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  • pheeeeeeeeeeeW lol :D

    So so so sorry habibti, yeh? :)
    upset with you..? Yaar, how exactly shall i drill it into your head lol :D i could never be mad at u or sad haha :D chill sis

    love u more :D
    u TC

    Wa'alaykum salam!

    WAllah sis, i TOTALLY forgot ! Seriosuly, nothing personal ok? lol :D sowwwii huni

    my ramadhan was like terrible, i didnt make the most of it *sob sob*
    hehehe! I made Dua's for all my Bro's and Sisters collectively alhamdulilah! btw.. its nice to see you so happy mashaAllah!
    Ramadhan is going well alhamdulilah through the mercy and blessings of allah swt!

    you take care my dear sister!
    keep smiling!

    wa alykum salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
    Wa alykum salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Shaima!

    Of course I remember you! LOL Alhamdulilah I am doing great and Umrah was amazing alhamdulilah!
    Anyways how are you? hope your Ramadhan has been great so far..

    take care my dear sister! :D :D
    keep smiling! :)

    Wa alykum salaam.
    alhamdulilah am doing greatt :SMILY335:
    LOL yea u better be kiddin cuz i don stink...anyway when did u smell me ?
    AHA! :SMILY286:
    de secretts? sometimes u get me kiddin :D
    ur rightt we should name each and one of thmm..namess LOL maryamm,zaynab,aisha and zahra and shaima??? :shake:

    gotta go
    luv u tooo
    Wasalamu alaikumu salam warahmatullah
    haaahhahahaha no no .. why would i b mad silly :p na man, dont keep things against pplz lol, and anyway it was most probably my fault.

    check out my sig lol :D "hold to forgivness" ;)
    lol :D
    what?! haahahhaahahahahaa no no sis! :D:D:D:D:

    What for yaar lolz, so cute mashaAllah *pinches her cheek ;)*

    why would i be mad...... ur username should be "crazZzzii gurrrrll" :D lolz just kidding :D
    Salaam sis. Im happy, my computer is doing great now. Thank u for asking :D
    Wa anti min ahli ljaza sis :D :D baarakaAllahu fiki for confirming :D
    You're most welcome sis always here when u need me inshaAllah :)
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