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  • HEY! bake urslef some chocolate cookies! :)

    Aw that works wonders! especially wen ur feeling down..... hae some ok?
    i wished u lived close by to moi, id bake u some LOL, home made are THE best LOL, :D
    hey u best cheer up oki?

    get urslef a bar of choc! ull feel goOoOoOoOod trust me ;)
    IF iftaar is done lol, if not make sure u treat urslef ok? be good to yourslef, trust em ull feel good, :) a=og and hav some hot choc ;) and melt some of ur own cho iin ther *mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm* LOL :D

    yeh that felt great LOL! :D
    *squissSsshhysquaaAahhyMOREhugs* LOL :D
    yes habibit, thats correct ;)

    i know how embarasiing :$ LOL :D
    may he 4gv us both:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

    i feel like a right muppet hehe
    dont feel terrible habibti, seriously u have no reason to be.

    i Love u honey!
    tc always, dont be so hard on urself ok? :) be cool, chill and relax, ppout ur feet up and ull feel ok afterwards LOL inshaAllah

    *lotsa huggggggggggggggggggggggggggss*
    Me too huni, i hurt some1 too and it kills me to know that :( WAllah.

    Sometimes I just wish I could go back in tym, and just fix some things here n ther. :( I hate myself for loadza things, im sucha bad person.
    But, inshaALlah i hope to be better. A true muslimah.

    i gtg now too. im so sorry, if i have hurt you :( especially wen not replying tu ur msgs LOL

    LOve u lots, im hre for ya wener u wana chat

    tc of urself, and dont feel bad about anyhting ok/

    hy huni im off sowii

    gta have sm *me time* ;) think things through LOL

    tc u
    and be happy pls oki, ps pls pls im beggin u
    i hate hate hate to see ppl sad :( cheer ups okis?
    lloOoooOoOoOll! hahahaahhahaah!

    myn are too sweetii, but the laptop is enuf heheeh, put an alarm on :)
    or ask sum1 2 wake u up
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