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  • Wa alaykumus Salam!!
    I am Alhamdulillah doing just fine. What about you?? :)

    Did you mean "conversations"? Lol! Me and fatima are cousins so we tease eachother a LOT... She definitely teases me more..;) It's been our habit to fight like that since our birth...:p:p

    Well I am glad you enjoyed it..:D:D
    Take care of yourself and stay in touch, okay?
    hahaha loool! I will never forget! "my beard is so loonG" loll

    me too! I have just been so busy in these days- homeworks school and aalot of things happening! :D but inshaAllah Sooooon I've holiday :D:D

    What about u, hows everything out there sister!
    awww what a NICE surprise!! :D:D:D love u MORE SIS!!!! mwah!
    realy its cute:eek:??? :lol: well glad u think that wat :D hehehhehe
    whts up sis?? hope all goody gooody on ur side?????? *hug tight*
    Salam alaikuum ukhtii!

    So long since i've heard from uu! missed you so much!

    I love you morerr! <3 <3 <3 :D:D
    LOL sis
    ur soooo nice
    jazakillahu khair
    i'll come back after a littl bit i hop
    u still stayin
    sorri for bein so late
    am no good
    waslamu alikum
    awwww sooo sweeeet
    u kno i think u jus saiddd thattt to make ma dayyy
    i don think itzzz trueee.....i meannnn
    i don deserve ittt....u kno :)
    i lovvvee u alottt too sis
    i hop everythin is goin well
    i gotta cook i'll be backkk
    i hop ur onlin by thatt time
    waslaamu alaikum
    yaaa its been so longg since we chateddd
    got busyy sisss...sorry for not keepin in touch
    i missed u tooo habiibti
    wow u stated homeskoolin? cool lol
    atleast ur learnin somethin lolz
    alhamdulilah sis everythin is goood
    i gotta go sis....r u able to come onlin after 1 hour or no?
    walaikumu salam warahmatullah
    i misseddd u too sis
    alottt reallyy.......
    i kinda got busy and these dayz our pc aint workin good
    insha'Allah i'll try to come online
    tc habiibti
    love u
    wasalamu alaikum
    oooo I like this rule!! =D

    No, no I understood why you asked. Not a problem, Neednt be sorry. Sure I dont mind. Thanks for the request! InshaAllah, hope to get to know you more. Take very good care, Fi Amanillah. :)

    Jazakallah ya moooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee :lol:♥
    ugh gota go get meds now :(:( make dua fr my paper!

    welll am glad u doin well
    alhamdulilah tht makez me happi u kno

    ammmm u saidd replayy fastt....nd i did but i don kno
    wat to say lol....i don kno any interest thingg to say :) lik alwayz

    butttt yea
    may Allah ease ur difficulties
    ameen :)
    wasalamu alaikum
    Salaam beautiful, beautiful shayma:hijabi:

    Awww!! I had a splendid eid Alhamdulillah....but it would've been much much better if you were with me too sweety :frown::frown:
    what happened to you hun??? i was away for a while becouse of comp problems but when i came back- you weren't around :frown: hope you're in the best of health and Iman sweety....don't leave me again ok!!!
    I love you and will always will ukhti:biggrin::biggrin:
    i'll keep you in my du'as and you do the same for me insha'allah!!:tti_sister:

    take care beautiful
    peace be with you and keep in touch insha'allah:blackhijab:
    :D alhamdulilah am doin greattt
    am allrightttt.....jus waz worried about u...if u were ok or not
    i Missed u alotttt serious i did lol :D
    u don look happi....:(. watz happenin?
    i hop u feeel better
    :D :D :D :D
    wasalamu alaikum
    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah
    howw r uuu?
    ya i knoo itzz been soo longg
    these dayzz...i don even see u onlin :(
    insha'Allah i hop everythin is goin well
    IMISSED Youuuuuuu
    ur in ma duaz
    i love u tooo sis
    wasalamu alaikum
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