wake up muslim


New Member

Wake up oh muslim wake up, wake up
You are sleeping in day light, wake up.

Being in sheeps you too became sheep
a tiger should not be in sheeps, wake up.

Don't you see, hear and understand
the problems of your brothers, wake up.

This life is a dream and you are like puppet
before you wake up after death, please wake up.

Every day five times Allah calls you to meet
you are rejecting the call of the king, wake up.

Allah loves you more than anything in this world
look at your mother, you will understand, wake up.

wake up my dear brother wakeup
you dont know, this may be your last second, wake up.



muslim sis
asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!
jazakallah kheir for sharing:muslim_child:


Muslim Unity...
:ma: really nice poem
jazakallah for sharin
i like the last line itz soooooo true
"you dont know, this may be your last second, wake up."
May Allah bless u n giv u Jannatul ferdous
take care