Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah
To all the brothers and sisters who requested an Urdu section, we ask you to be patient for the time being. We have not neglected this suggestion, and it will be established at one point inshaAllaah. However, currently we are planning on undergoing other changes to the site as well, and until they are more stablized we cannot add any other language sections to the website. Although it is true we have brother Abu Baseer as part of the Mod Team now alhamdulillah, our hands are still quite full and we don't have the ability to add anything at the current moment.
May Allaah reward you all for your good intentions and desire to spread good. Please make du'aa that we may be able to improve the site and meanwhile we ask you to direct your attentions to what we do have and continue to make contributions.