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  • Jazakallah khair sis! i also have exams coming(again) 1st paper is on 3rd.....make lots of dua that i get well cuz need to prepare fr it! Lolz in luv wid em twooooooo:D:D:D:D :lol:

    Yeah *cough cough* keep coughing like hell! but what ever doesnt keep me from smiling like :D:D:D:D:D
    I love u sissssss!! Jzakallah for dua! Now my lil sis has fever too:( so make dua for her too!
    Alhamdulilah im getting better! Subhanallah!:D
    U too take care a lot!
    here's my smiles:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    be happy always sis!

    aaaaaaaaww you soo much SWEEEEEETER!!! and I loveyou:D:D:D:D:D
    oh yea I forgot to say salaam too lol
    wa Alaikum salaam wr wb sis:D:D:D:D
    we're soo crazzzu aint we?:D:D:D
    lol so it's choti lol
    thanks for teachin me
    noo hun hw cud be rude lol
    you teachin me and students always get u (the teacher) corrected:D:D:D:D
    and iam glad u did my choti behna;);););)
    i havent talk to u today:(
    hope u r all guud,
    iam not gunna be here much lyk the past weeks dear sis
    the thanksgivin break is over.....and finals r on the corner.....even my weekend times willbe dne I guees:(:(
    but wen finals r over
    u r get tired of me lol
    and I wil sure misshh u alot!:D:D:D:D
    lol maybe one day InshAllah ;)

    i'm trying to imagine a canadian accent with what you're saying, hmmm..
    As-salamu Alaikum my bright Shayma- hope you're in the best of health beautiful!!

    I'm soo sorry i haven't wished you a happy eid, my crazy comp got infected with a virous and i could'nt use, even though it's sor of late, i still hope your EID was filled with happiness and bright time insha'allah

    you said you lived in Canada right?? I live in the U.S- uhhh, i wish i lived closer too, Insha'allah i pray tht we meet in heaven where friendship never ends!!!!

    take care bright shayma
    No need to apologise :) Yup England...haha, lol, so yes I have a brit accent, everyone I meet says that, especially when I go on hol
    canadian accent sounds a lot like the american one to me :)
    lol, i like to drink it every night, so nice man, Alhamdolilah, ice cold, mmm!
    well i'm not much of a choccie person tbh, I'm addicted to crisps :)
    lol yeah i'll chill for a bit, while I drink my milk ;)

    buttt my eyes are feeling heavy, so then i'll depart :)

    but for know, erm I say ve win zee game :D
    Alhamdolilah it's been fun :)

    Yeah lol, whenever anyone says mubarak to you for anthing you reply as khair mubarak :) (I had to figure that out as well :D)
    Tbh it depends where you're from, I think it's south asain thing?

    Learn something new everyday huh, lol :)
    Caught me lol, haha
    Yahaa, you got it right, private is the way to be ;)

    Khair mubarak! How was your Eid?

    Love you too :)
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