Warning against certain website


Human Being
While I was looking around for an answer to a certain issue, I found this website, and believe me I was disgusted with what I saw.

Dear brothers and sisters, spread the word and warn the people against this certain site.

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
waliekumasslamaliekum warahmatullahi wabrakatu,
There are hundreds of such websites. Its not wise on your part to post links of such websites here, someone who doesn't have much knowledge may come across this thread, goto site and get deviated....

Very frequently do I encounter people who bring up all this stupidity (some of them abused me very much), I have also seen this site before and its nothing new, same old lies. When they can't prove their belief with logic, understanding and history they resort to this kind forgeries.


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alaikum wr wb

i agre with the brother who posted before me
there is always going to be people like that wherever you go, and by posting a link to the website you are basically increasing its viewers and bring more traffic to it so InshAllah i would suggest just remove the website from TTI

JazakAllah khair
walaikum salam wr wb

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)

Brother, I know you mean well and to warn people but there's no benefit to posting that website here. You're just giving it more traffic which is not what we want. There are a lot of websites just like that if not worse. May Allah destroy them all. I think it's just best to say be careful of false websites and give no links.


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum. I have also seen this pathetic website.It's probably promoted by guys like geert wilders.Brother i request you to remove the link.



~May Allah swt help,protect and guide
all muslims~Amin!

Thank you
for this info,brother.
~May Allah swt reward you
for your good intention~Amin!

Take care,
~Wassalam :)