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  • Assalamu alykum.

    Eid Mubarak sister!
    May allah swt grant you joy and hapiness. May allah swt shower his mercy and blessings over you. Ameen.

    Wa alykum salaam.
    who said am not there?
    look behind u :D ammm there
    behind the door kkk lol
    no seriouslyyy
    i wished too sis
    wasalamu alaikum
    Asslam'u Alykum sister,

    Hope you having good time, Insha'Allah. Don't feel Alone on this awesome occasion, Insha'Allah.

    May Allah accept your fasts. Ameen.
    alhamdulilah am doin greATT
    everythin is goood'
    ramadan is endin :(
    but yea
    insha'Allah u'r alright
    wasalamu alaikum
    walaikumu salamm warahmatullah
    sorry 4de late replayy
    how u doingi?
    hop u doingi well :D
    missed ya
    hahahahahahahahahahahha thats funnnnnnnnnnyyy llol :D
    sure thing huni, wenever :D

    im off now, im busy cooking llol :D karahi ;) in the kitchen with the laptop, and my mums like "gerrrroof" llol


    im your older sis, i know wats going through ur head :p kidding llooOooOoOoll :D
    hahaha mashaALlah man

    still waiting for ur emial, or u leavn me hanging :p
    omA ckkoies..? Sis you HAVE to know how to bake cookies! :D

    ill give u the recipe, "totally chocolate chip cookies" ;) Yum Yum
    hehehe mashaAllah!

    im glad ur feeling better, im SO tired LOL :D
    went to bed at like 5:00 after cleaning and that. and woke up like at 9:00 which is SO early for me as i do sleep like a log lloOoOoOoOoOll :D :D

    baked some indian sweet thing for eid, and omA it tastes wicked! :D lloOoOoll :D mashaALlah :)

    kk, hey did u make urself some cookies..? ;)
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