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  • okay got it behna....:pjust thought i'd ask:)cuz you once said you don't want to offend them by calling them monkeys:Dso i thought you were getting back at them for sumthing:p......:lol:guess you reaise there is no offending ppl cuz it was just for fun:p
    are you theek thak!!!
    :D:D:D:D sis just saw what you did at my thread.........kia howa??did they mess with you.....or jsut in shugali mood:p
    lol- the rainy smell is SO nice!!!!!!
    wow- oo em jee :lol:!!!!!!
    yeah- it;'s okay i guess- its not MAJORLY cold or stuff:D
    lol- i dont go to school until tomorrow:D
    kay- have fun!!!!!!:hearts:
    lol- Salam sis!!!!!

    P.S.- ur welcome- i didnt have the heart to hug u THAT tight:lol:
    Walaykum asalaam! Alhamdolilah I'm good...aw yeah, meray imtihaan abi khatam hogiya hain, so now i'm somewhat free. How are you, aur revision kehsay chal rahi hain?

    Take lots of care sweet sis :)
    Oh I love you!

    I thought you were mad at me cuz...well actually I don't know :p But yeah, I just wanted to make sure. If I've ever hurt you please forgive me...

    And know that...I LOVE YOU :hearts:
    Take care
    no problemo!!!!:lol:jee nahi i'm fine in SPEAKING urdu and writng it in urdu.......just this writing urdu in english kinda hard for me.....
    okay 'll follow your advice there:lol:
    :eek:you THINK i'm not pakistani........hey i'll take that as an insult......:lol:eek:kay you got a 2nd chance,i won't:pjust don't say that again:p
    hehehehehe:D:D:Dyou're funny behna.......still no to punjabi unless you get carried away and want me to feel mute and dumb:p

    time to go>>>>>>:wasalam:
    Really sis? nice- i love the rain too.:D
    but it's still snowy here- though the weather is better :D :D :D
    lol- one more day then i get 2 go back to school- awwww!!!!:lol:
    but there were flurries today that were like very light very fluffy rain!!!!!:D
    hugs sis!!!!:lol: i didnt mean to kill you!:D
    lol-mwahz sis!!!!
    :lol:here i am doing the zorori kaam:D:loLi never gave them taht title on public forum:psome ppl thought they were monkeys :D:D:Dnahi sisi it's just for laughs.even if they were real monkeys i'd respect them:)
    :eek:you think i'd needto runnnnn!!!gues i should start the warm ups:p
    HELLO behna it's hard for me to get over hybrid urdu..not that much now that 've learned it..but still......so how am i supposed to get punjabi!!!i know it just this teensy bit:D
    awWW sis that' wonderful dua.ameen and for i ask it to be into 10000:)
    some huggy hugs.......no i gotten used to them now so no need for oxygen masks:p
    alright then i'm off...need to help my mom with somthing:)
    enjoy you CHUTIES****
    lol- thnx sisayyyy!!!!!!!:D
    i think i'll go for a walk sometime today- lol- but i'm not sure if it's too cold or not :lol:
    but the weather is kinda improving i guess- but i can't wait until it's actually above 1 degrees - lol

    but yeah- how r U sis?????:hearts:
    lol- same tight hug back!!!!!! (VERY TIGHT!!!!! SQUEEZEEEEEE!!!!!!!!):lol:

    Salam!!!!! :SMILY252:
    Wa Allaicumu Sallam beloved sister Fatima

    Allhamdullilah I am well and happy:) Jazzak Allah khair so so much for asking.

    How are you and your beloved familly?? I pray to Allah you all are well with Allah mercy.

    MashAllah I like your profile page, it is full of kindness and love, just like Islam teaches us.

    Take care dear sister

    Loving you for the sake of Allah:SMILY252::SMILY252:
    yeah ELEPHANTISH!!!:lol:since you said your phanty *told* you that he got me:D:D:D:D.....
    nah i'm not wondering...iknow tti's monkeys well.hehehe.....i dunno wonder which one of these are going to get me for awarding them with the beautiful name of a MONKEY:p
    :lol:no punjabi...takes me alot of time to get it.......
    sorry sis looks i'm definitely late in repling.....3hrs late:D:D:D
    i know but he's a lil over busy........too busy.....buhut busy..these days.......dunno he says so......
    wonder where is that all time free and happy A:D:D:D
    oyee meri choti pyari si behna your last couple of words have me laughin....:D:D:D.
    use yahoo.but just like use it....in a manner of saying:)
    hehehe man you funny.jazakallah khaira for making me LAUGH!!!btw since i'm the one learning hybride urdr i'm a student not teacher:p
    :lol:you talk elephantish!!:D:D:D that's wonderful teacher me too I LOVE PHANTIES:p
    :lol:s &a ....you had me thinking who that is...........that's some discovery mayb i should contact NASA...tell'em my sis found mife on pluto.some sorta monkeys:p:p:p
    well when you reach that place it won't be lahore anymore:D:D:Dyou'll change the whole place the moment you're there:p

    well of course phanty was better...they are more friendly..and that one is a cuteeee..........manatee is friendly creature too but it lives in water.........btw it's from the same family(elephant)according to biologial classification:)....hehehe studies again:)
    just to let you know the S monkey's busy in pluto.saw his Vm today
    Salam burri bajeeeeee!!!!!:lol:
    I'm doing great- 3 day weekend!!!! lol- how about u???:hearts:

    funny bunny!!!!! lol
    TC back- and a huggy- and a mwah-
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