Separation of women


Islam is a way of life
Yup. It's because they want to guarantee criminals, including those in the government, that their victims will be disarmed.

Read up on Nazi Germany. Before they implemented their 'final solution', they passed laws disarming the Jews. Gun control is a necessary prerequisite to tyranny and genocide.

Just because America is full of gun toting psychopaths doesnt mean the whole world is.

So making people helpless before whatever criminal chooses to attack them is sane?

I'll tell you what dear, if you are ever attacked by a psychopath, you call the police. Assuming the psychopath gives you a chance to make the call, the police will travel at about 60 mph, or about 80 feet per second, tops, from a distance that may be several miles away.

I'll take my chances with my gun, and a bullet that travels twenty times that speed, 1600 feet per second, from a distance of 20 feet away or less.

Oh, I do hope you don't have any children in the house with you. It's unlikely that someone would attack you and let your children live, but I suppose the desire to actually *effectively* protect your children, rather than merely give lip service to the notion, is also psychopathic.

Please dont call me pet names, I find it degrading.

The reason those countries have made it pretty much illegal to have a gun is because if the ordinary citizen is unarmed - the robber or assailent wont feel the need to go packing an AK-47 to top their victim. Also, with guns being almost illegal - they have a good gun regulation system. In America, you can buy a gun for cash and have no idea what's been done with it. Where my husband lives (UK) the biggest violent crimes with a weapon are knife crimes and even then they have a low mortality rate.

Also, armed with KNOWLEDGE you can kill your assailant with something as simple as a pencil or pen.

And now we've gone off on a tangent and I feel bad for hijacking the thread.


How did this thread ever divert to psychopaths and gun control? Septithol, you don't understand that we *love* gender separation. It helps us women be at ease and be free to talk however we want to talk with each other, without having to worry about proper etiquette in front of nonmahram males. In front of nonmahram males, we have to be formal. However we can openly have informal discussions with our women. Have you ever stepped inside the Sisters Only section here? You'll see what we mean.

UMMM..I blame myself dearest sister. I'm sorry.
Funny because I was trying to protect the thread from turning into a "why cant women drive in Saudi" thread ;)


Tabasumm wrote: See, that's another thing I don't understand. Why the need to live in so much paranoia? I've never in all my life wished to own a gun to protect myself, because I've never found myself in any situation where I was with someone I didn't trust.

Do you believe in owning a fire extinguisher, or that businesses should own a fire extinguisher? Even if there has never been a fire there? Same principal, I hope to never need to use either a gun or a fire extinguisher, but it is better to have one, and never to need it, than to come on a day when you need it, but don't have it.

As for paranoia, from my point of view, being afraid to let a woman associate with other men strikes me as highly paranoid in it's own way.

Yes, why would you marry someone who you couldn't trust, whose integrity you'd doubt? That's another matter entirely - but in my own personal opinion, a person who fears Allah above all else, can be trusted above all else.

Well, that is your standard, and perhaps that is right for you. My own standard is that someone who cannot be trusted with a gun, or to associate with other people, flat out can't be trusted, so I wouldn't marry them. And if they wouldn't trust ME with a gun, or to associate with other people, then they don't trust me, which I would find to be highly insulting, so again, I wouldn't marry them.

And that's usually the basis of Islamic marriages. Muslim families are much more stable than Western ones, and its because they're based on Islamic values which both the husband and the wife follow.

That's one possible reason for their being less divorce in Islamic countries. There are, however, other possible reasons.


Assalaam walaikum,

This is about the benefit of following the Path. If we follow the Path it is simple. We are in the company of the ones we trust. That does not make us stupid. We stay away from those who we do not trust. We become strong in our numbers.

I do not wish to discuss guns. What does separation have to do with guns? Could someone explain to me, please?


Smile for Allah

I don't understand what guns have to do with this topic either, but Septithol seems to be under the impression that women can only ever be safe if they have guns. I highly disagree with this.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Islam is simple. It believes in simple and harmless but effective precaution. As it goes:

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

You prevent fire from reaching your skirt you save yourself from severe burns. You allow guns, they may easily be misused. That's inviting more trouble. Better than shooting at a man, is that you don't stay alone with a man, or dress immodestly in front of him so he's temped, or invite him at your place.

But if you are going to do all that. Well, may be you should go around with more than just a gun. Who knows, your gun may get stuck, you may get short of bullets, or it may be knocked out of your hand before you shoot.

You see when you talk about possibilities and "mays" and "ifs" anything becomes possible.

We accept what Allaah has ordained for us without a question. We do not debate it's validity. I shall ask you not to do that with our religion when you intend not to learn.

You carry a gun and let us discuss our affairs ourselves Inshaa'Allaah.



Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum: Septithol.

I will just tell you a simple thing. You feel segregation on behalf of genders is an oppression. Okay,just get a poll on TTI and get a statics that how many of our sisters on TTI feel oppressed for this issue. I am sure,InshaAllah,none of our sisters will vote against gender segregation.



sachin4islam wrote:

I will just tell you a simple thing. You feel segregation on behalf of genders is an oppression. Okay,just get a poll on TTI and get a statics that how many of our sisters on TTI feel oppressed for this issue. I am sure,InshaAllah,none of our sisters will vote against gender segregation.

Hmm, first of all, in order to have a truly valid 'poll' you'd have to have a survey of all the women in the world. Secondly, there's a number of explanations for someone answering that segregration is not oppression, including:

1. Fear of violence or not fitting in if they answer otherwise.
2. If they've never experienced anything else, they've no basis for comparison.
3. They've gotten used to it. If you're a prisoner long enough, freedom becomes frightening. There are numerous cases of prisoners who, after being in jail for years, when released, will commit a stupid crime and get caught on purpose, so they can go back to jail.


Assalaam walaikum,

Brothers and sisters, why are we wasting our time discussing nothing with this person.

Septithol...I am through. You have taught me not to waste my time. Now, I know you will write a response in which you will say I could not keep up with your wits or intellect. And thus you have fulfilled your desire.

Your base is wrong and assumptions are wrong. You live in world defined by your narrow and guarded worldview. And you are never wrong.

I walk away from you.


Aapa wrote: Your base is wrong and assumptions are wrong. You live in world defined by your narrow and guarded worldview. And you are never wrong.

That's very interesting. This is the second time you've said that to me. But what I find interesting about it, is that I've been told that very same thing before.

Though not by you.

I was told that by a man who from what I could tell, has as his goals firstly making Muslims look as bad as possible, and secondly, killing all of them. I didn't much agree with those goals, or much else that he had to say, so he told me that very thing that you have.


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

Brothers and sisters, why are we wasting our time discussing nothing with this person.

Septithol...I am through. You have taught me not to waste my time. Now, I know you will write a response in which you will say I could not keep up with your wits or intellect. And thus you have fulfilled your desire.

Your base is wrong and assumptions are wrong. You live in world defined by your narrow and guarded worldview. And you are never wrong.

I walk away from you.

Assalamu Alaikum: Respected Sis.

I contemplate,when we discuss centralizing Deen,none of our discussions are futile or wastage of time. It is beauty of Deen of Allah and a proof for its Divinity that a very cool,minor and apparently not comprehensive statement or discussion,may sometimes guide someone to Deen of Allah.



Assalaam walaikum,

In that case brother help me explain to someone with no understanding that our wish to follow our faith, a very private choice, does not oppress us. That it is liberating to us.

We do not feel left out of the boys club. We do not want what the boys have because we are not boys.


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

In that case brother help me explain to someone with no understanding that our wish to follow our faith, a very private choice, does not oppress us. That it is liberating to us.

We do not feel left out of the boys club. We do not want what the boys have because we are not boys.

Walikum Assalam: Sis.

It took me a journey of twelve years to stand at this point that I may speak out few words to support my faith and my sisters.

The person in question hasn't yet broken the cocoon. She must be first liberated from the shell. It is our task of duty. We will,InshaAllah carry it to highest permissible extent, but when we realize the person has gone dumb,it is end to our duty.



Assalaam walaikum,

InshaAllah, brother, InshaAllah.

And may Allah illuminate your Path with ease.


Junior Member
Assalam aleikum

Passing this question here and hope to find some answers.
The husband to a friend of mine wants a divorce. They have only been married a few months. The reason he wants a divorce is because he is not satisfy with her job as a housewife. (to be fare: she does all she is supposed to, takes care of the kids etc and he is not working).

And I who tought it was not that simple to divorce in Islam.
What are her rights now and is there anything she can do to prevent this from happining?

Salam dear brother and sisters


Junior Member
Assalam aleikum

Passing this question here and hope to find some answers.
The husband to a friend of mine wants a divorce. They have only been married a few months. The reason he wants a divorce is because he is not satisfy with her job as a housewife. (to be fare: she does all she is supposed to, takes care of the kids etc and he is not working).

And I who tought it was not that simple to divorce in Islam.
What are her rights now and is there anything she can do to prevent this from happining?

Salam dear brother and sisters

If they've only been married for a few months, then how can they have kids?