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  1. boupj

    Islamophobia in Canada

    Asalaamu Alaikum The reason they see it as ignorance is because they impose a western mindset on a non-western idea. So, for example, in the west during the victorian ages women were covered completely (not their faces and not usually their head but their bodies were covered) at that time...
  2. boupj

    are u extremis or not?

    For me an extremist is one who has an extreme ideology and takes the teachings of Islam and manipulates them to conform to their ideology, and suit their personal needs.
  3. boupj

    Video William Chappelle (Dave Chappelle's Brother) and his family embrace Islam...

    Wa alaikum salaam He is William Chappelle, the brother of Dave Chappelle, a famous comedian.
  4. boupj


    It is best to pray at the specified times, this way we are forced to stop our day abondon the things of this world in order to remember Allah. The specified times are dawn, around noon, late afternoon, evening, and night time, for the specific times it depends on your area because it is based on...
  5. boupj

    SOUTHALL (West London) Mc Donalds is going halal WOOHOO!!

    Someone mentioned maybe Mcdonalds will start selling falafel and shawarma, I just thougth I'd mention, there's a place near me which is called McTaouk, like Shish-Taouk, I always think it's hilarious. I wonder... Can McDonalds sue for copyright infingement??
  6. boupj


    Assalaamu Alaikum I've heard this question before, I beleive it's because you need more posts. Just keep on posting then try again later, and Insha'Allah it wil work.
  7. boupj

    feeling guilty

    First off, do your parents know??? Because I'm sure they wouldn't agree with this, and secondly a thirty year old man who wants to marry an 18 year old girl he doesn't really know, without permission from the parents, then he's probably not good. I suggest you advise your sister to cut off the...
  8. boupj

    Giving dawah to muslims

    I know these types of people, I have many friends like them, the best you can do is make dua for them, and though yoru friend may think he is having a good time now the lifestyle will wear on him and insha'Allah he will realise you are a true friend while the others they keep around for...
  9. boupj

    but the Quran...

    Assalaamu Alaikum I'm not sure if you're trying to read Quran in Arabic or an english translation, if you mean you get confused whe you read, that happened to me too before I got a copy with really good footnotes. If this is the case (that all the information confuses you because it can get...
  10. boupj

    my feelings of J. Jackson video

    Jermaine Jackson may not be a perfect Muslim, but who is. Some people will look at me and say, "Oh but you smoke and Muslims shouldn't smoke." They are very right, and I slso shake hands with men sometimes and one time a kissed a man on the cheek (it's called "la bise" it's the common greeting...
  11. boupj

    A (small) victory for Canadian Muslims.

    Assalaamu Alaikum brothers and sisters, check out the ruling made this week by Canadian courts, Alhamdulillah at least there is somewhere on this planet that is concerned with democracy and human rights. Canada has been criticized in the past as a holding place for terrorists, and the US always...
  12. boupj

    Sister wearing contact lenses...

    I am so glad you asked this question I was wondering the same thing, but I met a sister that wears contacts, so I beleive it's permissible. I beleive colour contacts lenses are a different story, plus I was looking on a website about beautification in Islam and they talk about Khol and sya if...
  13. boupj

    Are ALL prophets Muslim???

    Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu Are all the prophets of history Muslim??? From a Muslim standpoint: YES! Do Christians and Jews beleive this.... NO! Is this a big deal... YES! First I will examine the standpoints of Christianity and Judaism and then the standpoint of Islam...
  14. boupj

    What is/are your favourite tourist destination(s).

    Come to Canada, by far the best!!! (just joking) Yeah I love the snow I always wonder how people can go their whol lives without seeing it, It is beautiful, Insha'Allah one day you'll get to see it.
  15. boupj


    I have a question I know how many rakaats are in the prayers fard and sunna but I usually only do thfard. I f I want to do the sunna do you follow tha same pattern as the fard? For example for zhuhr it 4 sunna 4 fard so would I do the exact same thing in the sunna as I do in the fard, and when...
  16. boupj

    His & Her World!

    Wa alaikum asalaam Too cute!! A nice start to my day. I wish you luck with the Mrs.
  17. boupj

    Koran- hearing in Arabic while reading

    Some recitations of the quran have english subtitles while others don't, I usually search on Youtube and I can find some with english subtitles, so if you want to hear it with translations I would suggest searching on youtube.
  18. boupj

    What is/are your favourite tourist destination(s).

    Why is Germany dangerous??? And are you referring to specific part of Germany or the whole country?
  19. boupj

    darb al sale7een

    attack or attach???
  20. boupj

    Another Girl Raped

    I'm a historian, so I'm not talking about romanticized vision I have of the past but the fact about aristocratic warfare, I never said no one was raped, but less were raped in that style warfare, than tofay (of course I was talking about middle ages and rennaissance, not greek and roman battle...