A Thoughtful Article By A Sister For The Parents In America

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Hoping & Praying all of u are in best of health & Imaan Inshaallah. I came across the following article by our Muslim sister, I recommend everyone to have a read, its quite a thoughtful one giving us an insight to an American Life as witnessed by an American herself. Though I know many of us are aware of it but still have a read. It just reminded me of few people & some of my friends who (still) consider it a privilege to be an American, to be in America (or in general any part of west) or to lead an American life. However, plz remember there is no offense to whosoever concerned. Just sharing the sister's thoughts about it, the way she felt what she witnessed there.

By Zeba Khan, U.S. citizen :

I may be an American citizen, but that's not my fault. I ask the reader to please forgive me that much and continue with the rest of the article. As a consequence of having been born, raised, and college educated in the States, I have gora-saab(english-like) Urdu, a severe allergy to mosquito bites and a blue passport, but again, that's not my fault.

Often at parties, mostly at weddings, people (with sons my age who eat, drink, and dream in red, white and blue) will slyly ask whether or not I have plans of returning. I say no, not at all, not unless pigs fly, hell freezes over, and the Cubs win the World Series, all on the same day. Then they ask me why, and I can never answer them. I'm ashamed to, and the reason why is because the true nature of American society is obscene, and Islamic Taboos are often rites of Passage back in God Bless America. The sins that Americans proudly broadcast are so obscene! that I cannot mention them in mixed company in more than a whisper. But luckily I can type though, and here, dear readers, dear sly aunties, dear people who think I'm insane, is why I'm never going back to the US.

America is famous for turning out highly qualified doctors and engineers, and I will not insult their universities and colleges. The Ivy League universities offer the best education that money can buy...in an environment where 90% of all on-campus rape cases are linked to alcohol and approximately 240,000 to 360,000 of the nation's 12 million current undergraduates will ultimately die from alcohol-related causes. (Stats from SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website)

But like I said, I'm not going to slander institutions where illicit affairs between professors and students are common enough to be part of campus life. It's a lovely collegiate society where emergency phones with blue light beacons are installed every 100 or so feet on college grounds to curb crime and sexual assault. I said I wouldn't slander the colleges, and I'm not. To slander something is to lie, to demean it with incorrect information, and I'm doing neither. Everything I've mentioned is true blue (and white, and red) and 100% certifiable by anyone who has been to college in any major city like Chicago.

Enough about college, let's go further back to public high school. I'll tell you no lies here, either. The state of Illinois has mandated a health and safety class for all students, and the class is taught to grade 9. The safety part of the class curriculum includes driver's education. The health part of the class involves skin care, fitness, how to use a condom, how to recognize transmitted diseases in your sexual partner and why, if you decide you're a homosexual; it's ok to feel that way.

I was blessed, truly blessed by Allah that I was absent the day that my teacher showed a live video of a woman giving birth, the natural way, in the nude, in stirrups. This all-natural, all-nude video was shown in front of my mixed 9th grade class, it was shown to both the boys and the girls at the same time. I heard horror stories the next day from my fellow miserable Muslimahs.

I, and hundreds of thousands of other young Muslims who were unfortunate enough to be educated in the US, was taught that being gay! is quite normal. Never mind the two girls sitting outside the class window kissing each other with open mouths - they're exercising their right of choice. Homosexuality is not a deviation, it's a lifestyle, and a rather trendy one at that.

Hooray for gay-rights and the yearly gay-pride parades held in most major cities of the US. If you're fortunate enough not to know what a gay-pride parade is, allow me to ruin your day. It's a procession of cars, decorated floats, dancers, near-naked gays and brainwashed heterosexuals who are proud to be part of a sin so severe that it caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Back to school, if your son or daughter needs a condom so that they can have a little fun on their lunch break, they don't need to be ashamed. They can just go to the school counselor's office and get one from her, for free. If any of the students want to exercise the freedom that the American forefathers fought and died for, and engage in some pre-marital relations without any of the consequences, then there are hundreds of NGO's to help them with birth control, adoption, or abortion, without ever letting the parents know what's going on.

I'm being quite shameless, I know, but how else can I explain these things? How else can I tell you that high-school in Chicago, a very average place, is a beer-drinking, pot-smoking, hormonally charged orgy where young girls and boys play merry-go-round with their sexual partners. Oh, and there's very high-quality biology, chemistry and physics in there somewhere too.

If you think that my merely mentioning this is outrageous, then what do you think of the unfortunate Pakistanis and Muslims who study this as part of school curriculum and are taught to practice these things in their daily life? It's not their fault they're subjected to such an immoral brainwashing, and that's why I call them (and myself) unfortunate instead of guilty. These poor 9th graders (aged 14-15 on average) did not choose to be born in a society where talk is cheap, love is free, and God is banned from public schools.

Yes, God is officially banned in public schools. Prayer in school is quite a controversial issue back over there in God Bless America. Religion is a private affair, and much like STDs, you're supposed to keep them to yourself.

The American educational assault goes farther than immorality; it extends into the illogical and absurd. Did you know that our ancestors were monkeys? What? You say that you knew your ancestors, and though one of your uncles had a low forehead, he was hardly simian? You may also say that the first man was Prophet Adam, peace and blessings be upon him, and he was no monkey. You know this because God said so, not just in Islam but in all three major religions of the world, and plus evolution has been deemed impossible by a huge but muffled community of scientists. (Read Evolution Deceit: The Scientific Collapse of Darwinism... by Harun Yahya) If you make the mistake of expressing your religious beliefs in class, you will be laughed out of class and scolded when you come eventually come back.

Teacher: (laughing with cocky attitude further bolstered by authority and his/her own brainwashing) "Silly, backwards, fundamentalist student, how foolish can you be to believe in God? What, have you ever seen God? Look around, I don't see anything remotely worship-able in the universe, do you?"

Student: (muttering under breath to avoid being failed for bad behavior) "Well teacher, come to think of it, when I look around I can't see radio waves, microbes, heat, radiation, wind, or even your brain for that matter..."

The secular American scientific community boasts of its superior knowledge, but if you went by the same empirical logic that they use to ignore God (seeing is believing) then they don't have any brains, either. Both belief in God and belief in your teacher's brain can only be confirmed by sight apparently, and since both cases involve death to do so, (dying to see God, killing your teacher and extracting his brain...) then the issue stays mostly unresolved in circles who refuse to use higher reasoning.

I must stop here and give credit to a few very intelligent, very religious college professors that I had. For example, Dr. P. Lancki, a religious Christian and a professor of Microbiology. During a long conversation about religion, science and society at large, Dr.Lancki told me with wonder in her eyes how it was impossible for a single cell, miraculous in function and complex in design, to have been created by accident or random events. Not one single cell could be produced through the methods that educators teach to students in the US; evolution, but Dr.Lancki is forbidden to teach that in her class. "God," one of her coworkers told her, "...died with the dinosaurs. Man doesn't need religion anymore."

Times change. Where God was once called on sincerely to bless America, He is now used only for purposes of pro-war propaganda and occasionally brought up to take accountability off the shoulders of criminals. "I'm a sociopath murderer, and God made me this way! I'm gay! And God made me this way! I'm a pedophile, and God made me this way!"

Religion in America is approached in a way that's comical if it wasn't so idiotic. In accordance with typical non-judgmental morality, one religion is no better than the next, and all religions take a back-seat to freedom. You may not believe that homosexuality is good, but in America you believe that people should be free to practice homosexuality if they like. Never mind that you believe it is wrong, if you say so in public then you are labeled as intolerant, homophobic, a closet-queer, and of course, a bigot. Bigots get fired by their employers for being closed-minded, but gays get free health-insurance from their employers for the same-sex partner they happen to be living with at the moment.

To move back to America would be to subject my future children to a thorough brainwashing, regardless of how well I tried to prevent it. When filth is broadcast on TV, sung about on the radio, advertised on the internet, and taught in school, how can you even remotely hope to fight it? Whatever you teach you children between breakfast and school, school and soccer practice, soccer practice and dinner is untaught a thousand times over once the child leaves home.

True, there are some Muslims who come out of America with basically sound minds and characters, but for every sound mind there are 100 corrupt ones who live with their Christian boy-friends, blame God for homosexuality, use the Masjid as a meat-market for dating and flirting, and join organizations like the Al-Fateha group. Al-Fateha sounds holy enough from where you're sitting, I'm sure, but it's actually an organization of homosexual Muslims in the US and Canada.

The American society is a system of thinly veiled chaos, and ever so often the veil is lifted. In New York, currently the world's most famous city, the Puerto Rican National Day Parade was one such example. In broad daylight, buzzed on alcohol and under the cover of mob-action, two years ago a group of over 50 young men traveled downtown New York assaulting women. Police stood idly by as women were stripped naked, sexually assaulted, sprayed with liquor and raped in the streets on New York. Did darkness hide the mob from the police? No, it was mid-afternoon. Were the men stopped right away? No, they rampaged for over three hours.

This is American society, this is what happens to a people who do not believe in God, whose conduct depends on whether or not anyone will catch them if they do anything wrong. There is no humility or fear of Divine Retribution to keep men acting as men, there is only fear of the police. And when the police are invisible or ineffectual, the men become rapists, murderers, barbarians and savages.

A funny comparison exists between Karachi and New York, two major cities. In Karachi, when the electricity goes out, children play hide & seek or cricket in the streets. In New York, when the lights go out, women are assaulted, people are robbed, and stores are looted. This is not because the electric gates of the prisons have opened, releasing all of the criminals. No, this is because the electric lights and eyes of the police have gone blind, and in the cover of darkness, the common New Yorker becomes a common criminal.

I'm not nuts you know, I'm just honest. You can't get me to go back to America, not for money, not for fame, not even under the flimsy pretense of doing Dawah in America. I’m not going to lie to myself and say that living in America is Dawah, because I can’t hide that my tax dollars pay Israeli settlers $10,000 a year, per family member, to occupy Palestine and to kill the Ummah I profess to be a part of. A white-picket fence and a two car garage in the suburbs is not Dawah, its greed. Sending your children to the best schools is not Dawah, its opportunism, its taking advantage of a system built on the backs of third-world countries and dead Muslims.

Thousands of Afghanis have died to put cheaper gas in your sports utility vehicle, thousands of Iraqis died to keep your car running for less money, your heating bills down, and your salary higher. Thousands of Palestinians have been shot with bullets that your tax-dollars bought and thousands more will if you stay and become the ideal immigrant. To be the tax-paying, flag-waving, English speaking Desi who is repulsed by "backwards" notions of religion, and sends your children to get a good education at a Catholic school, is to be the perfectly assimilated, perfectly absorbed hypocrite.

How convenient it is for a Muslim to condemn America for its tyranny, but take no action against it at all. It's like a shepherd that shares a cave with wolves who kill his own sheep, but stays because the cave is warm and the mutton is free. The shepherd stays with the wolves under the pretense of doing Dawah to the wolves.

He hopes that by living with the wolves, the wolves will feel sympathy for the shepherd, they will better understand him, and maybe not kill his sheep anymore. How very convenient, very illogical, and very beneficial for the shepherd! Never mind that it's wrong, just remember that the cave is warm and the mutton is free, the streets are clean, the skyscrapers are shiny, and your children are being given quality wolf-education and eating quality mutton from your murdered sheep.

Dear aunties, I would recommend that you set your sights on some other American girl, I may move a hundred times in my life, but never back to the country whose ruler has reinstated the crusades. Never to the land where a 67 year old Afghani Imam is in camp x-ray for giving Mujahideen dry bread crusts. Never to a land where my own Muslim brothers are collateral damage. I swear by Allah, I will never make that mistake again.


stay blessed & peaceful...


Smile for Allah
I'm speechless - how true this article is.

I've been sincerely hoping for a way out of here - but the problem is, all other countries are being brainwashed too. Back home in India, in a *supposedly* Muslim University bearing a Muslim name, it's disgusting what things go on there as well. Tell me, where is the safe place to live?


May Allah Forgive us

Hoping & Praying all of u are in best of health & Imaan Inshaallah. I came across the following article by our Muslim sister, I recommend everyone to have a read, its quite a thoughtful one giving us an insight to an American Life as witnessed by an American herself. Though I know many of us are aware of it but still have a read. It just reminded me of few people & some of my friends who (still) consider it a privilege to be an American, to be in America (or in general any part of west) or to lead an American life. However, plz remember there is no offense to whosoever concerned. Just sharing the sister's thoughts about it, the way she felt what she witnessed there.

stay blessed & peaceful...



Junior Member
I don't think I can roll my eyes anymore at this. She has some good points, but I can barely get at them through the arrogance I'm getting from the article. Yuck.

You know, if someone posted an article on here criticizing and bashing any so-called "Islamic" country, all hell would break loose. There are mature ways to bring up legitimate points about certain countries, but this isn't it. I'm not patriotic in the least, but this is just getting old.


Assalaam walaikum,

Why do people constantly feel they can attack Americans. Please go and read and find out that the people of America are innocent. There is a difference between the government and the people.

I kinda sorta love it here. I can participate as much as I want to in the politics. I can not change the flaws. However, I can make a difference in talking to individuals. I can help sway one or two votes. Moreover, I can change a perspective.

And do not get me started on what I have discovered in Southern California. I just found out that the Arab brothers do not let many of the sisters drive. I found out that women have lived here for twenty some years and do not speak a word of English or Spanish. And most of the sisters do not cover.
So my sisters in the US what are you doing? I was the only female who showed up for prayers. I drove over twenty miles.
Before you bash Americans lets talk a little about the behavior of our brothers and sisters here.

Sorry...had to get that out.


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

Why do people constantly feel they can attack Americans. Please go and read and find out that the people of America are innocent. There is a difference between the government and the people.

I kinda sorta love it here. I can participate as much as I want to in the politics. I can not change the flaws. However, I can make a difference in talking to individuals. I can help sway one or two votes. Moreover, I can change a perspective.

And do not get me started on what I have discovered in Southern California. I just found out that the Arab brothers do not let many of the sisters drive. I found out that women have lived here for twenty some years and do not speak a word of English or Spanish. And most of the sisters do not cover.
So my sisters in the US what are you doing? I was the only female who showed up for prayers. I drove over twenty miles.
Before you bash Americans lets talk a little about the behavior of our brothers and sisters here.

Sorry...had to get that out.

amen sista! lol


Junior Member
wow absolutely brilliant! jazakallah khair for sharing

there is some misconception about the evolution part (from what i know) and Haroun Yahya is not a scientist. also the argument/eg against atheism presented in the article is weak. moreover nowadays scientific research is becoming partial depending upon who funds the research, therefore peer review is more important than the research paper itself (if that is possible).

otherwise all the arguments sound. i have been reiterating the same points with relevant evidence and fatwa from islamqa on tti over the past few weeks. the analogies used are quite powerful in getting the message across.

This article gives me great hope that the current generation of muslims is coming back to islam. I hope Zeba and other talented muslim youth will return to muslim lands to take ownership of the vast riches that Allah has granted us and which are currently being plundered by kaafirs. But together we can reform our societies on islaamic basis and drive these kaafirs out of muslims lands instead of supporting and strengthening them; their economies and their armies.

our elders had the wrong priorities so the current youth must start from zero in virtually every department. we have to make a lot of sacrifices so that our children and their children would get us out the current state of dejected humiliation and bring glory back to islaam.

as for those who criticize muslim countries kindly remind yourself that it is your religious and moral obligation to bring a positive change to muslims societies. Dont just criticize, do something constructive and show your worth!

The dawa enthusiasts who settle in kaafir lands might want to begin from muslim lands since muslim lands are also very corrupt right!!



May Allah Forgive us

It is not hatred towards Americans, it is hatred towards the atrocities which are being committed on a daily basis in Palestine, Gaza , Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc. By staying in a non-Muslim land (I too stay in one) all we do is take part and strengthen them through economy, etc. Now, if the situation was such that this particular non-Muslim land was not being a clear enemy to Muslims (I am talking about the government) and have neutral diplomacy towards us then I think that would have been quite ok. Now when I hear stories from brothers and sisters from those places about how such and such tyrant army of a non-muslim land is killing thousands of Muslims and broadcasting fake love through their fake media to the world, I don't think it is appropriate of me or any Muslim to support or strengthen them ( no matter what, even if I probably have some best friends who are Non-Muslims ). If I stay as a citizen in that country and pay tax, they spend it on their defense sector (more precisely reinforcing the tyrant armies) we are just paying them to kill us. Then if we are engineers and we work for them, we do nothing but make them more technologically advanced. If we are doctors, we are doing nothing but helping those for who thousands of our brothers are sisters are dying everyday. UN does nothing but serves the interest of particular non-Muslim lands, the sympathy they try to show is nothing but deception. UN says it wants to make peace, but they indeed create mischief. My uncle went for UN peace mission in Africa and from his testimony I know that UN does not want these wars to end, it wants them to continue. All these peace talks and negotiations are nothing just excuses to hide their real intentions. The sister Zeba , who wrote the idea was not angry at the American people in general, but the corrupted system of life they have. If she was a racist or hated americans just for the sake of it. She would have said weird things about them, which would have been probably not true. Which in fact haters does, when they say look at those arabs they worship a black stone. Sister Zeba clearly wanted to show her hate for the corrupted system, which is a clear enemy to us. But we fail to understand. There is no nation which will go to paradise other than the Muslim Ummah and the other nations before it which were on true Monotheism (True Judaism, True Christianity, etc in their proper times). It is an authentic hadith of the Prophet :saw2: that a man will be with those whom he loves on the day of Judgement. So as Muslims, our love shouldn't be with them but with the Ummah. By supporting them and strengthening them by taking an active part in their society is nothing but against Islam. It is exactly as the sister says, living with the wolf in a hope that the wolf might one day not kill my sheep.

And one thing I want to address is that when ever we speak of the American conflicts, people say don't blame the public blame the army and the government. Now what amazes me is that aren't those army officers and soldiers American? Wasn't it the Americans who elected George Bush two times president in a row? Why do we forget it is from these normal Americans the government is formed and so is their army. Clearly they don't take people from Africa to fight for them. But even then just a few words about these truths pinches so hard on them. Imagine what I and my brothers and sisters feel when we see destroyed bodies of children in Gaza due to Israeli air strikes and then Hillary Clinton saying " We will help the state of Israel and protect them always". Now don't tell me Hillary Clinton doesn't belong to the row of normal Americans.

Then again no harsh feelings towards anybody in particular. I just wanted to say that if you truly realize and understand the difficulty and situation faced by our brothers and sisters, you would have a different idea about many things. (I don't as I am not there with them, so I try to).

There is a saying in my country, which translates as " You don't really understand the pain of a snake bite, until you are bitten ".



Junior Member
My Sister's Aapa and Kayleigh,

While I am not a Muslim, I am also not blind to the hardships that Muslim's face here in America. Unfortunately, articles like this make it seem like ALL of America is like this. Chicago is the ONLY state that I know of that has those blue lights on the campus. Prayer has been banned in school since before *I* was born (some 38 years ago) and as a point in fact....brother's are you listening?????.....the pledge of allegiance is now getting banned. Kayleigh, you're a better woman than I...I couldn't finish reading the article because of the snotty attitude. How can you be humble and self-righteous at the same time?

Now, I've been accused of being self-righteous...but I'm not here to revert or debate. I just want to learn, so when I see my home being unfairly spoken about, I have a hard time speaking up...and out. I try, at least, to be FAIR. I have no problem admitting where my countries faults are. However, there is no excuse to "throw a blanket over the whole body simply because the feet are cold". How do you think that makes me feel??

How would you like it is I called all Muslims terrorists, simply because some choose to not read the whole Qur'an? Is it fair? No. Is it the right way to treat fellow humans? No.

Are there things in American society that would make even Christ cringe? YES!
Are there things in Islamic society that would make Mohammad cringe?......I have my thoughts, but HERE, on THIS BOARD, I choose not to share my ideas publicly because I do not want to insult my fellow humans. I would hurt them, AND, I would add debts that I don't need to add to my accounts.

The purpose of this website, Turn To Islam, AS STATED ON THE FRONT PAGE, is
We are dedicated to bringing the latest Islamic videos, media and information to help challenge the negative propaganda spread by the media and to educate people about Islam and the Muslim World.

I ask.....How are we doing showing how positive Islam is, that if all we are doing is talking about how negative everyone else is?

Ibn Rukaiya

New Member
sister jengiove,
No its not all America is wrong ! It is not good to say that and no one intends that. I think you can point out where the article goes wrong ? the authoress has her opinion of the life in America that she saw. If you have something relevant to write over that, please write and don’t worry about that. Hard or soft lines do not change the facts whatever. It needs courage to face reality the braves have aptitude to face it and look for amendments while the weaks defend the prevailing incorrect dogmas or just turn away.The article has values from islaamic perspective. As most probably people go to such countries for material advantages by thinking to send dollar/pounds back home .This is no where written in islaamic texts to immigrate to any place for wealth. Although the people are charmed by the luxurious lives and eventually finding that ‘all that glitters is not gold’.There is nothing wrong to open the reality where many muslims dream to live the comfortable lives and for the immigration people even wait for 15 -20 years to step with their families. before the article is placed here most of the people are knowing about the mentioned realities, but still that will not change America or the people’a attitude towards it. Contrarily the country will have to issue more visas.

ps - don’t get offended if its just the other side of reality.



ahem! ahem! wel i dint expect the thread to turn out this way!
as i already mentioned there is no offense to anyone,
the article just speaks about what exactly goes out there...she didnt mean lashing out on Americans, but yes agreed not every place in America is like what she speaks, but u cant deny that majority is, & yes as said by one of the sisters ,there is something wrong in every country including islamic countries...there is no 'Truly Safest' place...except by Allah's Will...Sister Zeba just conveys the message that when u have an option of living in more safer place (with more of an Islamic atmosphere) than the one u are living in, then why not?!!

Sisters, plzz there is no negative portraying about anyone, its just showing the atrocious manners there or in any part of the world, which are so against Islam, & that we should try our best to stay from such stuff, no matter in which country we reside.
As Sister Zeba had been an American citizen, she had her opinions about what she witnessed there, had she been in any other country am sure she would have written about that place...its nothing like attacking America!

No Hurtz! Peace!

Allah swt save us, from the plots of Shaitaan to cause a rift between us muslim brothers & sisters.. Ameen

Baarakalalhu feek


Junior Member

I never said that America was the land of the sinless and the peaceful. I am willing to admit where American's societial norms may be in conflict with Islam. MY point was that HERE, on THIS board, we have had a long string of "look at the evil that is found in America" threads.....when the board was created SOLELY to educate and dispell misconceptions about Islam and Muslim life.

This article does neither. The attitude is haughty.


May Allah Forgive us
I would also like to say this that I am in general against any system or people who opposes Islam. Only due to the context my post contained words about America. Now yes I am sorry if I have mistaken in expressing my feelings, as I do realize that no not all America is like that or everyone is like that. There are people who openly opposes to what ever wrong is being done. But you have to agree that most do not or are not even aware of it. I am merely against the arrogant and the ignorant. My country though being called a Muslim country due to the major population of Muslims, is unfortunately not a Land of Islam. Nor is Saudi, Nor Pakistan. The definition of Darussalam (Land of Islam) is of the land where Islamic Laws have been established just as during the time of Rasul :saw2: and the later Khalifas. Yes true, I would like to blame Saudi more than America and I hate the Saudi King more than George Bush. The reason is quite apparent. as he claiming to be Muslim has established Monarchy. As far as my understanding goes that Sister Zeba wrote this article for those of us, who thinks that America is the land of freedom. And I think the audience for this article is quite realistic and fully understands that some does not represent the whole. Many Muslims in countries like mine think that they get better freedom in America or Europe, where as they never understand things can get much worse. Despite a lot of problems existing in the so called Islamic countries, it is still easier to practice Islam there in average then it would be in America. Not that everyone will feel difficulty, as there are many Muslims who are living a peaceful life. But I have came across many, who are not happy and are really thinking of moving away from the country. This article I think, probably tells us not to take every word which we hear about America. I know you are an American, sister Jengiove and may be also the rest. And I again want to say I don't hate you, because I can clearly see the good in you. I know when I read "when light goes out in New York, etc, etc happens" that this doesn't happen every single day and every single minute and not all American man does that. What I understand is that the rate is really high and very prominent, and I only hate these facts. And this is what I understand when I read the sister's article. So, I don't think she is directing any biased hate towards the Americans through her article. This is where all my hatred is directed at, the major facts of evil. To every Muslim, no other land other than the Land of Islam should be important. Yes I love my mother land, as a fact that I was born here, raised here, I have all my loved ones here. But I hate this place, as this place is not a part of or is not the Land of Islam. I hate its system, its government and everything. I hate these people around me, who do not retaliate to these injustice and to these secularism despite claiming to be Muslims. Any day sister, if given a chance and the means, I would run away to mountains. I want to live on soil, where none other than Allah is worshiped. I want to live on a Land, where nothing but the Islamic Laws are the rules. I want to live on a Land, which will be my ticket to Jannah. May Allah Bless me through my sayings and accept me. May Allah Forgive me for my shortcomings. I am not perfect sister and I am open to be corrected. Feel free to directly talk to me in any way you like. I will not be offended, as I feel my intention was not to offend anyone.

May Allah reward you and guide you. Thank you for being so kind in your replies and not getting tempered (as far as I have observed some of your posts here in tti), Sister JenGiove. I respect and honor all of you brothers and sisters.


Assalaam walaikum,

the responses thus far are repetitive. the respondents continue to harbor the same emotions. blame is placed on the indigenous and immigrant peoples who inhabit the U.S. the salient issue is simple we need to seriously study the history of the world in the past 200 years. there is something far more serious and insidious at stake. the American people are being robbed blindly by a complex system which disguises itself as a nation.
Muslims are just as guilty of not taking their religion seriously and furthermore bickering amongst each other. there is no serious leadership.
the article posted is evidence of finger pointing at an innocent population. why are we continuing to compare ourselves to those who have no use for us. we are to show the best of manners which includes treating each other with utmost respect including our sisters other wise we are letting that system win.


Junior Member
I regards to:
In New York, currently the world's most famous city, the Puerto Rican National Day Parade was one such example. In broad daylight, buzzed on alcohol and under the cover of mob-action, two years ago a group of over 50 young men traveled downtown New York assaulting women. Police stood idly by as women were stripped naked, sexually assaulted, sprayed with liquor and raped in the streets on New York. Did darkness hide the mob from the police? No, it was mid-afternoon. Were the men stopped right away? No, they rampaged for over three hours.

I thought Islam was about finding the truth. Read this. She did not portray the events correctly. She doctored the truth to fit her hate!


The parade has been a concern for the police since 2000, when more than 50 women said they were attacked in Central Park after the parade. The city settled lawsuits by 22 women, including a British tourist who said she was stripped and sexually assaulted. Eighteen men were convicted of charges stemming from the attacks.

Those attacks were done by EXTREMLY VIOLENT GANG members....not men just standing around. Read the whole newspaper article.


Assalaam walaikum,


Posts of this nature lend one to believe in the all or nothing approach. Life is not that.
I can easily write a horrific post about the concerns for human rights in Islamic countries.
That is not the nature of our faith.

Islam is. There is nothing that states Islam can not be practiced here or there. Islam is universal. It is the religion that Allah subhana talla has given us.

I can only attest that the peoples of the US have been treating me with more respect. I am called ma'am. Men bow their heads. Women smile. I am given the right of way. Human beings by nature are relived in the presence of a person who displays Belief.

Why can we not enjoy the status that Allah subhana talla has granted us. We bring joy into the lives of others simply by our presence. Let us open our hearts and be receptive to those around us. Yes, we know life can suck..but we are the blessed ones...so share the blessings. And quit counting the negatives.


Sister in Islam
Dear JenGiove

I think the main emotion being expressed here is not so much that the US is such a bad place, but that our own countries are not as bad as we've been fooling ourselves into thinking for so long. For so many years people have looked to the West as some sort of paradise on Earth, and put it up on a pedestal. It's just that when you look closely and compare, the truth is somewhat different - all pedestals crumble and all unrealistic expectations face reality some day. Yes, we have some big problems of our own, and some of these are of our own doing, and some have been the result of years of Western interference and imperialism. I think what's happening is that we're waking up, and realising, Hey, our own countries are not so bad after all, faults and all. Maybe something as simple as hearing the Adhaan five times a day, or praying in a masjid regularly, or wearing whatever we'd like is worth more to some people than all of the other conveniences found in the West. Do we have a lot to adjust in our attitudes and behaviour? - yes. Do we need to grow and encourage pride in our own accomplishments instead of always looking to the West? - yes. Do we need to improve our education systems so that a degree from our country has the same worth to us than a degree from the West?- yes. I think that was the objective of the letter - not so much to criticize the US per se, but to criticise ourselves for putting our own countries and culture and heritages down so easily and so readily sacrificing it all to fulfil that "dream of moving to the US, etc." All the bad things that were mentioned as happening in the US - well, we know they also happen in our own countries, but in a less open way. So please don't feel this was an attack on your country - I believe it was a wake up call to ourselves.

Peace and goodwill.


Assalaam walaikum,

Do not compare. Islam is not comparative it is superlative. Only you can feel bad about yourself. It has nothing to do with anyone or anything else.
Why are respondents making divisions. There is no east or west...they are the divisions of mankind. The fundamental flaw is making a division in Islam. You are the ones with the feelings of inadequacies.

Islam has no nation. Islam has no barriers. That stuff is artificial. Why are we spending time on a subject that has little place in Islam? Those horrible terrible Americans. Americans are people, too. They are not hate mongers.

As usual, please read. Find out where the real hate starts and how the US ends up paying for the hate.

Ibn Rukaiya

New Member
I regards to:

I thought Islam was about finding the truth. Read this. She did not portray the events correctly. She doctored the truth to fit her hate!

Those attacks were done by EXTREMLY VIOLENT GANG members....not men just standing around. Read the whole newspaper article.

Sister jengiove, There is all possibility that the one who witness any event might have random reports. Its not necessary that they have all-correct information. We can gather 10 people and display some event before them than further I am sure they won’t come up with the same sort of explainations. The same is the case with witnesses of the event – some might have seen from beginning, some might have noted it in between or some might have heard it. This do not prove its irrelevance with the mishap. Even that happens with us when we are asked to convey specific event than some wrong info can be relayed with the truth even for sure that is not intended by us. The important point here is the happening of incident. Important at this time is to check whether the event is right or simply made up. It all possible that the article has some exaggerations and very possible that some info is above the reality.

Still The democratic laws have articles and clauses that mention curbing of the rowdiness and illegal behaviours. The laws should be of nature that would decrease such events and people hardly dare to think for something against the societal nature. The police came and took the offenders or made charge-sheets or lawsuits but that we do not mean to be satisfactory. And with that to say that such events may happen anywhere in the world. Its not coined to any specific country or its political administration. Even there are crimes in the arena of very strict legal government.

In the country where I live people say ‘ the police comes the latest’ i.e the event happens, the people been victimized and atlast the police comes with that offering very chance for the offenders to move away. Then the charge sheets are kept, the witness are called and the case is placed. … what was wrong with the same in beginning ? what matters most is pre-action than post-action which the police is not known for in most democratic countries.

And further to be honest all the info on media are not the correct. Whether that’s any newspaper . the reporters take the same info from the witnesses whom we cannot consider computer minds. I have seen many cases where truth is not shadowed even a part. If we do blindly trust media and take them as very reliable all possibility is to be wrong. There are scissors and edit buttons over them to hide or reveal the facts.
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