Ive nvr been so angry!!!!


Junior Member
they ask muslims (the socalled moderate) to come and defend their faith but then go and say smthing against it..As a Muslim, i really feel the pain of my sisters who have been made a fool of herself :(


they ask muslims (the socalled moderate) to come and defend their faith but then go and say smthing against it..As a Muslim, i really feel the pain of my sisters who have been made a fool of herself :(

Muslims are voicing out...Its crazy....
Laknatullah to the host n Spencer
May they burn in lowest pit of hell !!!
The guy looks jewish....


Junior Member
Muslims are voicing out...Its crazy....
Laknatullah to the host n Spencer
May they burn in lowest pit of hell !!!
The guy looks jewish....

hes catholic..and oh yeah this spencer guy seems to want to spread islamofascism to pple even more..may allah seal hes heart fromt he truth and increase the cancer to hes heart on muslims

Daud McGuire

Say he is one

Dont be angry just say alhumdullillah. If Allah wills something to happen he wills it, but don't question why he did. In 10 years we will look at this and think wow, the media really tried to tarnish Islam. Oh well, look at the world now, its muslim, lol


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah


To appocalypse77,
Bush is coming to our country in September ( i think)


Junior Member

Nowadays i dont even want to watch or listen to tv/radio broadcasts,,,I know all of the muslim ummah is under attack worldwide,,,So when i pray especially during the last rakaat,,:salah: :tti_sister: i seek Allah help for all of the ummah of Prophet Muhammad:saw: to forgives us all our sins,those alive and those who have left this world, blessed us with his taufiq,, hidayah and rahmat, make us strong through all this and make us steadfast in our belief till its time for us to meet him.That the best i could offer as muslimah with the least islamic knowledge, to defend it against the bias attitude of the muslim haters.
:salah: :tti_sister: May Allah swt makes us strong bros/sis and guide us to the straight path



ure from singapore??lol..i din know that..anyway thats not surprising..and i hate that


i love Singapore..bro..

Regarding the video above , who say we didnt voice out.

When the cartoons of our beloved Prophet SAW in Denmark was shown , we boycotted their products...A company where its economy was built for 20 years, within 5 days it fell in the middle east. Allahu akbar

And Alhamdulilah, Nestle was forced to say on CNN that it is not from Denmark..because i think the company was afraid it would fell likewise... lol

That is how strong the muslim community is....InshAllah we see more of this..


Junior Member
salam alaykum

dont worry brothers and sisters

u can still see 20.000 americans revert to islam everyear. elhamdulilah and that s the beauty of islam.. whatever happen it is still strong enough .


abdul Qadir

remember death

i believe in Allah our creator has spoken the truth and Muhammad :saw: has conveyed the message.....
O Allah you see what this robert spencer has done .... O Allah you are the all knower, you are the able, the mighty .... guide those who will read that book to turn to islam

O You hear us O Allah .... punish robert spencer .... punish the ethopian soldiers in somalia ... punish the oppressors in palestine, iraq, afghanistan, chechnya, kashmir


Junior Member

Dont be angry just say alhumdullillah. If Allah wills something to happen he wills it, but don't question why he did. In 10 years we will look at this and think wow, the media really tried to tarnish Islam. Oh well, look at the world now, its muslim, lol

I neednt say any more!!!!

They plan and Allah plans......who is going to win??? hmmmmmmmmm calculation calculations................


I neednt say any more!!!!

They plan and Allah plans......who is going to win??? hmmmmmmmmm calculation calculations................

Assalamualikum warahmatullah...
i agree that Allah is going to win but this guy is saying bad things about our prophet SAW. I cannot accept it...

We cannot sit back and do nothing and say god will win, no worries ( not refuting what u say, this is to prevent misuderstandings)


Junior Member

As i have siad many times, reply in a curt, assretive manner, not in an agressive "i hope he burns i hell" manner. The guy sure aint going read this and go oh look at thoe nice muslims, i think im going to join those wonderful kind patient people.

Dont give the media something to go at ever!!!!

Inshallah all these people who say bad things become muslim and the world will be a happier place...ameen

pepsi company give millions of dollar for advertising to make popular their products.

i have never seen this kind of videos in my life but why you advertised this kind of videos in this nice website.

i dont mean advertise.
i mean to bring it infront of weak muslims as i.

i have heard from a big mashaikh that if you want to ban or hide something then just dont speak about those things.
and if you want that whole world know about that things then just talk about that article.

it was the mistakes non-muslims that after 9-11 they talked a lot about islam and people cooming also in islam.
and we muslim are also doing may be this mistakes by seeing such kind of videos.



Robert Spencer used a simple phrase about Moderate Muslims. This is a reference to the Rand Report. The media is on the bandwagon in bed with the "report" that there are good and bad muslims.
They want a reaction from us. They want us to point fingers at our brohters and sisters.
It is divide and conquer.
I stop whenever there is a negative statement about the Prophet (swas). Yes, I am intolerant. It is my obligation and duty to uphold the Prophet.
Today is Jumma. I will make nafil prayer.

Brothers and sisters,

Let our blood not boil. Let us remember they are helping us to unite. Let us be grateful that we have each other to uphold our faith.


New Member
salaam i honestly think that muslims should voice their opinion. its our religion and weren't we told to change whats wrong even if its ahting it with our hearts?.. i personally haven't seen that segment but i dont think that we need to be that hard on them.
salaam and may allah give us courage to do wats right.


Junior Member
salaam i honestly think that muslims should voice their opinion. its our religion and weren't we told to change whats wrong even if its ahting it with our hearts?.. i personally haven't seen that segment but i dont think that we need to be that hard on them.
salaam and may allah give us courage to do wats right.

whats the point of voicing out to an already bias news channel who wants to clamp harder at muslims?

honetly i dont really like this idea of "moderate muslims" and "extremist muslims" islam is islam.no more no less..i can accept such views like "non-practising muslim" and "practising muslim" but NOT moderate or extremists



No-one can label the love and fear I have for Allah. Nor, as a Muslim, am I going to allow others to label my sisters or brothers. Our Prophet (swas) gave us a label : MUSLIM.