showing the gender below avatar.


assalam alaikum warahmathullah wabarakaath sisters and brothers.pls give your suggestion on this.
To all the mods and admins.I think it will be a good idea to place the gender below the user name so that it will be very much easier for us to know if we are talking to a sis/bro. Everytime when we are replying to somone's post, we have to got to his/her profile and then see if he/she is a male or female. This takes time when we have to repeat it although seeing one does not. Also there are so much apologies going on in all the threads because of this.So can you please show the gender of the use also.
wa alaikumussalam warahmathullahi wabarakaath.


This has been suggested a hundred times already, so I think it's impossible to do or the admins would have done it by now.

You can change your theme to Facebook and the gender will show then. Or, if you have posted enough, you can look up gender in a person's profile.

:salam2:, so does the admin gave us a reason not to do this,except that people MAY use it in wrong way?,i guess that will be the reason, and ya, atleast the sisters and brothers here are very good in khulg insha ALLAH.
even now also we can go to profile and see the gender, the only difference is it takes time, so what harm can it do by making this a bit easier?
well,, about the facebook theme, I tried it, but that is damn boring theme.I love this theme.