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  1. S

    insurance haram or halal

    :salam2: I was also thinking to sign up an insurance contract with a company... they said their products are halal and I saw an article in newspaper about this insurance contracts which fulfilling sharia norms and they even get a distinction for it... they do not work with interest... but...
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    nedd your help in non muslim question .

    Saudi Arabia is not an islamic ruled state... they do not represent Islam... to that u can also read in the news about skinheads beating up people just bec of the coulor of their skins.. or about sick padophiles raping and killing little children or about person running amok and kill haply...
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    The problem with Islam is...

    :salam2: sister u r totally right... our tradition is more important for us than our religion and we don´t follow to the rules of our deen but to our tradition... we are scared what people might think about us but we don´t give a damn what Allah will think about us.... still we say la illahe...
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: beloved sister I hope Allah will lead me and you to and on the straight pass and forgive us... :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :wasalam:
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    :salam2: this pics break my heart.... when will the enemies respect us? when we all stand up and fight for our rights. :mad: :SMILY23:
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    The red and blue coat

    :salam2: we don´t look at things justly from the "bird's eye perspective" but from our own point of view... so we are blind to see the other is right aswell... instead of focusing on that what really matters (unity/=long friendship) we focus on that what is so needless and silly(here...
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: if we could only understand what is expecting the believers in jannah we wouldn´t care for anything in this world anymore and struggle harder for firdevs... This is how kind Allah is... He gives those who believe in Him paradise... just because they believe in Him and obey Him...
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: I agree with u that we don´t understand the meaning of salah really... and that turn to Allah in total submission and seeking only His help is the cure of the soul... but loud praying and crying?..... I mean it is important that u pray with deep feelings in your heart (ckooshu) but...
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    Introduce My Self

    :salam2: and we are happy to welcome you and looking forward to benefit from you :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Travellers of the world!!!

    :salam2: a good reminder... jazak allahu ckairan for sharring.. there was a rich turkish businessman and before he died he wrotte two letters to his son. In the first he asked him to burry him with socks!!! and to read the second letter after he is burried!... the son was surprised for this...
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    concerning friendship requests.....

    selam aleykum, we should be carefull with our words the post of a_brother about politness is very beneficial I think... speacialy for me cuz I can be very rude sometimes :astag: I believe that Aub Hurairah´s intention was not to offend inshaallah... I hope that Allah is pleased with you...
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    A Carrot, an Egg and a Cup of Coffee!

    :salam2: I just love that. jazak Allahu ckairan :wasalam:
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan I hope that and I hope that u are one of the servants Allah is pleased with and loves alot :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :wasalam:
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: and when we take a look at our bodies... subanallah... Allah has created us in a perfect way plus He had given us much more we actually need.. for example we can live with one kidney also but Allah has given us two... Inshaallah Allah will help the brothers and sisters in need and...
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: I just wanted to say jazak allahu ckairan for the links :) :wasalam:
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan beloved sister. doing constantly thikr and reading Quran is a good idea. it softens the heart. maybe thikr with everday a name of Allah of Asma el husna like a brother adviced :) :wasalam:
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: see we have got something in common, eventhough my real name is not safia :) jazak Allahu ckairan my sister :wasalam:
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan for ur reply, really good advices... u remind me at the time when I repented from my sins... and I really could feel the endless mercy of Allah on that time... to be quit honest I´m not sure if Allah loves me cuz I don´t think that I deserved His love...
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    concerning friendship requests.....

    :salam2: oops I think I also posted just my opinion regarding this topic... thanks for this brother/sister :wasalam:
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    what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?

    :salam2: sometimes I tend to be to engaged with this world... even when I pray I first have to shut of the "television" in my mind... it is not always easy to forget the everyday life for some minutes so as to be ready to do the prayer... but prayer itself is not enough... what can one do to...