Are we to Blame for Gaza?


Blessed Muslimah

Hope all of you are doing well :SMILY231:

I wanted to post this thread to remind myself and everyone else to keep in mind and understand that what is happening in Gaza nobody but ourselves are to blame i hope understand me when i say that the sins we all commit has cause this calamity and many others to befall our ummah today. All we can do as muslims is to repent sincerly for our sins and to make dua and to cry to Allah to improve thier condition.

Allah subhanallah wa ta ala says in Surah Anfal.....

"Because Allah will never change the Grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)." (53)

And obey Allah and His Messenger; and fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.

But Allah was not going to send them a penalty whilst thou wast amongst them; nor was He going to send it whilst they could ask for pardon. (33)

Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. (60)

Our sins could be the reason for thier sufferings so let all od us repent to Allah and remember our brothers and sisters in our dua's :hearts:

So instead of shifting Blame on this and that who else is to blame other than ourselves so let us look in our own hearts and correct them by asking forgiveness.....
All we can do is to DO DUA (in the night preferably), GIVE CHARITY, ASK FOR FORGIVENESS AND REPENT SINCERLY!!

Let us unite in these testing times by our dua and good deeds inshallah

I ask Allah to forgive me if i have said anything wrong or to offend anyone

And i ask Allah to accept our forgivness and to improve the affairs of the muslims around the world Ameen :tti_sister:

Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatullah :hearts:



You write a weighty question. Yes, we are to blame. We have been sitting silently enjoying the good of this life. We have allowed the enemy to dictate how to live. We find joy in the world of the kuffir and we imitate the kuffir. We have forgotten the Goodness of Allah. We live our daily lives by the rule of the dollar. We forget to give each other a salaam because the kuffir is who we say hello to.
The Quran becomes a book and the sunnath is for simple folk. We bow down to shirk...and we are being spread like chaff across the Earth. We give money and jewels to the whores of the devil. We forget our widows and orphans.

We are a sorry lot, indeed.

May Allah forgive me if I write wrong.


Junior Member

You write a weighty question. Yes, we are to blame. We have been sitting silently enjoying the good of this life. We have allowed the enemy to dictate how to live. We find joy in the world of the kuffir and we imitate the kuffir. We have forgotten the Goodness of Allah. We live our daily lives by the rule of the dollar. We forget to give each other a salaam because the kuffir is who we say hello to.
The Quran becomes a book and the sunnath is for simple folk. We bow down to shirk...and we are being spread like chaff across the Earth. We give money and jewels to the whores of the devil. We forget our widows and orphans.

We are a sorry lot, indeed.

May Allah forgive me if I write wrong.

:salam2: to all

I hope that we will be united soon as one muslim ummah and that we understand the true value of life and struggle hard for firdevs instead of this material stuff of the world inshaallah...... May Allah guide us to and on the straigt path,,, Jazak allahu ckairan sister Muslim18 for ur reminder...




What has money got to do with it?? What is money going to get you if you have no heart?
Where was Saudi Arabia when the first child was murdered? Where have the Saudi's been for the past sixty years?
Why is the wall up?

I am not malinging anyone. I just want to see a Muslim with a heart!

That is what we have lost. We have lost our hearts. Money is easy to come by. Hearts are not.
The People of Gaza showed us Muslim hearts. They did not give up Islam nor did they throw shame and blame on us while we watched them being minced.


New Member
Abu Dawood (3462) narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say:

“When you engage in ‘aynah transactions (a kind of transaction intended to circumvent the prohibition on riba or usury), and you take hold of the tails of oxen (i.e. dunya) and you are content with agriculture (at the time when jihad is obligatory), and you give up jihad, then Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion, Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion, Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion.”
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

wasalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Abu Dawood (3462) narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say:

“When you engage in ‘aynah transactions (a kind of transaction intended to circumvent the prohibition on riba or usury), and you take hold of the tails of oxen (i.e. dunya) and you are content with agriculture (at the time when jihad is obligatory), and you give up jihad, then Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion, Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion, Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion.”
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

wasalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

This hadeeth should be constantly ringing in our minds at times like this.


Staff member
I had a really good e-mail about this topic ...I'll post it back here later inshaAllaah.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum,

We will have a khutbah of Shaykh Hussain Aal Shaykh which addresses Gaza and gives the best and only Sound advice about what Muslims should do, as it is based upon Quran and Sunnah.



Blessed Muslimah

What has money got to do with it?? What is money going to get you if you have no heart?
Where was Saudi Arabia when the first child was murdered? Where have the Saudi's been for the past sixty years?
Why is the wall up?

I am not malinging anyone. I just want to see a Muslim with a heart!

That is what we have lost. We have lost our hearts. Money is easy to come by. Hearts are not.
The People of Gaza showed us Muslim hearts. They did not give up Islam nor did they throw shame and blame on us while we watched them being minced.


Sister i understand where your coming from our times are testing times and these test are such as to weed out the weak among us and to reveal the strong i just hope and pray Allah unite the muslims by heart first and the rest will follow inshallah :hearts:

As brother Thariq quotes beautifully from hadith:

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said: Nations will attack you like a group of people eating from a plate. The sahabah said: “Is that because we will be few in numbers?” He (sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said: “No, you will be numerous but you will be like the foam of the sea, and Allah will take away from the hearts of your enemies the fear from you and Allah will cast in your hearts “wahan”” They said: “What is “wahan” O Messenger of Allah?” He (sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said: “The love of this world and the hatred of death” (Related by Abu Dawud).

May Allah remove "wahan" from the hearts of all believers Ameen



Junior Member

Hope all of you are doing well :SMILY231:

I wanted to post this thread to remind myself and everyone else to keep in mind and understand that what is happening in Gaza nobody but ourselves are to blame i hope understand me when i say that the sins we all commit has cause this calamity and many others to befall our ummah today. All we can do as muslims is to repent sincerly for our sins and to make dua and to cry to Allah to improve thier condition.

Allah subhanallah wa ta ala says in Surah Anfal.....

"Because Allah will never change the Grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)." (53)

And obey Allah and His Messenger; and fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.

But Allah was not going to send them a penalty whilst thou wast amongst them; nor was He going to send it whilst they could ask for pardon. (33)

Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. (60)

Our sins could be the reason for thier sufferings so let all od us repent to Allah and remember our brothers and sisters in our dua's :hearts:

So instead of shifting Blame on this and that who else is to blame other than ourselves so let us look in our own hearts and correct them by asking forgiveness.....
All we can do is to DO DUA (in the night preferably), GIVE CHARITY, ASK FOR FORGIVENESS AND REPENT SINCERLY!!

Let us unite in these testing times by our dua and good deeds inshallah

I ask Allah to forgive me if i have said anything wrong or to offend anyone

And i ask Allah to accept our forgivness and to improve the affairs of the muslims around the world Ameen :tti_sister:

Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatullah :hearts:

Until we start being Muslims again, and I don't mean just by label, but for real, Muslims will continue being the most persecuted people in the world. Many Muslims are too busy with dunya and have totally forgotten Islam. Islam is what will prosper us and only under Islam can there be unity and success for this ummah. There has to be a reason as to why it is Muslims who are most persecuted, among some of the poorest nations and why Muslims form the majority of the world's refugees. It is different with kafirs and mushriks because for them this dunya is jannah, and for Muslims this dunya becomes a prision if we are not careful. I am not saying we can't enjoy the good things and blessings in this life but we also have a duty and our first priority is submission to will of God. Worshiping him with sincerity, devotion and total obedience. We must learn our deen, act upon it and live, rule and unite with Quran and the Sunnah.

So yes we are to be blamed for a lot of it. Take a look at Turkey. There was a time when the Ottoman Turks were leaders and ahead of the Europeans. Today, a 100 years after the fall of the Ottoman empire and with a 100 years of "democracy" and secularism, Turkey is not even considered a developed country and it is behind the western countries. Who can they blame for that but themselves? When the Turks will start being Muslims again instead of being atheists and nationalists, there will be success again and it will be the west that will try to be like them. I am not saying there aren't good Muslims in Turkey but we can't deny that it is not an Islamic state nor do the majority of people know what Islam really is. The same goes for all the Muslim countries. When Muslims start educating themselves, rediscover their Islamic roots, and act upon the Quran and the Sunnah, only then will there be success. But as long as we remain nationalists, secularists, in love with dunya and are not following our Deen, this will be the state of Muslims and it will only get worse.

Alhamdulillah, the good news and positive signs I see is that there is an Islamic revival. I see Muslims trying learn about their deen more. Suddenly we see Bonians and Albanians studying their deen and their women starting to wear hijabs. In a recent poll taken in the "democratic" and "free" Turkey, over 70% of Turkish women want the hijab ban lifted. This is a good sign, and this shows how absurd their democracy really is. True freedom only comes from Allah(swt) and only by worshiping Him and submitting to His will, can humans be free and successful. Yet in countries like Afghanistan and Iran, women don't like being forced to wear hijab and have no real knowledge of Islam but in countries where there is democracy, Muslim women want to wear hijab and they want to be Muslims. It starts with knowing our deen. The fundamentals of Tawhid, knowing our deen and returning to the Quran and Sunnah.

After that, everything else will follow along and there will be success. It is strange that at one time Muslims were ahead of the west in education, technology, arts and science and the westerners didn't even know what soap was. This is admitted by western and Christian historians, yet today Muslim countries are poor, Muslims are persecuted and there is no unity. It is because of ignorance, not upholding the deen we were given and loving dunya more than the hereafter. It so pisses me off when I read about the glorious Islamic history and empire, yet I see today Muslims trying to be like the mushriks and kafirs.

May Allah unite us all and make us strong and devoted to Him, ameen.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Talking about Saudi Arabia, I had a great respect to this country actually. But conflict in Gaza had exposed many of our weaknesses as muslim ummah in general and needless to say this "wahan" disease. Saudi may have a lot of money and generously donate to fellow muslim countries but can money stop Israeli aggression over Palestine? In Badr war, money was not the one gave victory to muslim army but taqwa and jihad. No point you pouring money when it will not stop your fellow brothers and sisters being killed by enemies. What is required from Saudi is to take a lead in uniting the muslim ummah, they can do it. Now Arab league has promised billions of dollars to help reconstruct Gaza, this will be great relieve to Gaza. But will this return the lives of many innocents or will this money help Gaza from Israeli future attack? I hope the Arab league will be more proactive i.e. to plan how to stop this zionist regime terrorising Palestine once and for all. I'm sorry if my statement is inaccurate.

sister purified

Junior Member
even im sorry if im incorrect but i was also thinking about the same lines as bro/hard rock moslem..the arab league should think about ways to stop palestine from being attaked by isreal once and for all..more of manpower and machines perhaps..forgive me if im wrong.



Putting all politics aside I feel that we often place too much on the Saudi's. The land is where we all want to live. We dream of it. We love Saudi Arabia because of our Prophet. We have expectations that seem unrealistic. It was there that we had the first reverts.
We feel betrayed when the political situation today is not consistent with our belief system. Sometimes I just wish I could shake the fools to wake up. And they are generous. But the politicians do not reflect the populous.

In the end we have to place faith where it belongs: not on institutions, not on individual politicians, not on nations...but we must put our Trust in Allah.


Blessed Muslimah
Until we start being Muslims again, and I don't mean just by label, but for real, Muslims will continue being the most persecuted people in the world. Many Muslims are too busy with dunya and have totally forgotten Islam. Islam is what will prosper us and only under Islam can there be unity and success for this ummah. There has to be a reason as to why it is Muslims who are most persecuted, among some of the poorest nations and why Muslims form the majority of the world's refugees. It is different with kafirs and mushriks because for them this dunya is jannah, and for Muslims this dunya becomes a prision if we are not careful. I am not saying we can't enjoy the good things and blessings in this life but we also have a duty and our first priority is submission to will of God. Worshiping him with sincerity, devotion and total obedience. We must learn our deen, act upon it and live, rule and unite with Quran and the Sunnah.

So yes we are to be blamed for a lot of it. Take a look at Turkey. There was a time when the Ottoman Turks were leaders and ahead of the Europeans. Today, a 100 years after the fall of the Ottoman empire and with a 100 years of "democracy" and secularism, Turkey is not even considered a developed country and it is behind the western countries. Who can they blame for that but themselves? When the Turks will start being Muslims again instead of being atheists and nationalists, there will be success again and it will be the west that will try to be like them. I am not saying there aren't good Muslims in Turkey but we can't deny that it is not an Islamic state nor do the majority of people know what Islam really is. The same goes for all the Muslim countries. When Muslims start educating themselves, rediscover their Islamic roots, and act upon the Quran and the Sunnah, only then will there be success. But as long as we remain nationalists, secularists, in love with dunya and are not following our Deen, this will be the state of Muslims and it will only get worse.

Alhamdulillah, the good news and positive signs I see is that there is an Islamic revival. I see Muslims trying learn about their deen more. Suddenly we see Bonians and Albanians studying their deen and their women starting to wear hijabs. In a recent poll taken in the "democratic" and "free" Turkey, over 70% of Turkish women want the hijab ban lifted. This is a good sign, and this shows how absurd their democracy really is. True freedom only comes from Allah(swt) and only by worshiping Him and submitting to His will, can humans be free and successful. Yet in countries like Afghanistan and Iran, women don't like being forced to wear hijab and have no real knowledge of Islam but in countries where there is democracy, Muslim women want to wear hijab and they want to be Muslims. It starts with knowing our deen. The fundamentals of Tawhid, knowing our deen and returning to the Quran and Sunnah.

After that, everything else will follow along and there will be success. It is strange that at one time Muslims were ahead of the west in education, technology, arts and science and the westerners didn't even know what soap was. This is admitted by western and Christian historians, yet today Muslim countries are poor, Muslims are persecuted and there is no unity. It is because of ignorance, not upholding the deen we were given and loving dunya more than the hereafter. It so pisses me off when I read about the glorious Islamic history and empire, yet I see today Muslims trying to be like the mushriks and kafirs.

May Allah unite us all and make us strong and devoted to Him, ameen.


I understand what your saying subhanallah its true if we read and educate ourselves then and only then can we be free, those who rule with the quran and sunnah shall truely and surely be successful. The muslims are only perescuted because they say "la ilaha illallah"........ and dont get annoyed at them who try acting like kafirs subhanallah be gratefull and and make dua Allah guides the muslims again.

As you said this life is a paradise for the kaffir and a prison for the believer :hearts:

May Allah unite us all with the Quran and sunnah Ameen :hearts:



Blessed Muslimah
Talking about Saudi Arabia, I had a great respect to this country actually. But conflict in Gaza had exposed many of our weaknesses as muslim ummah in general and needless to say this "wahan" disease. Saudi may have a lot of money and generously donate to fellow muslim countries but can money stop Israeli aggression over Palestine? In Badr war, money was not the one gave victory to muslim army but taqwa and jihad. No point you pouring money when it will not stop your fellow brothers and sisters being killed by enemies. What is required from Saudi is to take a lead in uniting the muslim ummah, they can do it. Now Arab league has promised billions of dollars to help reconstruct Gaza, this will be great relieve to Gaza. But will this return the lives of many innocents or will this money help Gaza from Israeli future attack? I hope the Arab league will be more proactive i.e. to plan how to stop this zionist regime terrorising Palestine once and for all. I'm sorry if my statement is inaccurate.


I totally agree with you but i think all we can do is to fufill our duties as muslims first and then inshallah ALLAH will change our condition and improve our affairs... Money never solves problems or replaces lives but at least they are giving something that shows at least they can a bit i dont know much about politics so mind my statement its just my thought on this...
Allah knows best



Staff member
Lessons from the Gold-mine of Gaza

We are the problem

The battle of Uhud was a living nightmare for the Muslims.. The forehead of the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was wounded, his incisor tooth was broken, two rings of his helmet penetrated his cheek, his blessed face gushed with blood, and seventy of the companions were massacred..

The companions were so confused! How can this happen to us when we are the believers of Allah?! How can this happen to us when our leader is the messenger of Allah?! How can this happen when our enemy are the disbelievers in Allah?!

How can this be?!..So Allah reveals the answer:

أَوَلَمَّا أَصَابَتْكُمْ مُصِيبَةٌ قَدْ أَصَبْتُمْ مِثْلَيْهَا قُلْتُمْ أَنَّى هَذَا قُلْ هُوَ مِنْ عِنْدِ أَنْفُسِكُمْ 1

“Why is it that when a single disaster struck you, although you had struck with one twice as great [2] you said: “From where is this?!” Say: “It is from yourselves!” (your sins!)”

A small minority of the companions had disobeyed the messenger of Allah in just one commandment, just one!… and as a result? It was defeat for the Muslim!

I now ask you the question: How do you expect Allah to bring victory to this Ummah whilst it has disobeyed the vast majority of the commands of Allah ..?

Our sins are the problem of Gaza and this Ummah. Our courage in confronting Allah with disobedience is the cause of these calamities! Enough of us pointing our fingers at others, as we try to hang our shortcomings on their shoulders..!

You want to know who is the cause behind these calamities and disasters in Gaza?

Allah answers:

ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِي النَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُمْ بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا …3

“Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea because of what the hands of people have earned (!), so He Allah may let them taste part of the consequences of what they have done……”

We are the problem.

Oh slave of Allah, when will you start taking responsibility for your Ummah and say: “I am the reason behind this..!

“It is because I sleep through my Fajr and miss my salaah..”

“It is because I will become religious “when I’m older”

“It is because I’ve filled my ears with music..”

“It is because I’ve filled my lungs with nicotine..”

“It is because I insist that the hijaab isn’t for me..”

“It is because I prefer to decorate my walls with Qur’anic verses rather than read the book of Allah..!”

Should we not start taking responsibility and checking ourselves?

Mine and your sins are the problem..

As the poet says:

نعيب زماننا والعيب فينا وما لزماننا عيب سوانا

ونهجوا الزمان بغير ذنب ولو نطق الزما لنا هجانا 4

We blame the times we live in, but the only problem with these days is us! And we unfairly speak ill of our times, whilst if our times could speak, they would certainly speak ill of us.

Why all these calamities? Why are we being punished? Why all this suffering?

..Now we can finish the second part of the verse mentioned above:

عَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ 5

Perhaps they will return…

Will you not repent to Allah? Will you not change? ..Is it not time already?

Please.. for perhaps Allah will relieve the suffering of Gaza through you..


[1] Verse: 165, Surah: 3

[2] I.e. in the battle before this one, Badr! For the same way 70 of the Muslims have now been killed in Uhud, in Badr, the Muslims killed 70 of the enemy and captured 70 as prisoners. This is what is meant by “you had struck with one twice as great”

[3] Verse: 41, Surah: 30

[4] These lines are attributed to imam ashShaafi’ee

[5] Verse: 41, Surah: 30

Edit: I thought this was a beneficial read - I did not write it.


Blessed Muslimah
Lessons from the Gold-mine of Gaza

We are the problem

The battle of Uhud was a living nightmare for the Muslims.. The forehead of the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was wounded, his incisor tooth was broken, two rings of his helmet penetrated his cheek, his blessed face gushed with blood, and seventy of the companions were massacred..

The companions were so confused! How can this happen to us when we are the believers of Allah?! How can this happen to us when our leader is the messenger of Allah?! How can this happen when our enemy are the disbelievers in Allah?!

How can this be?!..So Allah reveals the answer:

أَوَلَمَّا أَصَابَتْكُمْ مُصِيبَةٌ قَدْ أَصَبْتُمْ مِثْلَيْهَا قُلْتُمْ أَنَّى هَذَا قُلْ هُوَ مِنْ عِنْدِ أَنْفُسِكُمْ 1

“Why is it that when a single disaster struck you, although you had struck with one twice as great [2] you said: “From where is this?!” Say: “It is from yourselves!” (your sins!)”

A small minority of the companions had disobeyed the messenger of Allah in just one commandment, just one!… and as a result? It was defeat for the Muslim!

I now ask you the question: How do you expect Allah to bring victory to this Ummah whilst it has disobeyed the vast majority of the commands of Allah ..?

Our sins are the problem of Gaza and this Ummah. Our courage in confronting Allah with disobedience is the cause of these calamities! Enough of us pointing our fingers at others, as we try to hang our shortcomings on their shoulders..!

You want to know who is the cause behind these calamities and disasters in Gaza?

Allah answers:

ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِي النَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُمْ بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا …3

“Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea because of what the hands of people have earned (!), so He Allah may let them taste part of the consequences of what they have done……”

We are the problem.

Oh slave of Allah, when will you start taking responsibility for your Ummah and say: “I am the reason behind this..!

“It is because I sleep through my Fajr and miss my salaah..”

“It is because I will become religious “when I’m older”

“It is because I’ve filled my ears with music..”

“It is because I’ve filled my lungs with nicotine..”

“It is because I insist that the hijaab isn’t for me..”

“It is because I prefer to decorate my walls with Qur’anic verses rather than read the book of Allah..!”

Should we not start taking responsibility and checking ourselves?

Mine and your sins are the problem..

As the poet says:

نعيب زماننا والعيب فينا وما لزماننا عيب سوانا

ونهجوا الزمان بغير ذنب ولو نطق الزما لنا هجانا 4

We blame the times we live in, but the only problem with these days is us! And we unfairly speak ill of our times, whilst if our times could speak, they would certainly speak ill of us.

Why all these calamities? Why are we being punished? Why all this suffering?

..Now we can finish the second part of the verse mentioned above:

عَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ 5

Perhaps they will return…

Will you not repent to Allah? Will you not change? ..Is it not time already?

Please.. for perhaps Allah will relieve the suffering of Gaza through you..


[1] Verse: 165, Surah: 3

[2] I.e. in the battle before this one, Badr! For the same way 70 of the Muslims have now been killed in Uhud, in Badr, the Muslims killed 70 of the enemy and captured 70 as prisoners. This is what is meant by “you had struck with one twice as great”

[3] Verse: 41, Surah: 30

[4] These lines are attributed to imam ashShaafi’ee

[5] Verse: 41, Surah: 30

Edit: I thought this was a beneficial read - I did not write it.


Jaza kallahu khair sister thats the exact point i was trying to make it is all our responsibilty as muslims individually to check our selves :ma: May ALLAH reward you and guide us all from the evils of our own souls Ameen


What a beautiful post jaza kallahu khair


all this is very true brothers and sisters and all that is happening these times are mere signs of the end of this world... Major bloodshed, the loss of knowledgeable scholars...ignorance will prevail and the authority will be given to the unfit... Yes the world is corrupt... It's unfair and hurtful and has no heart but only being with Allah will help, as simple as that... You live by the rules you'll be happy