Am I Doomed?


I became a Muslim last year, but have since gone back to my old ways of hypocracy and defiance of what is clearly God's will for how I should live my life; I sin all the time again, I'm not doing my prayers, and I know that I'm trading something bad for something good. Even in the midst of a sin I know what I'm doing and how that defies God's will.

Of course, this all started very small - So let that be a warning to you. A very very little slip-up led to a very small mistake led to a sin etc etc. So if you value your Islam don't slip-up ;-p but anyway ... I'm in no position to lecture, clearly.

I don't want this to continue. I have concidered ending my life, but have decided that I would have 0 oppourtunity to get back to being a good person in God's eyes. Therefore I have to search out other ways that I can regain my Islam in a genuine and legitamate way, if possible. My Christian heritage tells me that I should repent, but then... that "religion" is so flawed, I'm sure there has to be more implications/consequences.

What say you?


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Brother I think you need to make Taubah (repentance) and make dua (Supplication to Allah) for him to chage your Eman and Deen, and make you to be a good Mualim.

Daud McGuire

Say he is one

Submit yourself to allah(swt). Allah(swt) is the most mercyfull.
Your only saviour and clear friend is Allah(swt). walk to Allah, and Allah will run to you. If you disobey Allah on understanding he is our lord you are doomed. Submit to his will in fear of his wrath, and keep steadfast on worship and look forward to your reward. Allah knows whats in your heart, pray for Piety so your umong the righteous, Fight your biggest Jihad and renounce shaytan.

May our lord grant you guidance if you are sincere

Peace and good tidings be upon you



I take what you have written very seriously. Please contact the imam in your masjid immediately. If not please contact a mental health worker. As I do not know your place of residence..

I read Allah in His wisdom grants us forgiveness when we ask, immediately. So there is no need for you to dwell in the sins or the past. Move on.

We all sin. It is part of our nature; it is so easy to sin. We do it every day. We bathe in prayer asking for Allah's forgivness.

Do not punish yourself. So you sinned. Now pray and try not to do it again. Give in charity. Do some voulnteer work. Engage in life.

It is a positive sign that you wrote to us. There are many, many caring and intelligent Muslims who will help you. Keep writing.

Please take the time to have a physcial. Sometimes we get busy and do not eat well.

Indeed, I will make dua for you. Know at all times you are not alone; you are not forsaken. Sometimes when I am down I listen to nasheeds. Lift you sprit and listen to the invocation of Allah. Please please keep in constant touch.
InshaAllah, all will be well. Hold on to the Rope of Allah.


Junior Member
I don't pretend to understand what you may be going through, and I apologize that I cannot sympathize even more closely with what you've written. But, I would like to offer this bit of advice (and please do correct me if I make any incorrect assumptions about you, your faith, or your situation).

To answer your question - no, of course you are not doomed. Here are some bits of advice:

1. I would, if I were in your situation, appeal to God for a solution, and I would take a decently long period of time to consistently devote to Him. Maybe even as for a Muslim you trust, who has authority in Islam, to aid you in some way. Nevertheless, engage in prayer and meditation, one on one with God, so your heart is overtaken with rememberance of God. Cultivate in yourself the tendency and habit to do this. It will bring great peace and serenity in your life and it will please God like few things will. Do this in love of Him, for He is Most Merciful and Compassionate. God is very patient, and he is slow to judge and slow to anger. Open yourself up to Him.

2. I don't know to what degree you are a reader of Islamic scholarship, but there is one in Islamic history who is a wonderful example concerning the things I mentioend above; pick up a copy of "Freedom and Fulfillment' by al-Ghazzali. If you're really feeling ambitious at some point in future, look at "On the Duties of Brotherhood," or "The Revival of The Religious Sciences." Through these books, one can rework their worldview without innovation, as to live more fully and with greater satisfaction as a Muslim. Old, well-loved copies of all of these may be found on Amazon for mere pennies. Al-Ghazzali went through his own crisis, of sorts, before he emerged as "The Proof of Islam"; I think you'll identify with him. I mention this one because his writing is central to my understanding of Islam, and how to know and practice it with directness for the purposes of worshipping God and loving our fellow people and living an upright life.... Frithjof Schuon is my second fave; "Understanding Islam" gave me incredible perspective on what Islam is above and beyond what I knew and what I'd been told, although it's a right chewy read.

3. Instead of putting so much pressure on yourself and worrying yourself sick with these things when your life is probably difficult enough, unwind somehow. Eat better, drink plenty of water. Get plenty of rest. Strengthen your body and spirit. Meditate. Surround yourself with those you love. Expel negetive situations, people, and practices from your life. Take a stand in this sense.

4. Read al-Qur'an - not out of some sense of duty, but out of love for God. It has a way of changing you from within, and improving your outlook. It is a beautiful book, as you know.

5. To reiterate something I mentioned before - stop being so hard on yourself. God isn't nearly as hard on us as we often are.


As I've been writing this response to you, I can empathize with you for I've experienced many of the things you are, and I'm remembering what it was like, and how I was lifted out of that state. The above pieces of advice are quite central to my wellness. I hope you can take something away from this response and get things in the right direction.

Peace, and God bless you.
Brother Allah is Merciful. He is Arham ur Rahimeen. Even if your sins exceed all the waters in the ocean He will forgive you. Remember Allah's Mercy and it will put a smile on your face. Here's a good link on the subject.

It is for sinners like us that Allah said:

"Say: 'O my Servants who Have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 39:53)"


Junior Member
I had a small problem with that at one point and I contacted someone who could help me and this is what that woman showed me:

[40:3] Forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, strict in enforcing retribution, and possessor of all power. There is no other god beside Him. To Him is the ultimate destiny.

[42:25] He is the One who accepts the repentance from His servants, and remits the sins. He is fully aware of everything you do.

[6:54] When those who believe in our revelations come to you, you shall say, "Salãmun `Alaykum (Peace be upon you). Your Lord has decreed that mercy is His attribute. Thus, anyone among you who commits a transgression out of ignorance, and repents thereafter and reforms, then He is Forgiving, Most Merciful."

[20:82] I am surely Forgiving for those who repent, believe, lead a righteous life, and steadfastly remain guided.

[66:8] O you who believe, you shall repent to GOD a firm repentance. Your Lord will then remit your sins and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. On that day, GOD will not disappoint the prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will radiate in front of them and to their right. They will say, "Our Lord, perfect our light for us, and forgive us; You are Omnipotent."

So yes, you should repent. And then try to correct your behavior and ask Allah for help. If you feel that you're slipping up again, let someone know like your imam or a trusted brother or sister and maybe they can help.
Asalamalikum brother,

No you are not doomed. Allah is the most Merciful, most Kind, most Forgiving. Everytime you have a trial in your life, the only thing to do is to return to the Creator (Allah swt). It's easy to go back to your old habits but I think alot has to do with whom your friends are, what you watch, your environment, how you spend your time throughout the day, etc. You should reflect on things that you know is not good for you and stop immedietly and start changing your life. It's not an easy task, but you really have to have power and control over yourself.

I am not a perfect person either and I do have some bad habits. I usually try to keep myself productive and busy. Praying helps alot, I go out to the gym which helps me clear my mind too, play basketball, go to my grandmother's house and help her out, etc. Keep yourself busy and find leisure activities.

My advice for you is to attend Jummah prayers or go to the masjid daily and try to get acquainted and become friends with some pious brothers there.

There are sooooooo many beneficial things on this site that you can do, watch and never get bored. Inshallah it will you help you out brother.

I know you are a strong minded brother, you can do it!!!!


Muslim Guy
Salam alaikum.

A Muslim always, always has hope of Allah's mercy. No matter what sin he has committed. Surely, Allah is the Most-Forgiving. And if you are sincerely regretting your actions, you must sincerely ask for forgiveness and try attain Allah's mercy (through repentance).

Salam alaikum.


Aspiring Mutawakkil

You are not doomed for Allah's Help is always near. He says in the Quran "And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad concerning Me, then answer them), I am indeed near (to them). I respond to the invocations of the caller when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them hear My call and let them trust in Me, in order that they may be led aright." (2:186)

The best time to make duaa to Allah is the third part of the night...He is closest to us at that time. No matter how much you have sinned if you are sincere in your repentance Allah will forgive you inshaAllah.

In a Hadith recorded by Bukhari and Muslim, Anas (R) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah :saw: say: "Allah said, 'Oh son of Adam! So long as you call upon Me and hope on Me, I will forgive you for all that comes from you, caring not. Oh son of Adam! Even if your sins reach the horizon of the sky, then if you asked My forgiveness, I will forgive you. Oh son of Adam! If you were to come to Me with your sins (as many as) filling the earth, and (if) you do not associate with Me (in worship) anything else, I shall come to you with a like size of forgiveness!'"

Also, first thing you should do is return to praying 5 times a day again. KEEP YOUR FiVE ALiVE!! :SMILY126: And if this is hard for you then i would recommend you scheduling your day around the prayers instead of fitting your prayers into your schedule---what we all usually do =[

And do keep repeating the shahadah to yourself to remind you of your purpose of breathing. May Allah guide you back to His path and keep you firm on it inshaAllah. There's a small duaa that the Prophet :saw: used to make:
"Ya Muqalib al quloobina, thabit qalbi aala al imaan."
Oh Turner of the Hearts, Make my heart firm on this faith!​

Also, something that can help you stay away from sinning is being around good company. So surround yourself as much as you can with people who fear and love Allah (SWT) more than anything in their lives. Stick to them like glue. This will keep your imaan at a higher level and help you to stay away from sins ANDD encourage you to do good things inshaAllah. There's a hadith about this as well but i don't want to make this message too long as it already is. But let me know if you're curious. I hope this helps. Take care.



Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom Brother,

Read this from Quran,

قال الله تعالى: "قل ياعبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم لاتقنطوا من رحمة الله إن الله يغفر الذنوب جميعاً إنه هو الغفور الرحيم"

Say: O my servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful.039.053

and watch this the meaning of Hadith.

May Allah make it easy on you.

wa salaam alikom


Islam is my life
Staff member
Assalamu aleikum.
If u have fear of Allah ,u still have faith.Ask for Forgivness from Allah.Allah knows what's in your heart.It was a gift for you from Allah ,that he has chosen to guide u to Islam.Remember ,that Allah is always near....
Prayer and Patience is all u need to do...
My family were trying to convience me in Cristianity ,since I converted.But now they lost all their power to do that,as nothing has changed me.I stand like a rock for my Faith and now they have to listen to me ,and they finally do.Can u believe it?
I wasn't perfect when I converted .I went thru a lot of ups and downs,I was alone ,but always with the help of Allah...
U just need to read and learn more about Islam.Read the Quran all the time

Remember that u are never alone ,u have Allah,just put all your trust in him and start doing the Salat,its the most important....
May Allah be with u....


beautiful things said by all sisters and brothers.
dear brother! I want to give you a warning:

Never ever think about finishing your life because that is an unforgiveable sin.
as long as you are alive, the doors of repentace are open to you. never try to close them.
repent to allah swt, he is very near, most merciful

when i was younger, i used to ask myself, why do we ask for the same prayer eachtime we pray, 5 times a day, which is: "ihdena seratal mustaqima---guide me to the straight path"
it was later when i grew up that i understood the wisdom behind it: allah swt knows that we are human beings and we are weak, if we commit a sin in between the prayers, this (prayer) is our chance to repent and come clean to our allah almighty, most merciful, with a new start and stronger determination and search for finding way to allah swt

never give up on freindship of allah swt, for he is the best to seek freidnship with, in all situations

you are still a faithful brother and the following are glad tidings for faithfuls:

"truly no one despairs of Allah's Soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith." Quran, Sura Yusuf, Verse 87



As you can tell from all the messages; we are all concerned about your well being.

God is Merciful and God is benevolent.

To err is human.
To forgive Divine!

In my humble opinion; you should seek medical attention (a good doctor) as the Sister has advised to make sure that everything is ok with you physically.

Then you should seek to speak the Imam in your local area and discuss the spiritual side of things in a more detailed manner.

Your health and well-being is of paramount importance here; we can discuss Islam, Christianity and everything else later when we have heard the good news that you have seen a doctor and everything is OK.

We will all be waiting to hear from you, Insha'Allah and off course you will be in our prayers.

If you would like to tell us your location (i.e. Country, State, City) maybe some of us can direct you to an Islamic organisation which can help, Insha'Allah.


I became a Muslim last year, but have since gone back to my old ways of hypocracy and defiance of what is clearly God's will for how I should live my life; I sin all the time again, I'm not doing my prayers, and I know that I'm trading something bad for something good. Even in the midst of a sin I know what I'm doing and how that defies God's will.

Of course, this all started very small - So let that be a warning to you. A very very little slip-up led to a very small mistake led to a sin etc etc. So if you value your Islam don't slip-up ;-p but anyway ... I'm in no position to lecture, clearly.

I don't want this to continue. I have concidered ending my life, but have decided that I would have 0 oppourtunity to get back to being a good person in God's eyes. Therefore I have to search out other ways that I can regain my Islam in a genuine and legitamate way, if possible. My Christian heritage tells me that I should repent, but then... that "religion" is so flawed, I'm sure there has to be more implications/consequences.

What say you?
