When Can We Act Upon This Hadîth?


Junior Member
as-Salâm `Alaykum Warahmatullâh Wabarakâtuh
It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed Zuhr and ‘Asr together in Madeenah, at a time when there was no fear and he was not travelling. Abu’l-Zubayr said: I asked Sa’eed [i.e., ibn Jubayr], Why did he do that? He said, I asked Ibn ‘Abbaas the same question, and he said, He did not want anyone among his ummah to suffer hardship.

Narrated by Muslim, 705.​

Any Scholarly Explanation to this hadîth. This hadîth could be helpful for those who are in school during prayer times.


Junior Member
Shariah: Jama Qasr Salaat

Opting to offer Salaat by Combining prayer / Shortening prayers, when some rules are met, is a valid practise, Shariah and Madhabs teach them. But from what I have seen its not encouraged much. Lazy body would opt for it at drop of hat!.

There are more authentic hadees on this topic.... When one reads them, the wisdom and practicality of Islamic way of life, becomes evident again!


Junior Member
Joining prayers is permissible for every traveller, and for the non-traveller if it is too difficult for him to offer every prayer on time, such as one who is sick, or if there is rain, or he is busy with some work that he cannot delay in order to pray, such as a student taking an exam or a doctor who is doing surgery and so on.


Assalamu 'alaykum.

Wow, didn't know.. So are we allowed to combine Dhuhr and Asr if we're in school the whole day and there's no way to pray Dhuhr? Last year I had a lunch break so I got to pray, but this year I don't. And I most likely wouldn't get time off from a class, which sucks.

Also, stupid question.. but is joining prayers any different from how we offer other prayers? I've never done it before.


New Member
I am not sure about this issue though...I can check it from a scholar and you can check it from your end. But if you do so, please let us know.

Btw what are u studying and where are u studying.


Junior Member

Yes, out of necessity you could join prayers. Please read the whole link I gave you as it's not something any one can do because they are feeling lazy.

When you join prayers, you can do them at either first salah's time or the 2nd salah's time period. Meaning you could either prayer duhr and asr at duhr time or at asr time. When you pray them, you pray the fard of one salah and then fard of the 2nd salah.

Yup, read it, jazakAllahu khayr. It's only out of necessity; I guess this would be a necessity if I don't get permission insha'Allaah.

And that makes sense, I was thinking about shortening prayers before, so thanks for clearing that up.


make dua 4 ma finals
Yup, read it, jazakAllahu khayr. It's only out of necessity; I guess this would be a necessity if I don't get permission insha'Allaah.

And that makes sense, I was thinking about shortening prayers before, so thanks for clearing that up.

Sister ask your teacher if you could leave the room for five minutes when it is duhr time. Make sure you talk to him/her before class and explain the reasoning, they are more likely to say yes. I prayed my salah on the corner of the hallway leaving the class when it was duhr time. My teacher was completely ok with it. So insha'Allah you will be able to pray your salah on time during the school year :hearts:


Junior Member
Sister ask your teacher if you could leave the room for five minutes when it is duhr time. Make sure you talk to him/her before class and explain the reasoning, they are more likely to say yes. I prayed my salah on the corner of the hallway leaving the class when it was duhr time. My teacher was completely ok with it. So insha'Allah you will be able to pray your salah on time during the school year :hearts:

Yeah, that's what I'm planning on doing insha'Allaah. I'm going to try to get this work before resorting to joining prayers. I spoke to my counselor so far, she's so nice and understands it all, but the problem is with the teachers.. Hopefully they'll be nice enough. Last year I got kicked out of the library, lol!

And it takes some guts to pray in the hallways like that. Masha'Allah. :)


Junior Member
you could actually sue them for that. They have to provide you reasonable accommodation by law to practice your religion. Letting you pray in the corner of the library for 10 mins is not unreasonable. You could even go to one of the meeting rooms of the staff in the office if they have any common sense. I was praying in a room that was being remodeled and the vice president came in and saw it. He had his secretary reserve the meeting room for me for 30mins of my choosing for everyday so I could pray without disturbance.

Yeah, apparently two girls praying in a store room at the back of the library could cause "commotion" and one lady gave me a huge lecture on how prayer isn't allowed in school where people come only to get an education, and funny thing is she mentioned something about the law. Allahu 'alam! But that was nice of your vice principal.

I can insha'Allah pray in my favorite teacher's room, but the problem is the time. Hope it works out.


Junior Member
as-Salâm `Alaykum Warahmatullâh Wabarakâtuh

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed Zuhr and ‘Asr together in Madeenah, at a time when there was no fear and he was not travelling. Abu’l-Zubayr said: I asked Sa’eed [i.e., ibn Jubayr], Why did he do that? He said, I asked Ibn ‘Abbaas the same question, and he said, He did not want anyone among his ummah to suffer hardship.

Narrated by Muslim, 705.

Any Scholarly Explanation to this hadîth. This hadîth could be helpful for those who are in school during prayer times.


You shouldn't make this fiqh decision in the way you are suggesting. I wouldn't do that.

When approaching hadith, there are many factors to consider. The fact the hadith is reported reflects that it was a "deviation from the Normal actions" meaning normally this did not occur. So if that is the case then it would lead to on occasion it may be done. This is a very important concept in fiqh and at the level the average person would have of fiqh, the decision should not be made.

It says in the Quran, DO NOT PRAY, as well. So does that mean we don't need to pray? No prayer is compulsory on every muslim with minor exceptional periods.

you have to think these issues through and in sha Allah, you must consult with a sheik regarding these matters.



Junior Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters
i have heard something different about this topic, please feel free to correct me. i heard you can only combine two prayers by delaying the time of one and by praying one immediately. for example if the time of duhur ends at 3 pm and time of asr' starts at 3:01, you can pray your duhur right before 3 pm and then after 3 o' clock you can pray your asr' prayer. thats how you can combine it. and it is the case of extreme necessity. we have to be cautious about this because we can get lazy and try to find excuses to combine prayer during or work or school rather than trying our best to pray each prayer on time.


Junior Member
I can insha'Allah pray in my favorite teacher's room, but the problem is the time. Hope it works out.
Let's wait for more Scholarly explanations especially from Scholars who have given explanations.... Imâm al-Nawawi has made explanations of Sahîh Muslim. It's called Sharh Sahih Muslim in Arabic.


Junior Member
Let's wait for more Scholarly explanations especially from Scholars who have given explanations.... Imâm al-Nawawi has made explanations of Sahîh Muslim. It's called Sharh Sahih Muslim in Arabic.


I had a situation where I had a job which was run by Muslims but they would do nothing to assist me to pray thuhr and asr prayers.

So I asked a knowledgeable sheik about this and whether I could combine prayers?

He said according to imam so and so...... very long discussion.

However, Imam shafai, raa, opinion is that if it is greater than a day or at most 2 days it is not permissible to combine prayers.

So I mention this just to let you know this is a sensitive issue. We don't want to do like some shia do here, pray all the fardh at night. At the same time we want to accomodate things we must do to survive.

I ended up leaving that job as I wasn't able to fulfill my religious obligations.

It's funny that with non-muslim owned businesses like ie, factories, they seem to be fair and allow us to pray on our breaks. Some places even opened up their conference room for us.


wa Allah ya'lam

if you would like responses from another site where they may have some students of knowledge, you could try multaqa ahl alhadith english, however; it gets very technical and would probably confuse you. So ask a sheik is a lot easier, imho.



This sounds complicated.. I wish I went to an Islamic school or something..

Anyway I don't how to contact a sheikh.. :confused:

It's not really complicated. As others have stated, you could join prayers out of necessity, talk to the principal about some accommodations for 10 minutes, could even talk to your parents to talk to the principal or your teacher. Or if you want you could call or email the fatwa committee amja of north america, someone had posted their website and phone on here.

Be strong! :SMILY346:


mommys boy
Yup, read it, jazakAllahu khayr. It's only out of necessity; I guess this would be a necessity if I don't get permission insha'Allaah.

And that makes sense, I was thinking about shortening prayers before, so thanks for clearing that up.

salaams to all

i find it strange that those who can take the time to ask/reply to strange/doubtful things here, cant use the same time & internet access to ask reliable ulama?

if u REALLY want to know- why ask here on the forums about something that would best be answered by scholars/ulama?

its different when someone asks a simple thing like eg. how many times a day do muslims have to pray?

here the issue is a bit more complex & some seem to be taking it lightly.

PLEASE, develop a habit of consulting reliable ulama/scholars.

there are many of them who now have websites whereby it does not matter who u are & where in the world u live, you can still ask themn your questions.

there are a few good sites from South Africa that i know of- im from Durban, South Africa- so i know the people behind these sites & they are knowledgable & learned anough to answer your questions:

and Allah ta'ala knows best