Qur'an taught in Schools


Junior Member

All praise is to Allah for your input! You were so FORTUNATE to have this opportunity in school to learn this.

Thank you for sharing this. Do you recall the name of the World History Class name of the textbook?...or were these subjects brought into the classroom for a broad exposure to these religions?


We never used a specific textbook for our religions unit. We had handouts from various texts and copies directly from the Bible and Qur'an and some lectures.

Someone already pointed out that many schools a required to teach religion in the context of history and geography, etc. This is true, from what I've seen. A world religions unit is required at many schools and usually includes Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Although I think my teacher went a stop above what was required by having us read from the Bible and Qur'an. I don't think any of the other World History teachers did this in my school.


US = An Islamic State? How?

Asslamo Allaikum,

All you need is a preamble in the US constitution (or any other country for that matter):

1) Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone but He has delegated it to the United States of America through its people for being exercised within the limits prescribed by Him as a sacred trust

2) No law or injunction in this land shall be formulated repugnant to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah

3) All who submit to the sovereignity of Allah alone shall enjoy full citizenship of this country and accorded all rights thereof without distinction of colour, origin, or gender (etc.)

4) All who choose not to submit to the sovereignity of Allah alone shall be regarded as protected minorities and shall enjoy full freedom in the practise of the religion and their places of worship shall be declared sacred, sanctified. They will also enjoy full all rights accorded to regular citizens without distinction of colour, origin, or gender (etc.) with the exception of:

a) They shall not be allowed to head the Executive, Legislative or the Judicial bodies.
b) They shall not be allowed membership of the Legislative body.

5) The preamble shall be binding and superior to the rest of the consitution.

6) No article or regulation shall be legally binding if proven to be in contradiction to the Preamble.

Job done!

P.S: Can someone please spell & grammar check and send it to the Congress? :SMILY335: