do, they go to watch baseball match. They hell dont know wat has been going on there. Their so called US Peace force is doing which they dont know and they are deliberately kept away from such things by us govt. When we try to show something here , then most of ppl say "oo OO oo", "dont do this", "be humble", "its alqaida website" etc etc. WAt the ..... .Did u ever say to non muslims who do such things? Are we the only one to be hummble all the teime? if some one slaps ur face wid out u having done ne thing, wat wud u do? be humble? and for how many times???

This site is for correction of misconceptions rathr than creating misconceptions. We have the right to angry . Its not only western citizens who can say wat they want.

And if u really dont want to see such posts, then current affairs section shud be removed.

Im really angry on this site and moderators. I have written to mabsoot as well, but his arguments were so weak that i didnt feel like posting back again.

Like many TTI users, one more gona disappear. Brother Global Peace was banned just becoz he accounted moderators for wat they are doing ? he put some examples in front of them and they banned him ?>

Zainsmommy: why dont u say this to moderator of this site? Whenever there is such an argument has been raised , they immediately delete the post. This shud be in done open court. They dont need to CIA or FBI agents who pik the ppl from their home wid out their cases going into courts.Why dont they answer openly that this post has voilated wat kind of limits? Such posts which have true content abt islam but contradict wid beleifs of moderator, are banned here. Are all the moderators scholar here on this site?


A Believer In Heart
Assalam Alakium sis,

I did the same thing i invited a nonMuslim who is mashallah learning about Islam and is trying to becom Muslim, twice becaue this website real helped me become better Muslim and figure it will help this person but i never receive any feedbacks from this person so i figure they didn't like the web. Since this person is only interest in Islam but now i am thinking it might have something to do with what you said. I will be honest i think posting this things is useless the only thing we can do is pray for them not repeat the horrble things they are going through. If you real want to help our brothers and sisters pray for them. If you can only post this things and not keep them in your pray what is the use of it. Let's make this website clean for both Mulsim and nonMuslim like this person i know who only wants to learn about Islam not the horrible things that are happening to our brothers and sisters. At the end the best we can offer is our pray.

:tti_sister:May Allah SWT keep all Muslim safe and happy. Guid, bless, and importantly protect them O'Allah! Ameen!!
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