Was Jesus a Muslim or a Jew?


Junior Member
Was Jesus a Muslim or a Jew? I thought that all of the prophets were Muslims but I've read several places that he was a Jew. I'm confused!!


Junior Member

A Muslim is some one who Submits his Will to God. This Is What Jesus(pbuh) Did and Taught.

The name Jew (according to the Bible) is not a reflection of "an organized religion" as you put it, but a Tribe, a fore name, an ancestor branch off of a large family tree.

Jesus(pbuh) may have been a Jew by birth right, but a Muslim by Faith.


Junior Member

A Muslim is some one who Submits his Will to God. This Is What Jesus(pbuh) Did and Taught.

The name Jew (according to the Bible) is not a reflection of "an organized religion" as you put it, but a Tribe, a fore name, an ancestor branch off of a large family tree.

Jesus(pbuh) may have been a Jew by birth right, but a Muslim by Faith.

he PBUH is the decendant of Abraham Ishac/Isaac Harun, All refered to as jews like reference to whether a person is Arab; decendants of Ismael son of Abraham. Like the brother said you beleif and submission to Allah classifies you as muslim.

Yusuf_pal, very good may Allah preserve and increase you with knowledge.



Junior Member
Of course all prophets are Muslims.

Allah sent them (prophet Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Jesus/Isa, Muhammad may peace be upon them all) with ONE SAME MISSION: to worship Allah alone and not to associate any partners in worshipping HIM.


Junior Member
Was Jesus a Muslim or a Jew? I thought that all of the prophets were Muslims but I've read several places that he was a Jew. I'm confused!!

Salaam Aleykom,

Jesus Christ (as) like all of the prophets and messengers of God were Muslims. In Islamic context, it means "one who totally submits to the will of God". When we say Jews, it doesn't mean that he wasn't a Muslim anymore. "Jew' is simply a nickname which derives from "Judah" (Yehuda) and he was one of the 12 sons of the Prophet Isaac (as). So, all of the descendants of the tribe of Judah were originally called "Jews". However, the name, later came to be used for all of the Children of Israel. One has to always keep in mind that the children of Israel have been called different name in different times. For example, in the time of Moses (as) they weren't known as "Jews' because the nickname wasn't adopted until centuries after him. When we say Jew, that don't mean that Jesus (as) wasn't a Muslim (one who submits to God). Regardless of what names they are called by their so called followers, no one can dispute that Jesus, Moses and all of the prophets followed and called their people to a religion which requires to totally submit to the will of God.

Another example. Whenever a prophet was sent to a particular people, those who listened to him became Muslims (those who submit to God). So there were Muslims in every age and in every community. One has to also keep in mind that "Islam" is an Arabic term and not everyone spoke Arabic. During the time of the final Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh) and until the last day, those who follow him are Muslims and the name of this religion/way of life is Islam. From the very first human and prophet, Adam, the deen was always Islam (submission to God) and those who did so were Muslim (one who submits to God). so regardless of what the Jews or Christians call themselves, the prophets were Muslim and their general message was one and the same. Even, the sun, moon, plants, mountains, animals, planet and everything else are Muslim because they are also in submission to the Creator. Now, when it comes to humans, we have a choice to submit voluntarily or reject be losers.

One has to understand the meaning of "Muslim" and "Islam" then there won't be no confusion inshaAllah. I get angry Christians all the time who ask me how can Jesus have been a Muslim when there was no such thing in his time? The answer is simple. I ask them 'was Jesus not a servant of God and did he not call his followers to worship God, submit to him?" They answer "yes" so I say "if you translate this into Arabic, it becomes Muslims and Islam". They may not like the answer after that, but that is their choice. It is a fact that Jesus did not call him himself a "Christian" because there was no such word. The prophets Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Yusef, and all the others who were descendants of Isaac were no doubt "children of Israel" and all of the pious Israelites were Muslim by deen.

Sorry for making too long but I hope it helped you inshaAllah.


Qëndrim Ismajli
Was Jesus a Muslim or a Jew? I thought that all of the prophets were Muslims but I've read several places that he was a Jew. I'm confused!!
Selam alejkum
Of course that Isa a.s was a muslim.His name is in Kur'an.It takes to write a lot about Isa a.s , but I think it will be better you to ask any imam for this and he InshALL-LLAH will explain all about Isa a.s .Also you can read Kur'an and other books of islam scholars and you can find the answer.
Selam alejkum


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

All messengers and prophets of Allah were muslims.