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  • thanks for wishin me a happy eid dear:D:D:D
    hope u had a fantastic eid !!:D
    no hun, dont be sorry ok.....I understand ur situation love!:D:D:D:D
    u shudn't worry or be sorry
    this sis here never gets mad at u, coz she sees u as her lil miss sunshine:D:D:D
    mwahhs hun,
    I had a wonderful eid!!!:D
    i luv u tooo, n u can say as much as u like wen ever u have time:D
    kiss n hugggiiess my chatu sissyy:D:D:D:D
    :lol: Jzakallah khair for the love behna :D ;)
    My eid here in Pak is TODAYYYYYYYYY :lol: im sooooo exciteddddd anyways gotta go get ready hehe :D

    walikumslam! *hugs tight* nd mwah!
    lova yaaaaa twooooooooo :lol:
    Its ok behna :p atleast my pc is bein goody goody today :lol: ;)
    hope ur fine sis nd enjoying eid day wid ur fam. No prbx...its my pleasure :lol:

    *hug* nd mwahh
    happy eid mubarak


    Hun, i gtg now im really sorry leave me an email wil you pls?

    dont be i beg you,
    u have nothing to eb sorry about mna :D

    Smile if you love me :D

    that should do the trick :p
    why the heck you sorry darlin ?

    Dont beh!

    I love you1 and im sorry for beofre!

    Mwahs to you!

    smile pls!

    and remember you might NOT have your bestfriend.....but YOU ALWAYS have Allah who is there to help you SMILE again:D:D:D:D
    trust Him [SWT] to guide you and to help u inshaAllah you wont regret:D:D:D:D
    mwaaahhs, next time I want MANY many many GREEEEEENIESSS:D
    too many sad stuff is happpy always my lil miss sun shine:D:D:D:D:D:D:
    ME LOVE YOU!!!!
    Assalamu Alaikum sweet sis:D

    aahh whats up with the sad faces!! I wanna *Scold* you now lol
    kiddin, I wanted to make u smile wen i wrote that.........sorry about your friend dear, inshaAllah ur parents will come to understand one day....and hun *HUUUGGGSSSS* dont cry coz Allah is testing you with hardships NOT about YOU (as in sickness or anything of that sort) but about the DEEN and how you can hundle it (no mosque, no best friend, sneak ins at TTI n such) and you know that ALLAH DOES NOT BURDEN A SOUL MORE THAN IT CAN BARE....think abt it sis:D
    and Allah must love you to test you with these difficulties:D:D:D:D
    so SMILE and thank HIM [SWT] for all the UNcountable Ni3ma He [SWT] has given you :D:D:D
    lol we like writtin on each others wall wif out waitin for the reply of the other reminds me of wen my SISTERS (at masjid) and I talk aall of us at the same time!! it's fun:D:D:D:D
    but i love u too so much :D and talkin to u is AMAAAAAAAAAAZINGLY BEAUTIFULL:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    mwaaahss hun
    and i dont mind havin u makin come backs with "ok wasaalaam" lol
    aaaaaaaww beautiful:D
    that was just amaazing subhanaaAllah!
    and inshaAllah if u wish u can share ur best friend's story:(
    it seems sad since u have three :( faces....
    i love u dear hun, my love mu dove my sun shine:D
    keep on smiling:D
    mwahs n Allah hafiz nw alwayss:D
    Seriously! you're my sweet true love :D:D:D
    and sis dont be sorry wen u have to can go and I wont hold a grudge!:D:D:D:D:D
    love u too much to think bad of u :D:D:D:D:D:D
    okies I wont put on sad face no more...and u too dont put on sad face ok yaar!
    hey u gotta teach me pashto....hw do I say 'I love u' in pashto>??:D
    ok wen u come back u can answer:D:D:D:D
    me loves u more:D
    Allah hafiz nw n always
    that is soo soo so embarssing! SubhanaAllah! i need to hide myself! gosh! I dont knw Urdu but I LOVE the language and the lil bits I learn I say it wrong! yukhs sucks for ma slow brain!
    ahahah I got no love man.....if the ;) meant what I thot they meant ahahaha
    but I cud have you as ma love;););););)
    and and u is of no help! so disappointed in ya man!:(
    lol kiddin sis inshaAllah wen I learn the correct one I'll say it right:D:D:D
    hey wat language do u speak again?
    wa Alaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
    aaaaww lil mis sunshine!!:D:D:D:D
    you always shine to me wallahi!:D
    I LOVE YOU DEARLY! like you have no clue!!:D:D:D:
    i miss ya too dear lil miss sunshine! subhanaAllah:D:D:D
    you are soo full of innocence and happiness I just wanna hug ya!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahss n huggiiess!:D:D:D:D
    and I must say u been so generous wif the greeniess:D:D:D:D
    you go go go go GURL:D:D:D:D
    i love you! did I say that??:D
    hey, happy EID to u dear,
    mere mujhe pyar hai lol
    idk if that is correct but take it okkiess?:D:D:D:D
    i meant, "I love you soo much" lol
    assalaamu alaykum sis :D:D
    hahaha i aint learnin it actually :D:D its been a lng time i play with urdu words :D theres this auntie who lives here and only knows urdu and sometimes i stay at her house for days and days and only speak urdu to her :D:D:D
    im ok alhamdulillah and tum sunao :D:D
    is it you on the pic :D the baby is lovely mashallah :D
    may Allah bless u sis ;)
    Allah hafiz :D:D:D
    Assalamu Alaikumm:D
    knock, knock!!:D
    hw sis my lil miss shine shune doing:D:D:D:D:D
    (i felt like adding the "h" on those words,)lol
    missed u hunnyyy:(
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