Questions about enemies


Fixing da foundation
Assalamulaikum sister,
I knew there was something sincere and sparkly about you :D
(lol I hope that makes sense)
Well congratulations :) and take it easy... thats the important thing, don't overload or you'll pop.



Junior Member
Please. Have some faith.
I suggest you not make sweeping statements like that.
I don't understand why you have to be angry.

Have love for your friend unto a limit for it is possible he may turn into your enemy some day; and hate your enemy unto a limit for it is possible he may turn into your friend some day.
Saying of Saiyidina `Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) in NB-551 no. 263

Who wrote that? And what's the numbers and NB?



Junior Member

Please scrap what I wrote. It may be beautiful but it was gotten from a controversial shia book (I say controversial cos some say theres a sunni who authenticised the saying). Oh well better be safe then sorry.


Junior Member
Salam :),

Thank you Ayman1, for taking the time to reply. May Allah forgive me if I caused confusion or upset anyone's heart! I am very happy that we better understand each other. :)

BinteShafi & Ali, thank you so much for the warm welcome. Allah U Akbr! I am a bit unconfortable to start a thread and bring attention to myself...I hope you understand. But, I have changed my profile to say 'Islam' as my relgion. :)

Walaikumasalam (can't wait to be able to spell this without copy/paste or looking at my notebook) Lol. :)