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  • :lol:i'm fine alhumdulillah.yeah i'm fit:)not fat:lol:
    these days!!paper ki tayari:)aur kia???what about you..farigh???

    return big*HUGSS*
    :salam2:wa rahmatullaji wa barakatuhu;)

    :lol:behnaji kaisi ho???hope you are fit fat(moti):D

    nice to have you back.i'm fine alhumdulillah:)

    love ya sis:SMILY252:
    Assalamu alaikum dear sis how r u and ur family hope u and ur family r also fine! My dear sis im going for 1 or 2 months out of the city i will be offline i will miss u sooo much dear sis plz keep me in ur dua's sis i really need them!See u soon!May Allah always keep u and ur family in His protection Amin!plz do not forget about me!
    wa alaykum salaam sweetie
    yessss very very long timmmeee subhanallah
    how are u :p kya haal chal hai...
    kuch navi tazi sunao :D

    big hugsss
    You AND sis Muslim_Gurl!
    where did u both go???!!!! :(

    i feel like both my older sisters have left me! :'(
    meanie :D

    cum on back sis- we miss u!!! :hearts:
    tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!tap!!!TAP!!!trip tap tap!!!!!!!!!
    Assalamu alaykum my dear and sweet sis missing u soooooooooooooooo much and waiting for u my dear
    Assalamu alaykum!!!!
    SORRY! I was "pretty" busy with the exams..(still am..;))
    Miss you so much as well... miss talking to you.
    Talk to me on the phone as soon as ur papers finish,okay??
    Take care...:D:D
    Allah Hafiz.
    fati behna that's amazing greeting and feeling and emotion showing card:D
    kaiso ho behna...sorry yaar reply me late:(

    :lol:btw me kyon offend hoi hon gi....me thori monkey banig:p
    Wa'alaykum assalaam little sister :D
    Alhamdulillaah I am well, JazakiLlaahu khayran for asking ukhti fiLlaah. And yourself? How have you been?
    Aww sis, your soo sweet, baaraka Allaahu feki for the nice poster *huggg* :D:D
    Allaah bless you and your family. Make sure you do your homework and eat your greens (I can talk hehe :D)
    Fee amaaniLlaah ukhtiiiiiiiiii <3 xx
    asalam alaikom
    my sweet lil sis
    i missed you a lot
    i rememb you always in my prayer
    by Allahs blessing you rock your finals yaar
    wa salam
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