what is rape?


Junior Member
* well it seems like many like to quote the statistics of rape here in the US, but rape, prostitution, child sex slaves, and P*** is very high in other places not just the western world. looking at the opinions of some, people think rape occurs when someone sees a hot girl or that they are not married and have no one to have sex. but those who rape actually have psychological problems, and yes there are a lot of people in the US that has psych problems that go untreated (so the bottom portion i copied from a website)

Rape is forced, unwanted sexual intercourse. Rape, sometimes also called sexual assault, can happen to both men and women of any age.

Rape is about power, not sex. A rapist uses actual force or violence — or the threat of it — to take control over another human being. Some rapists use drugs to take away a person's ability to fight back. Rape is a crime, whether the person committing it is a stranger, a date, an acquaintance, or a family member.

No matter how it happened, rape is frightening and traumatizing. People who have been raped need care, comfort, and a way to heal.

What Should I Do?
What's the right thing to do if you've been raped? Take care of yourself in the best way for you. For some people, that means reporting the crime immediately and fighting to see the rapist brought to justice. For others it means seeking medical or emotional care without reporting the rape as a crime. Every person is different.

There are three things that everyone who has been raped should do, though:

Know that the rape wasn't your fault.
Seek medical care.
Deal with your feelings.
It's Not Your Fault
Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault. No one has the right to have sex with you against your will. The blame for a rape lies solely with the rapist.

Sometimes a rapist will try to exert even more power by making the person who's been raped feel like it was actually his or her fault. A rapist may say stuff like, "You asked for it" or "You wanted it." This is just another way for the rapist to take control. The truth is that what a person wears, what a person says, or how a person acts is never a justification for rape.

Most people who are raped know their rapists. That can sometimes lead the person who's been raped to try to protect the perpetrator. Make protecting yourself your priority; don't worry about protecting the person who raped you. If you want to report the crime, do so. If you don't feel comfortable reporting it, though, you don't have to. Do whatever helps you feel safe and heal — without blaming yourself.

Seek Medical Care
The first thing someone who has been raped needs to do is see a medical doctor. Most medical centers and hospital emergency departments have doctors and counselors who have been trained to take care of someone who has been raped. It's important to get medical care because a doctor will need to check you for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and internal injuries.

Most areas have local rape hotlines listed in the phone book that can give you advice about where to go for medical help. You may want to have a friend or family member go along for support, especially if you're feeling upset and unsafe. Some rape crisis centers also provide advocates who can go along with you. You can also call the national sexual assault hotline at (800) 656-HOPE.

If you are under 18 and don't want your parents to know about the rape, ask the rape crisis center about the laws in your area. Many jurisdictions treat rape exams confidentially, but some will require that a parent or guardian be notified.

You should get medical attention right away without changing your clothes, showering, douching, or washing. It can be hard not to clean up, of course — it's a natural human instinct to wash away all traces of a sexual assault. But being examined right away is the best way to ensure you get proper medical treatment.

Immediate medical attention also helps when people decide to report the crime, providing evidence needed to prosecute the rapist if a criminal case is pursued. If you've been raped and think you don't want to report it, you could change your mind later — this often happens — and having the results of a medical exam can help you do this. (There are laws, known as statutes of limitations, that give a person only a certain amount of time to pursue legal action for a crime, though, so be sure you know how long you have to report the rape. A local rape crisis center can advise you of the laws in your area.)

Even if you don't get examined right away, it doesn't mean you can't get a checkup later. It's always best to see a doctor immediately after a rape, of course. But a person can still go to a doctor or local clinic to get checked out for STDs, pregnancy, or injuries any time after being raped. In some cases, doctors can even gather evidence several days after a rape has occurred.

What Happens During the Medical Exam?
When you go to the hospital after a rape, a trained counselor or social worker will listen while you talk about what happened. Talking to a trained listener can help you begin to release some of the emotions you are probably feeling so that you can start to feel calm and safe again.

The counselor may also talk with you about the medical exam and what it involves. Each state or jurisdiction has different requirements, of course, but here are some of the things that may happen during the medical exam:

A medical professional will test you for STDs, including HIV/AIDS. These tests may involve taking blood or saliva samples. Although the thought of getting an STD after a rape is extremely scary, the quicker a person finds out about any infection, the more effectively he or she can be treated. Doctors can start you on immediate treatment courses for STDs, including HIV/AIDS, that will greatly increase your protection against developing these diseases.
If you're female, a medical professional may treat you to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, if you wish.
A medical professional will examine you internally to check for any injury that might have been caused by the rape.
A medical professional or trained technician may look for and take samples of the rapist's hair, skin, nails, or bodily fluids from your clothes or body.
If you think you've been given a rape drug, a doctor or technician can test for this, too. Be aware that this toxicology test covers any and all illegal drugs.
At any time during the medical exam, you can say if you don't want a certain test performed or evidence collected. All procedures are being done to help you, so you have control over which procedures you'd like done, as well as a say in any you don't want.

Dealing With Feelings
Rape isn't just physically damaging, it can be emotionally traumatic as well. The right emotional attention, care, and support can help a person begin the healing process and prevent lingering problems later on.

Someone who has been raped might feel a lot of things: angry, degraded, frightened, numb, or confused. It's also normal for someone who has been raped to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Some people withdraw from friends and family. Others don't want to be alone. Some feel depressed, anxious, or nervous.

Sometimes the feelings surrounding rape may show up in physical ways, such as trouble sleeping or eating. It may be hard to concentrate in school or to participate in everyday activities. Sometimes it may feel like you'll never get over the trauma of the rape. Experts often refer to these emotions — and their physical side effects — as rape trauma syndrome. The best way to work through them is with professional help.

It can be hard to think or talk about a frightening experience, especially something as personal as rape. People who have been raped sometimes avoid seeking help because they're afraid that talking about it will bring back memories or feelings that are too painful. But this can actually do more harm than good.

Talking about rape in a safe environment with the help and support of a trained professional is the best way to ensure long-term healing. Working through the pain sooner rather than later can help reduce symptoms like nightmares and flashbacks. It can also help people avoid potentially harmful behaviors and emotions, like major depression or self-injury.

Every rape survivor works through his or her feelings differently. Some people feel most comfortable talking one-on-one with a therapist. Others find that joining a support group where they can be with other survivors helps them to feel better, get their power back, and move on with their lives. In a support group, you can get help and support as well as give it. Your experiences and ideas may help others heal



Junior Member

Thank you so much for posting this very, VERY important information. Many times (even on this website), people tend to "justify" rape because of the way a woman is dressed (in essence, blaming the victim). If that were true, then why do women who dress appropriately get raped? And, again, I posted one other time here on TTI the WORLD WIDE statistics that a woman is most likely to be abused (sexually, physically, or verbally) by a man she knows or is related to. That is scary - those men are responsible for the care and well-being of women in their families, and yet, statistically, they are the ones most likely to hurt the women!

And to keep quoting information for the US or the West, this is actually good - one can see how a country that tracks this and is so totally opposed to such acts has trouble - imagine countries where the SELLING of daughters is allowed (and they are not being sold for anything good, that's for sure), imagine countries that believe that sex with a virgin cures AIDS (causing sexual assault of very, VERY young girls), imagine countries where being raped is such a stigma on the family that the poor victim can be tortured or killed because of it, imagine countries where tribal warfare uses rape as a torture tool to subdue the men of the other tribe (watching their women get violated over and over). And in many of these other countries, there are generally not the technology/supplies to deal with the evidence and the perpetrators go free because it ends up being "he said, she said" and the woman/girl gets blamed. (and before someone says that this doesn't happen in Islamic countries with covered women - STOP FOOLING YOURSELF! And now before someone says I am being anti-Islamic to say such a thing, do your own research - I never mentioned the religion of any of the countries I outlined - I doubt rapists are thinking about their supposed religion - whatever it is - when they are raping their victim).

What can Muslims do about this? Number one is to make sure that the victim (no matter her religion) gets medical care and that she NEVER FEELS AT FAULT!

This is something that really needs to be talked about openly in the Muslim community.


A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Well , that is good information.

That means almost evey American is mentally ill and has mental disorders.

Now i can relate the actions of US government and for sure i will be less angry.... Bush and his War company -now fits in the picture perfectly.




Junior Member
that doesnt mean everyone who is american has mental disorder. rapist and sex offenders are often repeaters which mean. for example there might be 10 rapes in a city but maybe only 2 guys comitting all the rapes. where do you live at ?

Well , that is good information.

That means almost evey American is mentally ill and has mental disorders.

Now i can relate the actions of US government and for sure i will be less angry.... Bush and his War company -now fits in the picture perfectly.



A Kashmiri

Junior Member
that doesnt mean everyone who is american has mental disorder. rapist and sex offenders are often repeaters which mean. for example there might be 10 rapes in a city but maybe only 2 guys comitting all the rapes. where do you live at ?

Well it doesnt fit with after every 34 second 1 rape committed in US. This statistics is before 5 years, now it may be 20 seconds..:lol::lol:

Location : Where i live


Junior Member
what is your deal, do you think that is funny? will you still be laughing if someone in your family gets raped ?

Well it doesnt fit with after every 34 second 1 rape committed in US. This statistics is before 5 years, now it may be 20 seconds..:lol::lol:

Location : Where i live

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
what is your deal, do you think that is funny? will you still be laughing if someone in your family gets raped ?


You misunderstood me, I was not laughing at it, but i was laughing the way the rape is potrayed as a mental illness and then reasoned. It has nothing to do with mental illness but degradation of society and humans becoming animals.

Western societies couldnt face that they are corrupt morally and spiritually and to hide this fact they start making execuses through mental illness. After another 10 years you will be posting articles claiming that it is genetical makeup which causes a person to humilate and degrade someone by rape.

The truth is the statistics dont fit the view that it is illness and that is on what I was smiling and laughing.

Well inshallah dont worry about my family, we dont have such mental illness at my place, Alhamdullilah we live in a civilised and moral society where women is respected and seen as mother/ daughter/ sister.



Junior Member

Thank you for posting this. Rape IS about power and not sex or sexual attraction. according to a study done by the FBI, rapists, when interviewed in prison, actually reported that they got little to no real sexual gratification out of the act. Even rapists themselves admit its about power. I'm so sick of people who think it's because of how women dress - that's victim blaming, and akin to walking up to a rape victim and telling her it was her own fault.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

Thank u 4 this important post... This situation is what everyone fears... especially the Muslim world.. Albint malaha illa sharafha... All a girl has is her reputation and Rape is what destroys a girls reputation.

In many Cultures if a girl is raped, her life ends right there... It already ended the minute she was raped.. but Her family will not except it.. therefore it leads them to taking her life away from her.

:tti_sister:Allahuma la taj3elna min almugtasibeen... ALlahuma ib3ed ena kul sher wa atha... Oh Allah please do not make us amongst those who get raped and don not make us rapist.. Oh Allah protect us from all evil for u are the protector.:tti_sister:




New Member
Staff member
salamu alaykum

see, if they would kill the rapist after first rape, he wouldn't do it again. But since they like it to happen again, they let him go. The only way to get rid of the disease, is to eliminate it totally and from its root. ALhamdulillah that is why islaam is sent as a universal law. U steal, u get ur arm cut off. U do zinaa, you get lashed 100 times if ur not married. IF ur married, you get stoned to death. ALl this is done in public. Why? So, people see the severity of the sin and get scared of it. How many people are going to think about comitting this and that when they know if they get caught and the proofs brought against them and be punished like that? Alhamdulillah islaam is great. Islaam is beatiful. Islaam is justice for all.



Junior Member

You misunderstood me, I was not laughing at it, but i was laughing the way the rape is potrayed as a mental illness and then reasoned.
Western societies couldnt face that they are corrupt morally and spiritually and to hide this fact they start making execuses through mental illness. After another 10 years you will be posting articles claiming that it is genetical makeup which causes a person to humilate and degrade someone by rape.

The truth is the statistics dont fit the view that it is illness and that is on what I was smiling and laughing.

Well inshallah dont worry about my family, we dont have such mental illness at my place, Alhamdullilah we live in a civilised and moral society where women is respected and seen as mother/ daughter/ sister.


Please keep in mind that not every society is perfect and rape happens everywhere. In some societies it's simply reported more often than others. It's not just "western" societies that have immoral and corrupt people. I hope that I don't offend you, that's not the point of my reply. I just want to point out that rape happens everywhere, not just in non-muslim countries. And I agree with you that "It has nothing to do with mental illness but degradation of society and humans becoming animals." We have a tendency to make excuses for immoral behavior and that's something that shouldn't happen.


Assalamu alaikum

Brothers and sisters!

Lets not be too extremist in our views about this delicate matter.

I agree that rape can be about power and not sex, but to say that it is the only reason is untrue.

Also, to say that it is not due to the way women are dressed is totally wrong and requires a dishonest pretention.

If proper clothing was not necessary for women then Allah almighty would not order it for women. It protects them, maybe not in all cases, but certainly in many cases.

The way women in the west are dressed, specially on weekend nights is equal to being naked. If they don't do it for sexual attration then why do they expose themselves to the cold of winter?

Please be honest and don't pretend too much.

Also, don't give criminals excuses that they have mental illness or they themselves have been exposed to such crimes.

A crime is a crime, weither committed by an ex victim or by an ordinary person.

However, the victim should be treated a victim and not blamed and the criminal should be brought to justice and not excused.

And lastly, it certainly happens in muslim countries too, but alhamdulellah, not with that staggering frequency as in the west where a woman's body is on display.

The reason being is Islam, no matter how badly muslims follow it, it still produces many good effects in the society.

That is because islam is a way of life that not only cures, but prevents too.

Wassalamu alaikum


Junior Member

Thank you for bringing up this very important subject. Rape does happen everywhere and does not have anything to do with the way a woman looks or her morals. In this country, even women of 85 years old get raped in their homes..... It is a terrible thing. I remember a lady I knew who would now be about 40 or 41. When she was a student in the late 80s she traveled to NYC for the summer. She had no work visa. She was approached by a glamourous looking lady on the streets and asked if she was looking for work and she told her she was. The lady said she had a job for her making jewelry... Long story short, she was kidnapped and held by a man in an apartment and raped and tortured for over 48 hours. Prior to the terrible crime, she had been a virgin. When she was let go, she spent several days in hospital. The man had threatened to go to her country and find her and her family if she testified against him. He did send people and threatened her father. The next summer, she went back to NYC to testify against him. Turns out, he had done this to scores of illegal immigrants in NYC and hopefully he is now rotting in prison.

All parents need to keep their teenage children close..... Beware of these chatrooms for youths on line or these telephone numbers for "singles" etc..... I have another horror story of a 14 year old who was attacked by a man of 38 in Tampa after chatting with him on one of these phone lines. It has left the child suffering terribly mentally.

Guard those you love dearly and do not judge others or blame victims. Remember also that females are not the only victims of rape all over the world.




Junior Member
Well , that is good information.

That means almost evey American is mentally ill and has mental disorders.

Now i can relate the actions of US government and for sure i will be less angry.... Bush and his War company -now fits in the picture perfectly.



I'm sorry, but I find the second line of this post highly offensive, take a look at my username if you can't figure out why. I am an American male. The vast majority of my friends are American males. The vast majority of their friends are males. And before you ask, most of my friends are not teenagers, but college students and older. None of us has ever raped anyone. Rape is a disgusting and vile act comitted by people, men AND women who want to feel superior to others. Is it a sexual act? Of course, but is it always sexually motivated? As posted at the beginning of this topic, very rarely is that actually the case. So please, tell me how you can justify saying that "Almost every American is mentally ill and has mental disorders," implying that nearly all of us are rapists, when there are places like the Netherlands that allow the prostitution of girls as young as ten or eleven years old?


I'm sorry, but I find the second line of this post highly offensive, take a look at my username if you can't figure out why. So please, tell me how you can justify saying that "Almost every American is mentally ill and has mental disorders," implying that nearly all of us are rapists, when there are places like the Netherlands that allow the prostitution of girls as young as ten or eleven years old?

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.


Assalamu alaikum

Brothers and sisters!

Lets not be too extremist in our views about this delicate matter.

I agree that rape can be about power and not sex, but to say that it is the only reason is untrue.

Also, to say that it is not due to the way women are dressed is totally wrong and requires a dishonest pretention.

If proper clothing was not necessary for women then Allah almighty would not order it for women. It protects them, maybe not in all cases, but certainly in many cases.

The way women in the west are dressed, specially on weekend nights is equal to being naked. If they don't do it for sexual attration then why do they expose themselves to the cold of winter?

Please be honest and don't pretend too much.

Also, don't give criminals excuses that they have mental illness or they themselves have been exposed to such crimes.

A crime is a crime, weither committed by an ex victim or by an ordinary person.

However, the victim should be treated a victim and not blamed and the criminal should be brought to justice and not excused.

And lastly, it certainly happens in muslim countries too, but alhamdulellah, not with that staggering frequency as in the west where a woman's body is on display.

The reason being is Islam, no matter how badly muslims follow it, it still produces many good effects in the society.

That is because islam is a way of life that not only cures, but prevents too.

Wassalamu alaikum

THANK YOU! I agree wholeheartedly. JazakAllah Khair!
Assalamu alaikum

However, the victim should be treated a victim and not blamed and the criminal should be brought to justice and not excused.

Salaam brother Bawar,

Hope I find you in the best of health and iman. You made some real good points. I'd like to add one more thing to the above sentence.

The heart actually knows wrong actions, and this is one of the reasons why people can do terrible things, but, ultimately, they are affected negatively. In the book, Crime and Punishment, the brilliant Russian author Dostoevsky indicates that crime itself is the perpetrator's punishment because human beings have to live with the result of their actions: their souls are affected. When people do something against the heart, they act against the soul, and that actually affects human beings to the degree that they will go into a state of spiritual agitation, and people will use many ways to cover this up.

To hide their agitation, people use alcohol, drugs, and sexual experimentation; they also seek power, wealth, and fame, taking themselves into a state of heedlessness, submerging themselves into the ephemeral world which causes them to forget their essential nature and to forget their hearts. Thus, people become cut off from their hearts.