People are afraid of what they don't know?


An Akhu
Asslam'u Alikum brothers & sisters,

I have recently seen this video: Muslim Demographics, uploaded by some so-called Muslims' friend YT user.

Have you seen the video? It has got many views in relatively short period of time. Liked it, or loved it? There are two things mainly I want to hear your views on:
  • Do you think that Christians are afraid of what they do not know? I say it cos of the fact that Media has done them making them believe that under Sharia Law they won’t have any freedom or good and peaceful lives, and let's not forget they were already ready to believe that Islam was evil and so on.
  • Surprisingly, I have seen this video in some of my YouTube friends' Favourites. I can't see any reason why one would like this video being a Muslim. Do you think that these people are so excited about, ambiguous, Muslim population statistics that they unintentionally overlook the last words (i.e. is the message to Christendom) in the video?!

If you haven't already, watch the video now. Patiently waiting to read your thoughts on this,


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
  • Surprisingly, I have seen this video in some of my YouTube friends' Favourites. I can't see any reason why one would like this video being a Muslim. Do you think that these people are so excited about, ambiguous, Muslim population statistics that they unintentionally overlook the last words (i.e. is the message to Christendom) in the video?!


I too was excited a bit after watching it the first time.. I mean France being a Muslim republic in some years(30 or whatever).. thats awesome .. haha.

Then it slowly sunk in that its made by BNP who are white fascist and they must have done exaggerated the statistics to make it look like a crisis of immigration etc.

I was really curious after watching the video about the actual statistics (if they can be verified somehow) about the Total Fertility rate.

The last bit of it was hilarious to say the least. But I wasnt surprised by the message to be honest.


An Akhu

I too was excited a bit after watching it the first time.. I mean France being a Muslim republic in some years(30 or whatever).. thats awesome .. haha.

Then it slowly sunk in that its made by BNP who are white fascist and they must have done exaggerated the statistics to make it look like a crisis of immigration etc.

I was really curious after watching the video about the actual statistics (if they can be verified somehow) about the Total Fertility rate.

The last bit of it was hilarious to say the least. But I wasnt surprised by the message to be honest.
Wa'alikum Salaam,

Yep, the video claims that it'll be a Muslim Republic in about 50 yrs. It's great to hear, and if it happens - great. But, the statistics are exaggerated, and no wonder why there are NOT a single reference is given.
I think it was America, where it claims there are like 9 million Muslim when there are about six million Muslim. Quite a big difference!


Yea in the begining it seems so nice Europe becomes an Islamic continent but later it seems like a work of pure exaggeration and no truth so there is no purpose to like the video.