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  1. S

    I AM SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :salam2: truelly an exellent deal. if you want a tefsir of this sura in detail, here it is: :) :wasalam:
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    I think i am driving myself crazy!

    very glad to read that :)
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    I think i am driving myself crazy!

    :salam2: but not only girls there are also boys saying they are muslims and don´t care to commit sins...You r very kind sister cuz you want them to be guided... I don´t know what to do it is difficult... maybe you can be a good example to them... talk to them about Islam.. ask them about...
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    THE story of Abraham’s submission to God’s order.

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan for sharring this beautiful reminder. I really enjoyed reading it cuz I love the storry of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.)... Inshaallah we will also be of those believers who loves Allah more than anything and anyoneelse in this world :) :wasalam:
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    Islam VS Culture

    :salam2: dear brother hope this will be helpfull for you: Glimpses from the book "Riyaa: Hidden Shirk" In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful by Abu 'Ammaar Yaasir Qaadi Linguistically riyaa comes from the root "ra`aa" which means to see, to...
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    reviving the glory days of islam

    :salam2: I believe that when you want to achieve something you have to struggle for it... when the muslims just hope for better days to come and sametime don´t work hard on themselves then their situation will not change.. at least I believe that... by the way to gain knowledge is also a...
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    Islam VS Culture

    :salam2: I want to share my personal experience about this matter. I´m a born muslim but I was not taught about Islam... I was taught that there are "harams and halals" and many things we practice ( I allready mentioned in my post before) was so wrong to me... that´s why I was in doubt if...
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    Appreciate Life

    :salam2: beautiful reminder. jazak Allahu chairan for sharring. :wasalam:
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    Islam VS Culture

    :salam2: it was my idea that it could be shirk...! but I think you didn´t understand me well...cuz I was not talking about intermarriage only but about the whole culture thing... I know that shirk is very evil and one has to be carefull with blaming others of this. that´s why I said (when...
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    reviving the glory days of islam

    :salam2: I think one of the reasons why the muslim nations are not developed now is due to the aggrasive war policy of the west... only through the colonialization one million muslim civilians lost their lives.... the literacy rate of Algeria was before the occupation 40% higher than the rate...
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    Islam VS Culture

    :salam2: unfurtunately culture is more important to many muslims than their religion...and you are right there are many things we practice and they have nothing to do wit Islam (forced marriages, honor killings, it is accepted in society when a man commits zina but a girl will be killed for...
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    Teen Love?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan for evrything you said.... we can surely learn from your experience... may Allah guide us to and on the straight path..
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    I Wonder...?

    :ma: very nice poem. jazak allahu ckairan
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    They're Jealous! Of Course They 'll Be -

    :salam2: in my oppinion every single person is created valuable. Cuz Allah has honored us with creating us as human beeings. to be successfull means to be a mumin... Those who are jelous at others because they are looking good, have a great job... etc. and undervalue others who don´t have a...
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    :salam2: jazak allahu ckairan for this thread. I believe in God from my childhood on... even when I was in doubt if Islam is the right religion... I was never in doubt that there is a Creator Who created everything we see... otherwise if I would not be blessed with my iman I could not...
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    My saddened heart....

    :salam2: mashallah sister I agree with you 100%... but it is possible to make donation to Iraq Afgahnistan and many other countries through islamic relief... however Alhamdulliah that we have people in our ummah like you guys who care for each other and love and hate for the sake of...
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    My saddened heart....

    if the main thing for us is the happiness of this life and we concentrate to get it we will loose cuz we will be weak... but if we the main thing for us is our deen, Islam then we will be successfull... then it will not matter for us where so is from aslong he is a muslim.... imagine what would...
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    My saddened heart....

    as salamu aleykum sister I can totally understand what is in your heart cuz I feel the same. and it is not only palestine... it is annoying that nobody ever speaks about the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Tchechenia, Iraq...etc... How many sisters and even brothers was raped...
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    Why do you kill Zaid?

    yes he is very couregeous, he could also die... some may think he has done it for money... but with the money he earned from this book he financed an aid projekt for iraqi refugee-kids and a hospital for kids in Kongo is still in process of construction
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    Why do you kill Zaid?

    :salam2: when I was on my way home from the mesjid after friday ones, I saw a lady on the doorway gathering signatures to make sure that we, the muslims are not terrorists and do not tolerate terorism.... Jürgen Todenhöfer is a manager of a european media company and the author of the...