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  1. S

    loosing my religion

    :salam2: thank you a lot for your kind support. It is really relieving to have muslims to talk with... I appreciate it a lot! I know of course that Allah Subanallahu Teala is most forgiving but to whom... just to those who repent.. and I can not manage to repent... I´m struggling with...
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    loosing my religion

    :salam2: I was not here on tti for a pretty long time! It is because my iman has decreased. I´ve serious really serious problems to follow the deen. I believe in Allah. I know that I´ll enter jahannam if I don´t repent... but I don´t know how to repent... I´m lacking sabir... I´m 25...
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    Fasting in hot working conditions

    :salam2: oh I´m so sorry for those brothers/sisters who have to work in such conditions... :( May Allah give them patience and forgive them if they can not fast :( sorry I´m not very helpfull... Hope someone will reply who has knowledge... however Allah is Gafhur and Rahman.... I know it is...
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    20 or 12 or 8??

    :salam2: dearest sister, here is a very usefull link: :wasalam:
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    The Key to True Love - An Islamic Perspective

    :salam2: I don´t agree with that! love means mercy doesn´t it...??? we are human beeings and it is our natur that we want appreciation from others. because we need it! only Allah is selfsufficent to Himself.... He does not depent on anyone and anything! But we do! Love Allah and love for His...
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    Self Image Psychology

    :salam2: here is a link of a very great and powerfull speach by Sheick Yassir Fazaqa. It is long but worth to listen... I listened to it many times. hope you´ll like it too (I don´t know how to copy and pass a youtube-video... this was what I wanted to do actually... but I just give you the...
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    Solution: Turkish Islamic Union

    :salam2: well first of all I´m a muslim first... and that makes me more proud than any other thing else!!!! @Korai_28 thank you. I love all muslims too. also non-muslims. To critisize someone does not mean you don´t like this someone... but people just don´t get it!!! @dna1987 no why...
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    Solution: Turkish Islamic Union

    :salam2: sorry but it is not my fault that the arabs are like that.....!!!! it is fact... if you like or not!!! See there are people in faluja/Iraq they are arabs too....and they are men! and I´ve no problem to honor them because they deserv it.... but the rest...... :wasalam:
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    Solution: Turkish Islamic Union

    :salam2: I have no problem with saudis or arabs in general.... and hey... better late than never...!!! yes keep on hating turkey.... it will bring you so much further in life..... :wasalam:
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    Solution: Turkish Islamic Union

    :salam2: well I could say something to that... and after may the thread would be closed....!!!! you´ve got an oppinion! But you´ve no clue! I´ll not continue this discussion because it makes no sense.... I´ll let you in your believe..... Allah knows all best....!!!! :wasalam:
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    Solution: Turkish Islamic Union

    :salam2: The UAE... yessss for sure!!!! See the proplem with the arab nations is that they have nothing to say.... cuz they are like the puppets of the US...!!! I´m not saying this because a part of me is turkish but the turks have much more self-confidence as a nation what makes them...
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    Solution: Turkish Islamic Union

    :salam2: because the turks have the power...! Turkey is the only muslim country which was not occupied because turks did not accept the occupation like others... they fought against it! :wasalam:
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    Story: How To Get That Perfect Wife

    :salam2: There was a man in China who was using a stout stick with pots hanging on its both ends to transport water from the vally to his house. One of the pots was a little broken on one side and the otherone was impeccable.. and everytime the "perfect" pot managed to carry all the...
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    Story: How To Get That Perfect Wife

    :salam2: I agree with Gernada1492. To me also the outside apperance is important and I don´t deny that. If all men would have such high expectations from a woman then many women would remain singles forever... lol.... ok I was exagerating it is ok to have high expectations from a future...
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    Derision of West misguided’

    :salam2: brothers and sister let us not allow blind hatred (I don´t deny their terrible politics) to learn from the west. Because we can learn from them alot. Like they also can learn from us alot... And people among our ranks was the pioneers of many western inventions....! :wasalam:
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    Derision of West misguided’

    :salam2: No brother besmiralalbani we don´t have the light of Islam in our chests... (I speak in general) if we have then why we don´t feel for our sisters who are beaten by their husbands... why can we not protect them..... what happened to our concious if we have the light of Islam in our...
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    Derision of West misguided’

    :salam2: wow a very interesting article. Jazak Allahu ckair for sharring. :wasalam:
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    is it bad to be good person?

    :salam2: it is not wrong. But it is not always easy to be good. Copntinue like the way you are inshaallah... And also if others are trying to put you down do not allow that! It is important that you do not belittle yourself be confident... Allah Subanallahu Teala is watching you and He´ll...
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    Death Wish

    :salam2: once I was walking in the street and my mind was busy with the problems I had to live with and I said "Oh God let me die" then I was almost hit by a car... I was really shocked after cuz I escaped from death... and I knew then that I don´t want to die... I was not ready for it... it...
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    Follow the seal of the prophets

    :salam2: that was so beautiful... If I think how we deal with children today in our mesjids.... Jazak Allahu ckair sister. :wasalam: