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  • As-salamu Alaikum Be- yyu- Tifull:hijabi:
    How are you doing?? Kayfa 7aaluk(my fake
    we're on at the same time again:biggrin::biggrin:--sorry about last time, i didn't msg yu back becouse i had to go and then i had to study for exams..But it's over now..yay!!:biggrin::biggrin:~~
    okaay... enough about me:)
    How are YOU?? Are you feeling better?? and howcome yu didn't tell me yu were in the hospital for a loooong time:( Y were yu there?/what happened??:(:(
    yu can't keep me in the dark anylonger- tell me what's going on ok?
    But i hope you're better wallahi- I made Du'assss for you:eek::eek::biggrin::biggrin:

    any-ways, take care of yourself~~and stay happy:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
    JazakAllah ukhti. InshAllah, everything will turn out right. and hopefully they are in Jannah and this tragedy has just gotten our family closer, even strangers. jazakAllah. Wasalamu Alaikum.
    please pray for my brothers and read surah duha for them.
    :p like ur monkey , u r a monkey urself :lol: :D

    im ok too Alhumdulilah :( still stuck in the same plac :( dont wanna be here anymore
    Wow! So nice to hear about that ukhti!!! :D:D:D
    I know that feeling... when you finally escape from the damn hospital...;);)
    I will talk InshaAllah later.. when I get free time. My exams are really on my head so no time to spare..:(
    take care and please pray for me..
    Fee imaan illah.
    Yes that made me smile SO much!! :D Reminds me of my brother, honestly. He does that too lool.

    Alhamdulela I am good, too. I have exams now, can't wait to finish inshaa Allah.
    Wa'alykum as salam sister,

    She is in same condition sister,no improvement in her health :(
    Jazak-Allahu Khair for remembering her.You are the only one who asked me about her.
    Wa alaykumus salam behna!
    I am SO sorry that I couldn't message you..:( I am kind of busy in preparing for my exams....
    I am fine Alhamdulillah. How are you doing? Why were you in the hospital..:( Everything okay, hun?
    Winter vacations going well???
    Take care of yourself.
    Fee imaan illah.
    P.S: So sweet of you to remember me..:)
    Assalamu alaikim wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh : I am very happy dear sister to be your friend , I am an old woman whom was shown through her life the beauty , purity and greatness of Islam ......I pray that Allah sobhanahu wa taala help us to do all that is good and gather us all (memebers of tti) in Janna.
    Wa'alaikum salaam My Brright Shayma:hearts:

    I missed you Morree sis!...thought yu dissapeared and then another sis joined using your name with a different avatar.LOL

    But Alhamdulillah, i'm doing well. And how about yu? hope life's treating you well:biggrin::biggrin:

    Oh, homework? I'd be glad to helpin any way but what is it on?
    take care beautiful and stay happy alright?:biggrin::biggrin:
    Assalam alaikum sis,
    thanks for adding me as ur friend.Hope to see u soon sis.
    love u sis for the sake of ALLAH
    assalaamu alaykum sis

    im well too alhamdulillah
    yes i didnt come often on msn i had my exams :( and now i dont see you online :(
    inshaAllah i hope we will speak soon siss
    big huggg
    love uuu
    wa salaam
    YA ALLAH help my us all.ameen
    i'll pray for you behna.i believe ALLAH does what's best for us and only HE can help i'll pray for you inshallah and you pray for yourself and me too.:)
    alhumdulillah i'm all finely fine:)

    oh sorrryyy jub tumne msg kia tha i was gone.i m really very sorry behna i was not there:(
    wa'alaikum salaam wr wb:D:D:D

    iam fine alhamdulilli-Allaah:D

    aam i can try......wats is it on??
    u on msn???
    luv u too dear!:D
    Assalamu Allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

    Jazzak Allah khair dear sister for your friend request :)

    May Allah reword you.Ameen

    Wa Allaicumu Sallam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
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