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  • Assalaamu alaikum WR WB.. AKHI

    This very morning, I received an offline from sister Ayisha Husain, on messenger.. saying that She can never post on TTI as her IP address is blocked..
    She says that she misses TTI alot and tried to contact mods but no use..:(

    PLZZZZZZZZ do try to fix this problem..

    This is her profile..


    Brother I had started this thread called a reminder for brothers and sisters on interaction with the opposite gender. I see it is not there now. I just wanted to know if it has been deleted by you the moderator brothers and sisters. You definitely have full rights to delete any thread and posts without any notice and reasons given. But I was curious, was there anything inappropriate in what I have posted ? If so, please let me know INshAllah.
    Assalamualykum dear brother,

    Bro none of the threads or posts are visible right now...when I am opening any thread or post its just showing blanck
    salam alaykum

    What's with the ads mabsoot? I think you should put it down to the bottom if it works that way. I can understand you get money because of ads


    Happy Ma'al Hijrah
    1432' Hijrah~2010'/2011' Masihi.
    To you brother .

    This New Year,
    May Allah swt shower with full of blesses upon all muslim~Amin!

    Thank you,
    Take Care!
    ~Wassalam :)
    Asslaamu Alykum Akhi. :)

    Long time! How are you doing? I pray and hope all is well InshaAllah.

    Take Care. Wa Alykum Salaam.
    Brother, I already pm'd Al-Kashmiri but since you're here I'll tell you....I've been having real problems with the "report" option on the boards. I keep getting a server error<?> unable to complete message...also, I'm not receiving my instant email notifications...a VERY sad thing indeed! lol!
    Brother Mabsoot, Assalaamu Alaikum....I was wondering your thoughts about possibly creating group specifically aimed for teens under a certain age with a Brother and Sister Moderator as guides. While I understand that the same information that they need to grown and learn in Islam can be gained through contact with elders, there is also something to be said for associate with people your own age who are CURRENTLY going through the same circumstances. This thread is what spurned the idea.
    Salaam and Hello Mabsoot. I hope your Friday went well and you and your's are all well. I had some ideas about the website forum arraignment that I'd like to present to you. Incorporating the 5 pillars and such...possibly creating a set of rules for each forum IE:Dua and how to pray articles would be under Salah Forum, a place to list various charities (or people in need) under Zakah Forum ect....

    I also think a set of guidlines may need to be put in place for each forum....hopefully that will lessen the load on the moderators and prevent in-fighting. IE: News Forum would have controls about what should be posted and why...(as a non-Muslim, it seems like there is a greater number of negative posts about, in my case America, than posative posts about Muslims.). It makes it imposable for me to goto the news forums. Just some thoughts...Have a wonderful day.
    salam 'alikum,the forum you created is maybe the most beautiful thing that helped me to emprove myself and to learn something more.thank you.wa salam
    Assalamu Alaikum brother, there are so many useful news, link, etc.. , i like to share those details in my mother language tamil. if you give me that facilities here. thanks and Maasalam.
    Asalaam alikum akhi :D

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