Question concerning dogs


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Assalamua'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I once read the virtue on why we are asked to clean with seven times with water, one of which should be with soil - is in order to COMPLETELY let the naajis be washed of. Sometimes, when we wash something even with lots of water and using the most effective soap, the smell, the taste and colour still could exists. Thus, for a dog's liquid to be completely wiped off, one time soil + six time water is needed.

A related thread regarding cats and dogs :

Allaah knows best.



@brother Korai & sister Asiya

This issue was raised in our masjid during a discussion on purity (taharah). And our imam said the following :-

As for those who say that say its saliva is an impurity, does it have to be washed with dirt.

The Hanbali school states that it can be washed with soap instead, since it leads to cleansing. However, the text says dirt.

However, Ibn Daqeeq al Eid says: There can be no qiyaas when we have a clear text (tasreeh).

And using dirt and water is emphatic, since they are the two pure things.
Also, Ibn Daqeeq stated that if a derived principle contradicts the original
principle, it is invalidated.

Therefore to be on the safe side, I would stick to dirt. Perhaps someone needs to enlighten us a bit more on the Hanbali view, before we can make our mind over it.

And Allah knows best.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi