JFK- Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You .



How are you?
my brothers and sisters.
May Allah swt blessed you and your family
with the best of health~Amin!

JFK- Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You
But what You can do for the country.

Hope this words will help Mr Romney to take back his word!.
Barack Obama failed America:Say Romney
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has blasted US President Barack Obama over his failure to fulfill the pledges of change in the United States.

Romney, who eyes the Republican candidacy for US president in 2012, said in a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday that Obama has disappointed American people as he was not able to deliver on his promises of change and modification of federal spending and unemployment, AFP reported.

The multi-millionaire Republican businessman claimed that if he is elected president, he will turn the country into the biggest job creator ever.

Romney made the comments upon beginning the presidential campaign in the state of New Hampshire, an important early-voting state which is expected to hold its primary election to pick a candidate in February 2012.

During his speech, Romney said that, by electing Obama, Americans gave a chance to a newcomer nobody knew anything about before, but the president could not live up to his vows.

"Barack Obama has failed America," Romney said to the audience.

Romney's Thursday announcement marks the second time he will be running for the Republican nomination.

He even lost the party's 2008 nomination race to Arizona Senator John McCain and has spent the four intervening years building support within the party and preparing for the 2012 presidential election.

According to political analysts, Romney's biggest problem is that as governor of Massachusetts, he introduced a type of compulsory health insurance which looks very similar to Obama's health insurance policies, also loathed by most Republicans.

JFK- Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You
~So please respect Mr President and prove what you can do first.

~May Allah swt help and guide us~Amin!
Thank you for reading.
Take Care!
~Wassalam :)



JFK got assassinated by Illuminati


Very True!
JFK died in respect
as an American hero.
Leaving a Super educative quote!

....some people got assassinate too
and they not even a president.

Thank you for reading.
Take care!


Lil' Muslimah

I forgot to add a comment to what you posted lol I sounded so random looking at my comment now!

Yup he was in my eyes the best president but I hate how the Illuminati are trying to plan everything as if they rule the world - because of their "new world order" they take us for fools easily.

JFK was in for justice .. Too bad he wasn't Muslim and Allah knows best for all these matters.
I don't know what to say about Obama it's kind of two-faced... He used to stick up for muslims but I think now he's trapped in the Illuminati and they force him to go with what they say only. sad... Allahu A'laam


Junior Member
SubhânAllâh are you serious? We should hope for them to kill each other rather than to respect one another. Or did I understand you wrong?

There's a hadîth in Tirmidhi which says we should even ask Allâh for help to tie our shoelaces.. and even ask Allâh for salt if we cant reach it or something - this was not the best quote but I think you got me.

Im saying we shouldnt wait for help by a kâfir. He has never helped islâm, I remember when he wanted to invade Pakistan. They the democrats even talked about Madrassas in Pakistan being the threat not Iran. SubhânAllâh we wont get any victory by waiting for a kafir.

Let's pray Salât correctly and follow the conditons of getting our dua correct i.e if we eat haram our dua wont be answered!



I forgot to add a comment to what you posted lol I sounded so random looking at my comment now!

Yup he was in my eyes the best president but I hate how the Illuminati are trying to plan everything as if they rule the world - because of their "new world order" they take us for fools easily.

JFK was in for justice .. Too bad he wasn't Muslim and Allah knows best for all these matters.
I don't know what to say about Obama it's kind of two-faced... He used to stick up for muslims but I think now he's trapped in the Illuminati and they force him to go with what they say only. sad... Allahu A'laam


Thank you
for your futher comment.

who are we to decide what in the heart
of other people that
Allah swt Knows Best!

~May Allah swt help and guide us all~Amin!

Take care!
~Wassalam .


SubhânAllâh are you serious? We should hope for them to kill each other rather than to respect one another. Or did I understand you wrong?

There's a hadîth in Tirmidhi which says we should even ask Allâh for help to tie our shoelaces.. and even ask Allâh for salt if we cant reach it or something - this was not the best quote but I think you got me.

Im saying we shouldnt wait for help by a kâfir. He has never helped islâm, I remember when he wanted to invade Pakistan. They the democrats even talked about Madrassas in Pakistan being the threat not Iran. SubhânAllâh we wont get any victory by waiting for a kafir.

Let's pray Salât correctly and follow the conditons of getting our dua correct i.e if we eat haram our dua wont be answered!

Thank you
for reading brother.

Here for American's muslim
we see Mr Obama compared
to that Romney,
I think the better of Mr Obama.

~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take care!
~Wassalam :)


:salam: sister. We can NOT respect someone like Obama, who has MURDERED hundreds and thousands of Muslims.


Thank you for reading

I think you have mistaken
Obama for Bush.
Here are two difference person.

Take care!


Junior Member
:salam2: I year ago i studied the presidents very intencivly, and there was one speech that jfk gave that warned of a secret militia force. He was a better president. I hoped he beleived in god only allah (swt) knows this world


:salam2: I year ago i studied the presidents very intencivly, and there was one speech that jfk gave that warned of a secret militia force. He was a better president. I hoped he beleived in god only allah (swt) knows this world


JFK was a roman catholic .
The world was saddened at his early passing.
Especially he was a very good President.

Thank you for reading,
Take care!