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  1. S

    pls pray for my martyrdom

    :salam2: Aslong as you are able to breath you´ve the possibillity to escape from jahannam and please Allah. So let this fear/hope boost you to do good for the sake of Allah. E.g. invite your neighbor. Call your parents and ask if they are allright or of they need something. Or you can...
  2. S

    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: I´m happy to know you are happay. Mashaallah. Jazak Allahu ckair for your positive words. :wasalam:
  3. S

    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: @ WithAllahsPowers, sister I´m really speechless. May Allah give you speed recovery. You´re a strong beliver mashaallah :SMILY252: and to all of you guys jazak Allahu ckair. Brother besmiralalbani when reading your post I get goosebumps. Specially the last part. This is refering...
  4. S

    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: yes this is exactly what I want to be independent from material stuff. I don´t want to leave my desires. I just don´t want my happyness to depend on them. :wasalam:
  5. S

    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: Inshaalah you will always be happy in your life sister hayat84. and also in the next life. Your words are just heart trembling :SMILY252: :wasalam:
  6. S

    "Welcome" for old members who are back...

    :salam2: mashaallah this is so attentive of you brother. May Allah reward you for your kindness. :wasalam:
  7. S

    need a dua

    :salam2: sister, I´ve learned that it is better to make dua in the absence of the one you pray for... sorry I was not of much help :wasalam:
  8. S

    IM BACK!!!!! @_@ :D:D:D

    :salam2: Are you that girl....? Of couuuuuuuuuurrsss you are :hearts::hearts::hearts: So cool to see you here finally :SMILY252: I believe if Fatima is in the house it will be awsome. :wasalam:
  9. S

    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: oh and just be relaxed. Don´t follow the aim to be pleased. Our aim should be that Allah is pleased. And when He is pleased than we are pleased too. :wasalam:
  10. S

    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair sister sal12 for reposting Brother Abu Talib´s thread just for me :hearts: that is so cute of you :) the replies may seem simple but they work out great. The advice of the brothers/sisters here (to praise Allah for everything we own, to repent, to be aware of Allah...
  11. S

    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: after along time I´m responding to this thread. I´ve just read all your replies and it bring a smile to my face. All of you guys made great points. Jazak Allahu ckair.. :) If I take all of that what you´ve adviced in consideration in my daily life it will for sure make me happy :)...
  12. S

    Lets Spread True Islam

    :salam2: A lecture by Sheick Anwar al Awlaki; "Is the Ummah living in the new Gold Rush" this lecture really soothes my heart. I hope it will also be helpfull to you. :wasalam:
  13. S

    It's always back to the one and only

    :salam2: I can understand you very well brother... My advice is take a little time and go to a place where you feel at ease. And then make a decision. What is your goal in life....? Decide wether that you want to enter the highest jannah or a good life in this world only... Think about it and...
  14. S

    Are you done hating your strangeness? We have the greatest honour.

    :salam2: jazak allahu ckair brother. This is a real great lecture. :wasalam:
  15. S

    Cutting off hands in Islam

    :salam2: brother Islam!!yay, first of all I want to reassure you that Allah Subanallahu Teala is the most Just He wrongs not. And if He has decreed something then there is for sure good in it. Even if we may can not understand it. Allah says in an hadith Qutsi: “‘O My servants, I have...
  16. S

    Lets Spread True Islam

    :salam2: It is true that the media pictures Islam as an evil religion. But that does not matter much. What matters is the attitude of the muslims. I believe no one can harm muslims more than muslims themselve... it is a pity that we muslims of today fail to represent Islam in the best...
  17. S

    I have been struggling

    :salam2: such great news. Thank you guys for sharing this with us. May Allah bless your marriage.... :) :mashallah:
  18. S

    Is niqab good or bad

    :salam2: yeah I agree. Islam is a free religion. It guides it´s followers with love and mercy to Allah. Not with chains and by forcing them. example: there is a very nice dress which is simply of outstanding beauty and the person for whom this is designed is not able to wear it because he is...
  19. S

    Make dua for me - please

    :salam2: dear sister hardships will always be a part of a true believers life... and since you are a true believer get used to it. Glad tidings to you because you are of the "strangers" inshaallah. All the rightous people had to face hardships.... BUT Allah Subanallahu Teala is not just giving...