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  • :jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap:eek:ohh yea ooh yea thats wats up.....I get my sis all too excited coz she thinks iam coool.......:cool::cool::cool::cool:hahaha
    but but she dont knw that she is WAAAAAAAAYY cooler :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:than me;);)
    coz seein her logged it gettsss me alll :wavyarms::wavyarms::wavyarms::wavyarms:
    I am guud AlhamduliAllah sis...........but but you didnt tell me hw u feeling? even after I asked!:angryred::angryred:
    noo she is MY BABE!!!:lol::lol::lol:
    i knw...if u had the sam Avi.....:lol::lol: u wud drive me NUTSS!!!:SMILY335::SMILY335::SMILY335::SMILY335:
    :holaaa::holaaa:Assalamu Alaikum sis:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Holla senorita:lol::lol::lol:
    hw r u sis:D?
    hey did i ever tell you, you and sis Nermin confuse me :SMILY27::SMILY27:LOL
    Muslim_Gurl...............and Muslim-life:SMILY231:
    Wa'alaikum al salaam :D

    Alhamdulilah i'm fiine hunii! What bout you?

    YEAH Long beards eh? heheh ofcourse just soo long! :p :(

    hahah white beard u? hmmm ? Thank you! Love you too!

    FO THE SAKE OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY! ahhah I COPIED!! maybe we just think the same! didn't know that you said that! haha loolll

    tc my deaarest sweet sugar siis! <3

    Hope to hear from you befor your beards grow looong :D:D


    wassalam ur sis- Nermin
    Assalamu alaikuuumm sistaaaaa!!!!

    How are you?!! I missss u! Miss ur sweet msg's !!! :D:D looll

    Ukhtii so what's up out there? how's school, home everything!!

    loll I miss u & luuuv u for the sake of the almighty Allah!
    LOL sis, it happens no worries there:D
    aaaaaaaww, doesnt that feel guuud see I KNW wen ur smile is reall:D iam happpi u have it one lyk that:D
    see, always rememebr Allah and He'll wipe up ur sorrow:D
    aawww, sit all day and read my comment:D thats one heck of a compliment:D in a guud way:D
    iam soooooooooo glad u r smilllING :D:D:D:DD::D:D
    so am I:D
    iam haaaaappii coz u feeel haappii:D
    keep on shinning :D for ur brightens is all that the hearts need:D
    higgs right back at u:D
    oh sis....thts sweet but me not feel tht way:D:D fine i will write a book and autograph it for u:D:D u r my # 1 fan:D
    ha ha..i would but no one will buy it:D:D
    i am so bad at it...i always lovve it when others write it.they r so meaningful an dpowerful:D:D
    sis don't be sorry:D:D
    inshallah u will...ALLAH is with u...just rem him and things will become easy:)
    i made tht one tht good:D:D i shoudl write more...:D:D
    aaww hun, HUGGGIIEESS!!
    hey, u knw...the best thing that wipes the pain,,,,,,SMILE! smile a real one knowin that Allah is there with conviction:D stretch those lips, show those teeth, and do THIS :D u will feel betaa, i assure u!:D
    hun, life is now always a very smooth road u knw, its very bad.....the ups and downs come and go....we never stuck with one! we might be happy to day, sad tmrw, smilin tonight, cryin the next, that is the cycle of lyf.:)
    so dont worri, trust Allah, PRAY as much as u can, cry to HIM in ur duas! show him u desparate and also show patience:) dont say why this, why that or why me, be strong and say its Allah's will and He does wat He pleases!
    so keep on goin hun
    naa, me MORER!:D
    and yea dont thank me for stoppin by ur page, u r ma sis! actually MY LITTLE sis, u knw wat that meanS? it means I MUST MUST care for u! and thats wat iam doing;)
    Assalmau Alaikum my lovey DOVE:D:D:D:D:DD
    hw r u doing today????
    jst thot i shud check on my sweet sis SHAIMA.......
    u smillin hun, coz i want u to smile for ur sis, BT dont fake, rememebr i am here for u yaaarr!
    me love u mooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:D
    oh sis:) its okay...sis u will get through this....parents are parents right...we should ALWAYS respect them no matter di know you do...just hang on to the rope till after the storm:)
    i still love u toooooooooooooo much:D:D
    ha ha ha h sis ..tht so sweet of u..but i want u to feel tht way too u know....
    ha ha h..even u copy and pasted was worth seeing it:D:D:D:D
    HUGS sis..i know ALLAH will get you through this..Just keep on being patient..okay sweety:D:D:D i will be happy when i see a green smily:D:D
    u don't seem okay:(:(:(:( hugs sis
    oh don't be sorry happens..i just want you to be okay...
    u r in my duas sis:)
    aww sis..but how is tht disobeying sis...thts ur purpose in this world...i just don't get it...some people are very lucky to have kids like u....but sis don't ever leave prayers...ALLAH comes matter wht
    u r in my duas sis..i lub juuuuuuuuuuuuu
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