Questions that bug Muslims


Are there any questions that Muslims get asked that really bug you? This is your chance to post and answer them and to educate me in the process. For example perhaps you are sick of being asked about terrorism or about the veil. Go on there must be some:)
its not that british are offensive. they are better than their european counterparts. they are just annoying with SOME questions.

one is that the mentality that all muslims are arabs. which is so wrong.

the other is that islam is over-taking our culture.

i say to the british go to Turkey, Egypt and Indonesia. 3 muslim countries. 3 different cultures. 1 religion.

there is your proof that islam is a belief in one God and His messenger. its not a culture thing.


Praise be to Allah!
There is no question that really bugs us, because we know we hold on to the truth, and not just one bit, but the whole of Islam is the truth and is the best way of life. The thing we usually hate is when people ask questions, and after you answer them, they start accusing muslims of things even after clearing out their misconceptions. Well this is what gets to my head. No matter how much you explain to some people, they have this label "I am Ignorant" on their forehead. Bah!


its not that british are offensive. they are better than their european counterparts. they are just annoying with SOME questions.

one is that the mentality that all muslims are arabs. which is so wrong.

the other is that islam is over-taking our culture.

i say to the british go to Turkey, Egypt and Indonesia. 3 muslim countries. 3 different cultures. 1 religion.

there is your proof that islam is a belief in one God and His messenger. its not a culture thing.

I know that there have been muslim is the UK for centuries but it really has onl been in the last few years that the religon seems to be more "out" as it were. More women are veild than they were a while back.

I can undertsand the misconceprion that Muslim=arab as it seems that the UK press just seem to feature Musilms from Arab countries. In th grand scheme of things there could be worse things to get confused with.

Are you from the UK?


There is no question that really bugs us, because we know we hold on to the truth, and not just one bit, but the whole of Islam is the truth and is the best way of life. The thing we usually hate is when people ask questions, and after you answer them, they start accusing muslims of things even after clearing out their misconceptions. Well this is what gets to my head. No matter how much you explain to some people, they have this label "I am Ignorant" on their forehead. Bah!

Some people just like to think they are right even if the evidence is staring them in the face. We have a name for those type of people in Scotland, we call them "Numpties" lol


Praise be to Allah!
Some people just like to think they are right even if the evidence is staring them in the face. We have a name for those type of people in Scotland, we call them "Numpties" lol

Sounds like humpty dumpty, but yeah thats the one, Numpties...
yep ! that i am luv! but i aint no highlander. me comes from down south, the place of oxford and cambridge, the abode of the intelligent. home of the posh plonkers.


Junior Member
when your country seperate Ireland its ok,when your country invade weak countries and bring new slaves to the island thats ok,when your country start war for energy roots thats ok?
the world's biggest terrorists ever been England,Us and Israel,if you can see logical


when your country seperate Ireland its ok,when your country invade weak countries and bring new slaves to the island thats ok,when your country start war for energy roots thats ok?
the world's biggest terrorists ever been England,Us and Israel,if you can see logical

Yeah cause Italy has never put a foot wrong ever *cough "Mussollini"Cough*


yep ! that i am luv! but i aint no highlander. me comes from down south, the place of oxford and cambridge, the abode of the intelligent. home of the posh plonkers.

I would love to visit cambridge and Oxford, them seem so pretty on the telly. Pity about all the darn English people though lol


New Member
questions that alot of non muslims put forth are why do u pray five times a day ?, y do u fast for 30days in ramdan , and this one it comes alot of time why muslim men marry more then once ? and alot more ...

ahmad al magtani

Kulo Nuwun

people ask because they dont know or understand,so there is no reason to bug me....,you ask i answer as far I know. end of statement


I'm white British, I reverted to Islaam.

Once at work I got asked "So, like you know the bit where you had to tick Ethnic Origin, well we all put 'White British', what did you tick? 'Cus like, you changed your culture innit?"

Oh dear (shakes head).


aka Tree2008
:hijabi:As salamo alaikome....

I get asked alot of questions from people who knew me before I became Muslim so now they are very curious about the changes they are seeing in me. Most of the questions I am getting are why the 5 times a day prayer, why do I need to wear hijab, is Islam really associated with terrorists and arent Muslim women degraded and treated badly????

These questions are because Islam is very misunderstood here in America but I know why they are asking me so it doesnt bother me when they ask. I just do my best to answer their questions and if they ever ask me something Im not sure about I will just tell them I have to get the answer because I am new in Islam and still learning about everything myself......that hasnt happened to me yet but I am prepared just in case it does!!!! :hijabi:


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum,

why the need for this thread? There are no questions which bug us. Where are the moderators?

And asked by a non Muslim too. I see no purpose in this thread here, it is not a "learning process".


Assalamu alaykum,

why the need for this thread? There are no questions which bug us. Where are the moderators?

And asked by a non Muslim too. I see no purpose in this thread here, it is not a "learning process".

Wa'alaykum as-salaam sister,

A non-Muslim is asking a simple question, there is no harm in it.
And yes there are questions which bug us, lol, ALOT of questions, just like every other human being (we do have feelings you know!)


Junior Member
the questions you said: they dont bug us at all. cause we know the truth . you are just so ignorant. so study first and then come asking questions. i don't see you have a true heart to come this site.


aka Tree2008
As salamo alaikome......

I am a new Muslimah so please forgive me if I overstep my boundaries here by saying some of the comments here have shocked me! Are we not Muslims? Does it matter that the person asking this question is a NON Muslim??? More importantly should we not be showing the side of Islam that is more tolerant of these questions being asked by non Muslims???? I must say to call someone ignorant is a bit harsh in my opinion. Why not simply answer the question being asked and forgive the inquiry if it offends you? If you are not able to forgive the inquiry at least ignore it??????

May Allah forgive me if I have said something wrong.


Junior Member
first of all, sister i know what you mean. the person who is attcking one after another she joined TTI yesterday telling she is interested in islam. and today she started to make dawa of shatanism, she isn't interested about islam at all .and this thread is just to attack us , isn't it? and if she is a follower of a shatan and trying to misguide us shouldn't we say " auzubillahi minash shaitanir rajim"? anyway, sorry and forgive me if i hurt you or said something wrong.