Hi there


New Member
Hi there (and Salam, I guess)

I'm just terrible at introductions but I'll say I'm nobody special really, I'm not a Muslim or really knowledgeable on Islam at all.

I hope my time here is a little different than my previous experiences attempting to learn about Islam. I just have a lot of questions that nobody seems to want to answer/end up in the use of circular logic/get me banned from forums/etc...

I don't think this is the right place for questions, so I guess that's it really. If you have any questions about me though, go ahead and shoot.


Travelling towards my grave.
Hi there (and Salam, I guess)

I'm just terrible at introductions but I'll say I'm nobody special really, I'm not a Muslim or really knowledgeable on Islam at all.

I hope my time here is a little different than my previous experiences attempting to learn about Islam. I just have a lot of questions that nobody seems to want to answer/end up in the use of circular logic/get me banned from forums/etc...

I don't think this is the right place for questions, so I guess that's it really. If you have any questions about me though, go ahead and shoot.


Welcome to the family of TTI. Pleased to know that you are searching for truth. InshaAllah (god willing) you will find this place with helpful brothers and sisters in Islam and in Humanity. We all are sons and daughters of Adam and Hawwa (Eve), so we are one big family. :)

Please do not hesitate to start new threads, post in existing threads and/or asking any question(s) that may arise. Good manners, sincerity and patience is the key to success.

Your brother in Humanity,


Fixing da foundation
Hi there! welcome to TTI and do not hesitate to ask questions.. no matter how stupid you think they are - because more than likely ... its already been asked :D

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Welcome and greeting to you my friend.

No worry, just ask anything about Islam, we here to provide the best possible explanation. But make it friendly questions, not otherwise.


New Member
But make it friendly questions, not otherwise.

Of course. If I do come off as hostile I apologize though, sometimes I can be a little inconsiderate. (Apparently my thread is waiting moderator review, the last time I read this I was banned shortly after...)


New Member
So how can we help you my friend?

Replying to my thread when it's approved would be nice. :wink:

Oh, and are there any Australians on here? I know no Muslims in my area and it'd be great to meet some.

A Kashmiri

Junior Member

I m sure you will find this forum different than other ones you had joined. I hope you would find it useful for you.

I want to ask you a question, what it is all about the news coming from Australia these days " Racial Attacks on Indians ". What is the issue.

Also there is a common feeling in Asia that Australians are racial which i personally dont believe in.

Lol i have started asking questions.

Have a nice time here and please post your questions.


New Member
I want to ask you a question, what it is all about the news coming from Australia these days " Racial Attacks on Indians ". What is the issue.

Australia, like every other country in this crazy world, has a small minority of people who have the idea that the culture in which they are brought up in is like this perfect state of human culture that has evolved over time like a biological organism and needs to be protected from "foreign things", like your body needs to be protected from negative bacteria and so forth, immigrants, language, culture, foreign religion are seen as this external threat.

Also there is a common feeling in Asia that Australians are racial which i personally dont believe in.

Well, Australia is similar to other countries in certain ways- for example it is very politically divided (socially, because most people tend to be economically left-wing), people are either very passionate liberals who see themselves as human-rights/environmental activists or they're very apolitical with racial-biases (this includes some immigrants themselves, for example "Italians believing they are Italian even though they might not have Italian citizenship) but because our world is going through a pretty rough time at the moment and people's jobs, homes, finances, etc... are insecure, some people are looking for someone to blame and because these people aren't economists or engineers, they see these "externalities" as the cause- because the two (immigration and the world being crappy) correlate. And the tiny few who actually decide to act on this "cause" act violently because they're not only uneducated, but sadly might have had rough upbringings and such.

Lol i have started asking questions.

Have a nice time here and please post your questions.

:) it's fine, ask away mate.


Left long ago
Peace Mate,

It is really nice to see you here. Welcoome to TTI. :hearts: Pls do not hesitate to ask questions. People here are very nice and they will try to the best of their abilities to answers your question insha Allah (God willing)

Though I am not originally an Australian but I live in Australia and have recently become Australian citizen.

Looking forward to your questions insha Allah


New Member
Though I am not originally an Australian but I live in Australia and have recently become Australian citizen.

Then you're an Australian. So take that "alien land" off your profile name thingo :SMILY206:

Now you're an Australian you have to do two things-

1. Be really lazy and not care about serious issues
2. Abbreviate everything and butcher the English language.


New Member
Kats, I thouhgt you came here for different intention?

I came here to understand something I don't have much understanding of, and my thread still isn't there, maybe the moderator deleted it? I didn't say anything wrong or offensive in anyway so ... I don't know..


New Member
I understand the need for moderation but this is just silly, it seems like Muslims are trying to push me away from understanding them, or even so- avoiding answering serious questions.


Left long ago
I am wondering what the question was ? They do not delete questions at all if those are genuine questions with the sincer intention of seeking truth.


New Member
Do not generalize Muslims, first of all what is your question?

It's hard not to generalize when every single Muslim I've met online has either shunned me or banned me from forums or whatever. It's ridiculous.

I am wondering what the question was ? They do not delete questions at all if those are genuine questions with the sincer intention of seeking truth.

My question was pretty much this (keep in mind that if I say Allah "seemed" this or "seemed" that it's not intended to be hostile)

Sometimes I shrug and I'm content with the idea that the whole world is just one big absurd part of a crazy universe, but other times I get so muddled and frustrated that I don't know how this whole story started that I collapse into a big mess. I mean, where did matter and existence come from? non-existence can't exist, and space is expanding but what what is it expanding into? I'm not a very smart person, I mean, I'm the guy who "finally gets" a joke, half an hour later, but it just all seems so crazy. I've read the Tanakh and the "New Testament" and maybe it's just me but God seems so anthropomorphic and bordering on schizophrenia sometimes.

I'm reading the Qur'an at the moment as well, so many people hold this book to be God's word, and so many people are converting to Islam claiming that they found truth in this book but I just don't get it, I want to get it but I don't. I mean, at least the Bible was a coherent story, God might have been a bit of a tyrant here and there but this book is all over the place, before He was all smitin' and threatenin' but now it's all threatenin'- "Allah is awesome and you are scum, oh by the way, Allah will flick matches at you if you don't agree that anal sex is endorsed by this shaytan character (which by the way never appeared in the Tanakh and I think was probably a Christian creation), and don't you dare even think of questioning it you curious little kafir you" seems to sum up the first 70 odd pages. And why would God create people so they can throw themselves at him? Does he have some kind of authority complex? Don't get me wrong, I want to get it, I really do, I want to understand and feel this same revelation as all these other people in the world, I want to know that existence doesn't just exist, it had a beginning and a purpose. But at the moment I just don't.

And please don't tell me that you can't really "translate Allah's word" because that's absurd, if God required me to spend years learning a language just so I can learn that I have to throw myself at him to end up not burning for eternity, he would not be God. I don't know God, but if he is truly God he would not be culturally biased like this.

Please just help me understand the Qur'an.