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    I know! Finally I decided to use TTI again :D:D:D hehhe
    Life is good Alhdumdulillah :D:D:D How about for you? :(

    Ohh no I did come to school. I saw you! :D:D:D hehehe

    Ohh brother Shaheer? Thats his name? :D:D:D MashaAllah :D Okayy Shaima InshaAllah we won't talk about it :D:D

    Aww I hope you have a wonderful day!! :D:D

    Take care!! :D:D Salamss!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
    my greenie lover fan !
    welcome to the club lil miss sunshine!!!:D:D:D:D:D
    love u loadssss!:D
    and and and I am haaaaappppi u r happi:D
    wat does that make, double happinesss!:D:D:D:D:D
    you're heart is so pure and awesome that u see awesomeness in me!:D:D:D:D
    may Allah keep u haapppi and healthy always!:D
    ameen, and I ask Allah the same and much more ma sunshine!:D
    I love u morer and u cant beat that....accept it, iam ur older baajjji :D:D:D:D
    lol, i knw subhanaAllah:D
    thanks for addin hun:D
    love love love love love u!!D:D:D:D:D
    As Salaamalaikum dear sister,

    I hope you are doing well and in best of Imaan and health Insha'Allah tallah. :)

    haha.. In this case I must say, thanks for eavesdropping ;) Jazakallah for letting me know. Though I myself am not a really old member of TTI, I recollect reading his posts and threads etc, quite a young one I reckon Masha'Allah :)..

    It's been long since I have read any posts from him so was curious and a bit concerned, if you know what I mean.. Anyhow if you have the opportunity to write to him, do let him know that there are some poster(s) who miss his posts and remember him. Hope to hear from him soon Insha'Allah tallah :)

    Yea.. you were of great help.. thanks once again.. and btw that by far is the most number of embarrassed smileys I have seen in a single post lolz..

    you too take care.. Fi Amaan Allah

    why the sad faces:( those make ppl depressed!LOL
    I am ok now sis, i knw u didnt mean too:D
    i am jsttoo emotional sometimess:D
    jazakaAllah khairan hun, and and and ur duas worked:D
    i am HAPPY, HYPER now:D:D:D
    sorry for makin u sad tho:( never meant to do that!:D
    ameen to all ur duassssssssss!!:D:D:D
    millions of huggs n kisseeeeeeeeessss:D
    yeppiies, iam so happy the sayin made ur daaaaaaaaaaaaaayy:D
    o0h yea thats wats DOWN!!:D
    see, iam happy and iam NOT fakin this!:D
    o0h hun u such a sweet heart!! u made me cry a tiny bit,,,,,,and give a smile:)
    AlhamduliAllah for everythin sis, I am jst down thats why u dont see no smiles,
    i am gunna be fine tho, i am hopeful to almighty's help, i pray for His forgiveness as well!
    no sis, u made me feel better wen u said " I just felt a bit down when I didn't see any smiles in your posts" HUG, and HUG
    THANKS millions dear
    inshaAllah with the mercy of Allah I'll keep smilling!!!
    me love u morer:)
    same tou sis, i am gunna hit out now, Allah bless u forur kindness and may He be kind to u on the day of resurrection!
    wasalaam my sweeetheart,
    * your day can go gloomy sometimes but it's the sweet roses that smile at you, that can change the worst to the best!* you have been my sweet rose!:)
    keeep the Ummah in ur duas we're in need on it!
    waAlaikum salaam sweetty!

    I guess, i am aight, jst a bit down
    inshaAllah i am gunna be fine tho
    hw r u?
    and jazakaAllah khairan for droppin bye
    I appreciate it dear sis
    may Allah bless you ur soul, give u all thatu ask of Him, make u a pious sister so He can by His mercy grant you jannah! may Allah always make u happi for with the remembeerance of the almighty, the all wise we shud never be unhappi, o0h Allah i ask to bless mybeloved sis, and to always be there for her!ameen,ameen,ameen
    I was jockin sis walahi
    am not even sure why i said that LOL
    anyway sorrry yubbbbbb
    hop u havin a great day
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatulLah

    No things aint ok. :(
    pls make dua

    love u
    thnx for aksing

    oh si sits okay..i just wanted to know if u got it cuz i am having alot of net i don't know if u got it or not
    take ur time
    gurlllllll ur nasssssssssstyyyyyyyy
    jus kiddin lool
    i kno am weird
    our goodbyes neva ends lol
    wasalamu alaikum
    yea i kno thanxz for remindin me
    am sleeeeeeeeeepin now
    sweeeet dreamzzz
    wasalamu alaikum
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