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  • :SMILY252:Asalamu alaykum wr wb

    Oh, i'm so sorry ukhti. My computer wasn't for like almost two months. It was just, like almost two weeks. So i had no other connection to computer. Anyway ukhti, walahi you made me as happy as ever:D:D:D Thanks for the concern.:D:D:D:D the smile on my face is really big that even my mouth hurts Looooooooools. :D:D:D:D:D:See? I LOve you too sO mUch ukhti:hearts::hearts: hearts, and huggs. BiG OnEs. Yeah:D:D:D
    I see you've got quit a number viewers. You are good ukhti. People like you.Hmm. I wonder what's your secert? Let me guess, it's your BiG hEarT that pops up out of your chest like this :SMILY252:. Ah what a life! lol:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:

    It's ok. Sorry, I left and delayed the issue for ages... While looking for a particular thread, I realised this was useful to your previous enquiries.

    good to know you're good!!
    however i think i'm going to do something about your hide and seek...
    mayb tie a bell around your neck or somthin':p:p:p
    keep me in your prayers
    take you
    Asalamu alaykum ukhtiiiiiii

    Yeah! Zaynab is BACK! lol. How are you doing ukhti? I hope you are doing great my dear uhkti.:D Yeah i'm happy to be back to my dear TTI family.:D:D:D SMILE:D:D

    hummmm sayama i think thats not good becoz u know moderates if they will read than pro will create:( n also u dont know urdu so i think here is not better place to talk lol dont worrrry shayma its not very important inshAllah i will ask u later :D
    anywayz hows going ur study n haan homework kr liya ghandi bachey:p
    hummm yes shayma i want to ask something lol no nothing wrong but i want to ask something but its ok if u cant come n if it makes ur pc slow i will ask u later dont worry my sis:D
    ....are you still fainting:p
    croco is sharpening to eat you:D:D:D:Di'm fine alhumdulillah:)

    yeah!!i like it alot :lol:why wud you say i shouldn't.....

    well you can see i'm from pakistan in the capital.......hope you know your capital:D:D:D
    i m fine alhumdillah n u behna:D i hope u r fine too
    lol can u come on msn now behna if possible:D n if ur msn is working properly

    I am way too harsh in that thread, I dislike my attitude and it makes me cringe to read my own posts!

    InshaAllaah you can forgive me for what I said, any good coming from it is from Allaah and the very obvious bad contained within, is from myself.

    May Allaah rectify my character, Ameen.

    (Lol @ the elephant ..hilarious :D. Thanks)
    croco's back!!!!
    shaima!!!that's a very beautiful name,mashallah uniqe and cute.....wonder if you are doing it justice:p........kidding:lol:
    btw it's kinda silly i'm asking you now:rolleyes:but where you from and where do ya live:eek:
    if you think it's......well something not to be shared i'll understand:)


    Thats real sweet of you ..Jazakillaah khayr! Thankyou too.

    Pink..glittery - just my type of thing ;) nice pick!

    May Allaah reward you for making me smile, Ameen!
    Walaikumu Salaam siss
    am here!! :)
    am sorri 4not keepin in touchh
    i didnt had tim to check tti these dayzz
    i missed u
    and i didnt talk to u.,..sinc thatt tim u were sick
    am sorrri
    i hope u feeling well now
    may Allah bless u abaaayo : D
    keeeep me in ur duaz
    wasalamu alaikum
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