Airsrikes to Gaza this evening


Junior Member
Heartbreaking. This is a picture of a brother holding his child sibling, after their parents were killed during the hours of the bombing.



Assalaam alaikum,

Where do I start to respond.

Not all Jews are despicable. There are many good Jews in the world. Norm Finkelstein is amongst the best. He is a brilliant thinker.

Given that keep in mind that the Israeli government has also simultaneously waged a media war. The remarks made by officials of wanting to mow down every individual is Gaza is offensive to me. The Israeli psyche is sick. They paint a picture of the poor isolated child doing good in a world of evil. And they are the sick bullies with no humility towards Creation. They want the sympathy of the world. Poor sick Zionist.

The Israelis are the ones who killed a child playing soccer. They are the ones who attacked a child's funeral. They are such cowards. They can't even get the truth right.

The People of Palestine are not fanatics. They live in one of the worst ghettos in the world. They were the pawns at the hands of vindictive politicians. You have to go back to the turn of the century to understand the body politic at work.

The sick Zionist is poisoning the water for babies to drink. The Zionist have an agenda. They have published it. They have told the world what they want. Please do a search here on the Protocols of the Elders.

The youtube video you are making reference is about an American youth. It is over two years old.

Think about this: why did the Israelis zone in on the media? They have stated they did not want the world to see the pictures of the reality of their evil; that is what happened in 2008.

As far as I am concerned keeping showing the ugly brutal reality of what the Zionist pigs are doing to babes and gentle old people. You can not hide the truth. Someone has to show the world how our family in Gaza is being systematically wiped out one baby at a time. How can the brutal truth be offensive. The Zionists are offensive. Their tactics are offensive.

No-one here is making broad statements that are anti-Semitic. We are just telling the truth.


Junior Member
"We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn't stop with Hiroshima-- the Japanese weren't surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki too."

"There are no innocents in Gaza, mow them!"

"Turn it into rubble! Paint it red!"

Sick. Sick. Sick.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
There are no winners in war; only losers.

And as usual, most of those who die are innocents who do not want to fight anyone.

Unfortunately this whole thing has come about because of fanatics on both sides. Firing 150 rockets into Israel in a week was bound to start a war....what good did they think would come of it?

I am a little concerned about some of the anti-Jewish remarks that I've seen. Not all Jews support what is happening. It is wrong to stigmatise all Jews just as it is wrong for people to stigmatise muslims.

On YouTube I saw one Jewish American guy, who was aged perhaps 17 in Israel, peacefully protesting things that were happening in Palestine....only for him to be physically assaulted by the police and dragged off by the police. So just bear in mind that there are people with humanity from all religions and none.

P.S. I saw a dreadful photo above (IbnAdam).....please remove it. It is so horrible to see, I don't know how I'm going to get that image out of my mind now. It has upset me. It's disrespectful to the brother who died to show it in my opinion. I know that was not the intention though.


I'm sorry if I've to differ in some of your comments. It is unfair to call Palestinian as fanatics. The whole world quick to believe that Hamas is the one started the war but fall short to condemn Israel although there are thousands of pictures and videos showing how Zionist is massacring the Palestinians for last 60 years. Even dogs will show some mercy to men, but Zionist not seem to have any mercy to fellow mankind. Do you remember brother, Europe chased Jews out from the continent and they killed millions of Jews in the process, Palestine is the one provided shelter to those Jews rejected by the European. What is happening today Palestinians are the one being called terrorist, militants and fanatics for protecting their own land. I'm not saying you, I know you love Palestine, I'm saying this is what being reported negatively about Palestine by the media controlled by Zionist proxies. How many UN Resolutions are there but non was honoured by Israel except those in their favour. Let assume there is single UN Resolution was not ratified by Palestine, needless to say very quickly Palestine will be punished. Zionist regime is the one should be called fanatics, militants, terrorists etc. Let me clarify, not all Jews are Zionist but co-incidentally all Zionist are happened to be Jews (perhaps not really). So, I'm not condemning Jews but Zionist and those Jews allied to Zionist, directly or indirectly. In fact, the Qur'an from the Chapter 5 verse 82, it mentioned about Jews in general term. So, true Muslims will be careful not to judge all Jews in the same manner but true Muslims will also exercise caution when deals with Jews. This is because, the good Jews are very few and you will hardly know who they are. We do have believers among Jews in this forum, so how can we generalizing by condemning all Jews. So if anyone mentioned Jews, you must understand that we are saying Zionist type of Jews just like Qur'an put it in general term. I'm sorry again if my comment did offended you.


New Member
Allah please help Muslims and Gaza

Assalaamalai, Please pray. May Allah help all the muslims in the world and help Gaza people. May allah give strength to these kids and their parents. May Allah Give them victory. Ameen.


New Member
I dont understand how can arabs i mean rich arabs. i mean people ruling arab countries see this atrocities with their eyes. As a common man we cannot do any thing but as a country head they can do a lot. Please wake up brothers, my rich brothers... Its allah who is enought to help the muslims but you people can do your bit. Please wake up.


Assalaam alaikum,


( I am a sister)

When we discuss Jews we are not discussing individuals. I have to be precise with my words, so please be patient.

If you read your history you will discover that the US was a major influence to the implementation of Israel. Check out Truman's role. Fast forward. The Jewish politcal lobby is very powerful. In order for most candidates running for office in the US they have to sign a pact with the Jewish lobby. If the candidates do not support Israel they do not get any money to run for Congress or the Senate or in the case of Obama, President.

Thus, legislation is passed to help the Israeli. Each Israeli receives $8,000.00 anually. I am an American citizen. I don't get that money. Individual states have departments ( like countries ) and many of them have a separte department for Israeli. No other country is afforded this. The way laws are passed in this country includes what is called a rider. A rider is bill that will become a law. It is a small item. They sneak this onto major bills becoming laws. Guess who gets a lot of money. Israel has openly called America her female dog.

I am writing this because the Jewish presence in the US is all about Israel. They have dual citizenship. They are powerful and vindictive.

Sometimes one has to call a spade a spade.


Asalaam alaikum,


You have to have knowledge of how Israel came to being to understand that talks are not going to achieve anything. Sadly, to say the general Jewish consensus is to support the illegal entity. Read up on the Camp David talks.

The People of Palestine includes all peoples. Muslims do not practice apartheid or racism as do the Jews. The Zionists do not want peace. It is not in the agenda.

There are a few Jews who have understanding. But, there is much support for the Zionist cause.

The British are good for one thing. Wherever they set foot everything started to rot.

Please take a moment to get a historical perspective on Israel; read the Protocol of the Elders, and then you will understand why this is such an emotional issue for us.


Assalaam alaikum,

In the name of Love and Truth we do have to acknowledge that there are good Jews. I am a big fan of Norm Finkelstein. He is a friend of the People of Palestine. We need to become students of history to gain a greater perspective.

But, we need to return to the topic on hand. What is the food situation? Are any medical supplies available? Please keep us updated.


Travelling towards my grave.
Assalam 'ALaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Let us not ask where are the OTHERS! Rather, let us ask our selves, "am I doing my part?"

I know there are differences of opinions. However, please mark my word. I am NOT going to give up no matter what they do inshaAllah. Already my facebook page was temporarily down last night. Shows how Zionists control all this.

When we talk about Jews, we need to remember the words of Allah that they will never agree with us, unless we accept their Religion.

To those brothers and sisters who question about the Warmongers, I sincerely ask you to study how Jews entered the blessed lands of Palestine, and what happened after that. I am talking something the west did in 1947, after the second world war.

As per the pictures I post here, I try my best not to post too disturbing pictures. Even about that picture, I asked brothers and sisters to tell me if I have to delete it, and when a brother told so, I did it. HOWEVER, it is my DUTY as a MUSLIM to convey the WORLD what the Zionist Cowards are doing to my brothers and sisters. They are showing to the world the pictures of their soldiers and brutal illegal settlers in the occupied lands wetting their pants to the sound of rocket siren.

If you're not careful the media will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

I repeat! I am not stopping this no matter what they do inshaAllah.

Wassalam 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


Travelling towards my grave.
Look at this. This innocent woman was almost killed by Zionist Cowards.



Travelling towards my grave.
My little girl asks her Mom, "Mom. who created the Jews?" - A palstinian sister -

- - - Updated - - -

UNRWA condemns Israeli “creation” of footage, tweets falsely claiming Gaza schools used to launch rockets.

Ministry of health confirms that israel is using white phosphorus in Gaza !!