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  • yeah i realised ma mistake.sorry am kinda messed up:)here:


    i'm happy now.:pwork is surely boring at times.and hard to mean like the UN *charter*:)
    firstly,yeah i realised what i'm doin.sorry m kinda messd up:)


    i'm happy now.:pwork is surely boring at times.and hard to mean like the UN *charter*:)
    very very naught:D:D:D

    nah it's alright,and i knew about you bein online but invisible:p...i though you weren't talking to me.

    it's totally okay,you definately do what you feel up to.if you are ill then don't stress yourself.i won't feel bad about anything so no sorries really:D

    :pjust stay like this:p
    :lol:that's the kind of sister i know.even though i know it's kinda acting you still made me like :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:<,that and moe:)

    sorry about the gloomy replies guess i should know better tthan that.
    oki no more sad faces in my post inshallah.i don't want to contribute in making you sad.

    :eek:you got low blood pressure problem too.that's not something very nice to deal with.
    ...but yeash you are right ALLAH gave us alot.jazakallah khiara for reminding me about that.coz there is always a chance for things to get much worse.may ALLAH help everyone out.ameen:)

    love you alot sister.mashallah you have you own ways of making ppl happy:):p;):D

    i'm just so sad about whatever is up with one lil sis is so really have me worried:(

    think i'm gonna go talk to ALLAH about it later....
    you cannot imagine how RELIEVED i am to see you reply...........
    it's been ages behna!!!what's happening....what do you mean when you feel better....

    please don't tell me your hurt:(it's too bad t know about:(
    i'll hope that i'm making silly assumptions and that you are fine and that you will be even better then just fine next time i see your VM.

    i'll use my force of DUA,hope that will help atleast a bit:(

    loving you..........

    OH MY GOD........don't worry my sis

    i will pray for u .......inshAllah u will be fine.....

    if u feel better than plz vm me sis........n plz tell me that u r feeling better now

    take care my sis:(

    May Allah give u good health n strength Ameen suma Ameen!!!!
    Asalamalikum behna

    i hope u r fine.....behna why r u not coming on msn now a days?? is everything ok:D i hope soo insAllah

    i misssss u sooooo much behna:(

    take care alot

    Asalam aleekum,

    thank you millions sister for your concern....alhamdlillah I'm back on my feet feeling much better...alhamdlillah surgery was successful although it was OD painful ....
    sis are you not talking to me...........
    well okay just thought i'll tell you,i missing you:(

    and i love my sis............

    Where are you?? You don't even reply to my emails :( Everything okay? Plz talk to me :( I miss you so much!!!
    Assallamu allaykum sis
    hows you doing?? :D
    glad to have you on my friends list!!!!!
    hope you are all good inshaAllah see you around sis
    take care X xx wassallam
    :waslam:behna jan
    sis here i am see i'm back:p
    :lol:sisi do you know what that means......means your peace of mind is now bye bye.since i'm back on strike to nag you.erm......but can i do that?i mean you know like are you fine,in playing mode i mean:confused:

    sis i missed you sososo much:(and i was so sad coz the last time i talked to were feeling so down.hope you are gr8 at full rate now:D:D:D:D
    ......and i got something for you........

    Wa alaykum Salaam Dearest Sister :)

    Allah remember you for asking about me. I am doing okay. I have become a *spectator ion* on TTI. Not a poster anymore, so youre bound to question my silence, as many have.

    I hope youre well. Your low blood pressure and bleeding, hope youre okay my dearest sister. May Allah remove your pain and restore your health. Its tough, I can understand. He gives illness, but with Him Alone lies the cure. And I hope you find it soon. Take very good care. Fi Amanillah.
    Wa'alaikumussalam Warahmathullah Sister............

    Jazakillah for accepting me as your friend :SMILY259:. I love to be your friend through TTI for the sake of Allah. May Allah bless all muslims!!!. ameen.

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