Inside Mecca


Junior Member
MashaAllah! I've never seen such a more beautiful documentary about Hajj! National Geographic did an amazing job! So much so, that after watching this documentary, I went on the site and bought the DVD to watch it with my whole family! If you don't want to buy the DVD, you can just watch all five parts on youtube. Here's the link:

Just keep clicking to parts 2-5 at the end of each video. It takes 40-50 minutes total. Alhumdulillah, they did a very good job, i'm impressed!



i have it on my ipod, i think it's the most watched video that i have ever seen. it truly inspires you to want to perform the hajj, especially when they began reciting the talbiyah.:wasalam:


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

Inshallah i and other brothers and sisters will be able to go there one day. Inshallah. Looks amazing, Inshallah why bothering taking the coach when going to Arafat and Mina (i think), Inshallah what a walk that will be one day Inshallah.

