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    Prepare to Face your Lord

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair sister. May Allah guide us to and on the straight path. who knows maybe ít is our generation who will witness Isa as coming... :wasalam:
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    How mush beautiful voice of this child

    :salam2: mashaallah. I wish to have a babyboy or girl who can receite quran like that :) :wasalam:
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    Does it remind you at something?

    :salam2: 1) imagine you are in a forest. there you see a bird with a very exotic and stuning beautiful look and a delightful and sweet singing... and sudenly this same bird is picking in smut with it´s beak...! 2) then you see an old ladie gathering wood. and even so she has a heavy...
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    The Anxiety and Sorrow of Abu Umamah

    :salam2: great post. jazak Allahu ckair. :) :wasalam:
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    What should I do? What would you do?

    :salam2: then do not ask him if he loves you ask him if he is serious or not....! Cuz if not you have got no time to waste right?... wether his answer is yes or no... What if in this time another pious brother is proposing to you for marriage... if his answer is no then you know you can...
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    why do we need to pray in arabic?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair brother diplomaticmuslim. also the arabic language is much more powerfull than other languages. for example the word patience "sabir". I read in tafseer of Yusuf Ali that sabr means: 1) it means patience in terms of thoroughness the opposite of hurriedness 2)...
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    U.S. Kills 100 Afghan Civilians

    :salam2: a very good question. are we ready to sacrifice from our wealth for the sake of Allah when it really matters? :wasalam:
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    What should I do? What would you do?

    :salam2: sister I´m in a very similar situation like you. there was this guy we wanted to get married but there was many obstacles. but still we have the intention to marry and inshaallah after 1 year we will get married. You should be patient, pray to Allah and always try to improove...
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    A true jewel in the world of books!

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for sharring brother. Inshaallah I will read it :) :wasalam:
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    U.S. Kills 100 Afghan Civilians

    :salam2: this is maybe the 100´s maybe 1000´s maybe 10000´s.... 9/11 of Afghanistan! Nobody! cuz there is no muslim Army existing who is defending the rights of muslims! Who will care for the affairs of the muslims accept the muslims...? and when even muslims don´t care for each other...
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    U.S. Kills 100 Afghan Civilians

    :salam2: Allah is the All Just and inshaallah He will punish this terrorists humiliating our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, Iraq...etc... when will the muslim states unify like the europeans...? when will we stop hating each other? if we stay united then who will dare to attack us...
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    Driving to the Hereafter

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan sister. I just love your post. :hearts: :wasalam:
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    no education for women??

    :salam2: as muslims we have to choose the middle way and not go to extreme. This is what Allah does not want from us. about this book, I didn´t read it but I read other books which I considered as too extreme... how do we know the author is really a muslim.... I mean he can be a muslim but we...
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    They told her that she is too old to get marry!!!???

    :salam2: marriage is kismet from Allah... He decides it wether to bless His servants with a wife/husbund or not... like anything else too... and the time is also His decision. our job is to accept what comes from Allah. If it is good then elhamdulillah if not then we have to be patient... I´m...
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    my father is...

    :salam2: inna lillahi ve inna ilahi rajioon oh my sister be patient. Inshaallah your father will be in jannah. when my beloved grandmother died I was also very sad. but my mother told me she saw her in her dream and she was so incredibly beautiful and young and so happy. she said she...
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    Muslim girls must stay chaste, says Grand Mufti

    :salam2: noooo sister you don´t have to be sorry at all... I luv my country (turkey) too. but first I´m muslim of course :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Muslim girls must stay chaste, says Grand Mufti

    :salam2: deares sister, the mufti didn´t say it is ok to do so... he said the opposite! He said: They want her.... not I want her to.... you have totally misunderstand it... this was only a warning from him he wanted to show the evil believe of those "liberals" who regard zina as normal and...
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    Muslim girls must stay chaste, says Grand Mufti

    :salam2: when muslim men stay chaste then also their women will stay chaste!!! :wasalam:
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    US trying to convert Afganistan to Christianity

    :salam2: this is also my oppinion. I totally agree with you. :wasalam:
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    :salam2: yes brother you are right. but when one say that he belives in Allah but not in His angels the last day and is talking bad about His prophets, etc. then he is not a muslim, is he? :wasalam: