The benefits of drinking camel urine



The hadeeth referred to by the questioner is a saheeh hadeeth, in which it says that some people came to Madeenah and fell sick. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told them to drink the milk and urine of camels, and they recovered and grew fat. In the story it also says that they apostatized and killed the camel-herder, then the Muslims caught them and executed them. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2855) and Muslim (1671).

I am afraid I could not find "the Hadith Ref u gave us"... I donwloaded that software from But I am gonna check with my Big brother since he is an Aleem... til den I cann't say anything....

Allah knows Best..

umm hussain

Junior Member
A comment from sister Nicole Woods, an American young sister who embraced Islam; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with her: "I just wanted to share the news with you that in products such as tylenol or asparine (not sure which but u can check the labels), there is an ingredient called PREMARIN. Biology majors here tell me that the name stands for PREgnant MARe urIN. Of course, no one would put unprocessed urine into medication... i'm sure it's boiled or pasteurized or something. But the ingredient is used very much in the way the prophet (peace be upon him) suggested using camel urine.. such as for headaches. oh, well, i'm sure to you it sounds disgusting... think of it next time u reach for tylenol or asparine *wink*"

Further from a Muslimah, who works in the Medical field as a Mammographer; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with her: "Estrogen product called PREMARIN is given to postmenopausal Women. This PREMARIN is extracted from HORSE URINE. The Estrogen product is hormones given to women."

Premarin® stands for Pregnant Mares' Urine (PREgnant MARes' urINe)

Premarin (including Prempro, Premphase, Prempac, and Premelle) is a drug made up of conjugated estrogens obtained from the urine of pregnant mares -- put out in many forms (pills, creams, injections, patches, vaginal rings) and is used to reduce the symptoms of menopause in women or women who have had a hysterectomy. It is also prescribed to nearly eliminate the risk of osteoporosis (the brittling of bones) and reduce the chance of heart disease in women over 50."


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As-salaamu `alaykum

The saheeh ahaadeeth found in al-Bukhaaree and Muslim indicate that it is clearly permitted and even beneficial for the treatment of some conditions. When a hadeeth is saheeh, we accept it with no resistance. Medical research has also alluded to the benefits of camels urine, when used as a medicine.

It sounds disgusting at first (it strikes us all first time round), but consider the following. In fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), the excretions of domestic animals which we are permitted to eat, are consided taahir or pure/clean to some scholars. In other words, they're not considered an impurity and hence, they're not treated in the same way as the excretions of for example, a dog or human, would be treated...


Travelling towards my grave.
:salam2: No it is in the hadith our Rasool SAW said that camel is an animal of the jinn

assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

It will be great if I know that Hadith. Hope you will provide me sister.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh