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    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: yes, I´ve noticed that too... jazak Allahu ckair sister katieanneb :wasalam:
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    HIV in muslim Community.

    :salam2: I agree with you. Also I don´t like this site like used to because of that. :wasalam:
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    Dedicated to.... HIVpozmuslim

    :salam2: Maybe you are aware of the storry of Ka´ab ibn Malik. I´ll not narrate the whole storry. I just want to concentrate on the lessons we can learn from it. Ka´ab ibn Malik and two other sahabas (don´t know there names) was guilty for not following the prophet´s (s.a.w) instruction...
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    HIV in muslim Community.

    :salam2: dear brother, first of all thank you for bringing this topic up. Even it is uncomfortable to speak about it I think it is necessary. If we claim to be one ummah we also have the responsibility to care for eachother. There are ppl in our ummah living with this disease.... And...
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    HIV in muslim Community.

    :salam2: wow you was so helpfull. 1) Reading your reply it seems you have never tasted true repentance. But Allah knows. 2) How do you know what is going on in his mind. Do you doubt his tawba just because he wants a wife like everyone....? :wasalam:
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    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: Jazak Allahu ckair for all your replies. Although I think that many did not get my point. I don´t need a handkerchief to wipe away my tears. I´m not crying.... :hearts: I´ve just noticed that I´m not really satisfied at the moment because Im very often in the past and in the future...
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    the haram and the ayip

    :salam2: thank you for your reply sister. :) :wasalam:
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    I just want to be happy :(

    :salam2: all my sisters and brothers. I want to talk about happyness. Something we all desire. Muslims aswell as non-muslims. We all want to be happy. And what are the things that can make us happy....? A big house? A fancy car? Money? A good wife/husband? An A-grade in an exam? a good...
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    Getting Married!

    :salam2: Inshaallah you will be very happy in both worlds my sister. mabruk aleyk. :hearts: :wasalam:
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    A confusing aspiration, is it a gift or a curse?

    :salam2: You seem to be very interested in the ghayp. We believe in the ghayp even if we can not capture it with our minds. Because we believe in Allah. Why don´t you focus on the knowledge which Allah has not hidden. Study His 99 names for example. It is confusing to think about something...
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    Erdogan, a great Islamic figure

    :salam2: may there are people in turkey who fall in the category you have described and who have gone astray. (May Allah guide them.) Still you can not generallize. There are also very pious muslims among the turks. We don´t have to call us salafi. We are muslims following the sunnah...
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    A little girl named Al-Bara'ah

    :salam2: I´m so ashamed of myself :(........ may Allah give recovery to this girl and have mercy with her parents :wasalam:
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    the haram and the ayip

    :wasalam: ve iyyaki brother :wasalam:
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    the haram and the ayip

    :salam2: Bismillah. Who is a muslim. Sheytan believes in Allah. And he knows the truth very well. But still that does not make him a muslim. astagfirullah. A muslim is by definition the one who believes in Allah and who loves/fears Him. The one who subordinate his own desires (nefs)...
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    Ruling on one who neglects prayer

    :salam2: to be honest first I did not understand why the punishment for one who is not praying is so extremly severe. But now I do. Because the one who leaves prayer is not only liable to other bad deeds. (I know that from self experience) But he also is a reason for the failure of the whole...
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    Ruling on one who neglects prayer

    :salam2: I´m not a schoolar. But thinking logical it is obvious that prayer is more important. Because it is the foundation for every other deeds. How can someone who can not even bring enough discipline up to pray be successfull in Jihad where much more discipline is required. And praying is...
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    This is really sad - palistinian kids talk about their daily horror! (OFFICIAL)

    :salam2: well sad brother. May Allah guide us to the straight path. jazak Allahu ckair. :wasalam:
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    Reminder: the death of prophet´s son

    :salam2: By Muhammed Alshareef When the Prophet's infant son Ibraheem was ill, our Sayyida Mariyah, radi Allahu 'anha, called for Allah's Messenger to come quickly. When Allah's Messenger, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, arrived, baby Ibraheem was in his final breaths of life. ... now...
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    What is the disadvantage of sex before marriage

    :salam2: If Allah Subanallah Teala has forbidden something then there is a reason for it. Realationships are prohibited in order to protect the institution of marriage. Every member of a family has rights. It is the duty of children to take care at their parents when they are old and unable...
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    A dedication to my beloved brothers whom were murdered

    :salam2: May Allah have mercy on them. :( :( :( But why.....? I did not understand the reason. why this brothers was killed....? :wasalam: