Recent content by nounlu

  1. N

    Having more than one wife is the Sunnah

    CORRECTION ... We are not in this world to satisfy ourselves...
  2. N

    Having more than one wife is the Sunnah

    Let me go ahead and quote a very important ayah about this which is usually left out. You will never be able to deal justly between wives however much you desire (to do so). But (if you have more than one wife) do not turn altogether away (from one), leaving her in suspense..."...
  3. N

    Praying at US airports??

    Hello, I live in US and I am traveling back to my country next month and I don't want to miss any prayer on the way. Do any of you have any experience with praying at any USA airports? Do you have any suggestions? Could I just pray anywhere in the building? Thanks
  4. N

    3 tough questions...

    Great story but isn't hitting someone's face haram? If I show this story to a non-believer, I am afraid I will get the same response. I wish he kicked him instead :)
  5. N

    Whats your view on Evolution?

    I second that about Harun Yahya. Make sure to watch his documentary. The idea of evolution is against science itself. Peace
  6. N

    It's time for all of us to be honest

    Islam is a religion of peace. Do not convert to Islam if you want to blow things up. There is no tolerance to such things in Islam. Also, converting to Islam is not some cool gothic thing to do either. Best you can do right now is to study the teacings and get some peace in you. May god...
  7. N

    Refuting the Slander against the Prophet's marriage to Aisha

    This document is much more brief. Please check it out
  8. N

    Refuting the Slander against the Prophet's marriage to Aisha

    I recommend anyone interested in this issue to check out this article. It supports idea of Ayesha (Ra) being 19 at the time of marriage. After reading that article, I personally think 19 makes more sense. Peace
  9. N

    ATrue Muslim , a Leader & a Man

    It was a very good speech and he does a great job dealing with this issue overall but I wouldn't go as far as calling him a great muslim. His son killed a woman in Turkey and he didn't even get a trial because Erdogan covered it up. They would put me in jail for saying this in Turkey but I live...
  10. N

    Question about 4 wives in Islam

    It clearly states on this verse that you should only marry if you can treat them equally. Marry woman of your choice in twos' threes' or fours' but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly, (with them), then only one' [Al-Qur'an 4:3] It also clearly states they it isn't possible...
  11. N

    Question about 4 wives in Islam

    I am disappointed because I replied to this post yesterday and it is still not approved. I believe Quran mentions enough about this subject to let us know that polygamy shouldn't be practiced. Here's what I found about this subject Polygamy : "If you deem it best for the orphans, you...
  12. N

    Stoning, what is it's position in Islam?

    Here's a question. Why didn't Prophet Muhammed SAWS immediately order the man to free the slave girl? Isn't it against Islam to have slaves?
  13. N

    Question about 4 wives in Islam

    Dear brothers and sisters, I am no expert on extensive study of this subject but I would like to share my opinion. Polygamy made a lot of sense at times where men was vastly outnumbered by women and there was no modern government departments(such as police) to protect single women...
  14. N


    I would say YES
  15. N


    I would say YES