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  • LOL luv to you too from the both of us tow girlie's :)

    we're home alone.. munching on popcorn LOL i luv luv my snacks lol :D

    Ok hun, i better be off too.. make dua for me please.. i left my kitaab at madrasa this afetrnon lol and im meant to do some work LOL please make dua my apa forgets about it! :D *what a laid back student.. i know i know temme bout it.. dont learn form me :p*

    Luv you always, jazakAllah khair katheer for making me smile/happy. *hug*

    me too i "lol" too much lol :D its just s'ma u say innit? like kinda just slips.
    i wont keep u waiting then.. tc inshaAllah make dua about the work lol :D


    Peace is quite quiet innit? LOL i mean on tti? u should see the gurl at home.. ! mashaAllah! she double me in crazZziness! LOl :D she so so sos os o clever mashaAllah and religious man ... i feel like sosososoos tiny infront of her especially in a'amaal. *ok she lookin at me like >>. :confused: << LOL you ! you man! ur already spreading confusion! :D STOP bein confused :lol:
    die of confusion? na na we dont want that.. ur death certificate would say, Cause of death: confusion LOL and that would leave peopel confused is to why u died lol and imagine they die of confusion na man.. dont die :p :D hahah!

    Allah give u a happy prosperous life full of imaan and every good in this life wa aakhira!
    LOL im always on her :p *not literally* :D yeh man i am very very very generous *maybe a little too generous LOL* with hugs n kisses :) hey! wah do you know! its FREE! :D LOl joking *obviously its free.. that wasnt the joke lol. there IS no joke haha!.. i just felt like saying it lol* :D

    crazzii talk amn lol..

    hugs n sloppy *yes she specifically said this lol* kisses right back atcha :)
    hamajh ni pari ke? *u didnt get it* LOL not THAT difficult :p u have ME confused now loOoOoOoOoll... what didnt you get? maybe i can elaborate WITHOUT increasing ur confusion lol
    hey "peace92" gives ya salaamz *she dont know u but hey* lol :D

    be polite ok? :p joke joke.. :D
    *man! i stick out my tongue a lot innit? * hahah/1
    it does make sense hun, LOL obviously cos i know wah am trying to get at but ur baffled haha! :D

    choro lol :D it wasnt worth reading that notice anyway lol :D
    lol what can i say peple call me all sorts.. pagal.. lame... silly...chlidish...weird... work too hard *meant to be a good thing tho lol* the list goes on ... lets just add confusing too huh? :D for your sakes :p
    u said notice taw i rememebred her lol, anyways

    eeeeeeehhhhh :p
    no i ment one time i came on as in "once upon a time" kinda lol.. not anytime recent :)

    Alhumdulillah am good too, a cousin passed away so ... urm ... yeh. *im not sure what to say lol :confused:* him n i used to be very close back in the day. *he's old ;) so no weird thinking pur-lease :D*
    LOL :D crazZzii gal!

    ofcourse i did :p LOL joke :)

    "If u noticed that notice, you would have noticed that that notice was not worth noticing" What my mate used to tell me when i used to chat to her bout sumthn lame that i read or sumth lol :D but ofcourse i noticed that notice thats why am tellin her about ti lol :D so the "if" there dont make sense lol
    nopes, :p

    i msg u FIRST haha! :d then i check whos online n 2 seconds LATER i got the "notification" :D hehehehehheheeh!

    truth sucks huh? :p
    it seems so quiet around here innit? Lol.

    one time i'd logged in and there was literally only 3 ppl online lol, that was weird. cos soOoOoOoOoO many people tend to be on. hehe

    How u been anyway?

    Jazakallah sister for informing me. :)

    I am well Alhumdulillah. I hope you are well too Insha'Allah tallah and in good health and Imaan. :)

    Oh yea, don't hesitate to write on my page, it is totally okay. :)

    Take care of yourself.. Allah Hafiz
    Assalamu Alykum. :D:D:D:D:D

    How are you doing my dear Sis? Its been a Long time..Hope your well InshaAllah. :)
    Take Care.

    Your Brother. Abu Hurairah.

    Wa Alykum Salaam. :):):)
    sad awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


    no im ok,,, thnx so much man.. but pls dont worry im cool :cool:
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