Recent content by Musalmaan

  1. M

    Pope quits

    Salaam, Sorry But I don't see an issue with having faith in God and the Pope having a bullet proof car? The man has a right to protect himself. I mean if I moved into the path of moving vehicle and said 'Its all good, I have faith in God' and got run over that wouldn't be very clever. We...
  2. M

    Street Dawah At London 2012 Olympic Games.

    Alhamdulillah I know one of the brothers in the video, the brother goes to my masjid!
  3. M

    Wisdom behind the Kaaba?

    :salam2: SubhanAllah I found the following article on the home page of just after skimming through this threaD. Hope it helps:
  4. M

    A study of Aisha(R.A)'s age at the time of marriage with Prophet Muhammad(slm)

    :salam2: Sincere Apologies if I came across as rude to you. That was not my intention. I would like to make two points: 1. Nowhere in my post do I say to Muslims that if they can't live with the fact that Ayesha (RA) was 6 when betrothed to the Prophet then they should go eslewhere. Allah...
  5. M

    A study of Aisha(R.A)'s age at the time of marriage with Prophet Muhammad(slm)

    :salam2: First of all a message to all those Muslims who keep trying to kid themselves that Ayesha (RA) was not 6 years old when she was betrothed to the Prophet (SAW), that she was older etc. etc.: you have nothing to be ashamed of, do not get so defensive about your religion. As for...
  6. M

    Sa'ad ibn Mua'dh and martyrdom

    :salam2: I have an interesting question that popped into my head not too long ago. Everybody is familiar with the famous hadith of Rasulallah (saw) regarding how the throne of Allah shook for Sa'ad ibn Mua'dh. However, there is also another hadith that indicates that even Sa'ad ibn Mua'dh...
  7. M

    Lower garments above ankles

    :salam2: A few Fridays ago the Imam at my masjid was talking about this very issue. He quouted a hadith from a Sahabi of the Prophet SAW. Unfortunately I've forgotten the name of the Sahabi, it may well have been Abdullah ibn Umar (RA), but I do remember the Imam saying arrogance or conceit...
  8. M

    Lower garments above ankles

    :salam2: I will try and answer with what littel knowledge I have acquired. Not everything in Islam has a logical reason to it. Yes, Islam is a very logical and reasonable religion. But there are somethings which Allah and his Prophet SAW have commanded us to do and we do. We have faith in...
  9. M

    Lower garments above ankles

    Cannot confirm what you've said regarding how the nobility of the Prophets SAW time used to wear their garments. I know this much though that the prohibition of wearing your lower garment below the ankle for men still exists and cannot be ignored just because of the times we live in.
  10. M

    Halal Work?

    :salam2: I hope that everyone at TTi is in good health and Iman. I have something on my mind that is bothering me. After graduating from University a few months ago I've been looking for work for some time. I recently found some temp work. Basically my job involves calling people and...
  11. M

    Is it Conceivable?

    :salam2: Slightly off topic but I don't think thats the case:! And Allah knows best.
  12. M

    Disobeying Wives - Hear this.

    As someone pointed out already as far as I know Islam doesn't say that a Muslim woman has to absolutely cook and clean etc. Ofcourse Islam does say that a woman should obey her husband unless ofcourse he tells her to sin. As for Eve disobeying Adam, when was this? All I know is that Islam...
  13. M


    My issue with video games is this: The characters of in video games are depections of human beings, or creatures based on the physical form of human beings. Now doesn't that in itself make video games haram. I mean Islam forbids to draw pictures of living things, to take pictures if living...
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    :salam2: My local mosque was asking people to sign up to the petition when I went for Jumma this week. They were passing round a piece of paper asking people to sign their names, addresses and email's. I signed up along with my brother. Recieved an email a few days ago confirming my...
  15. M

    Cross-Culture Marriage

    :salam2: Brother Islam is a universal religion, for all people irrespective of their colour, creed, nationality etc. You're a muslim, she's a muslim, I hope by the grace of Allah that you are both practicing Muslims, if your parents are agreed to the marriage then I don't see the problem...