Are women & marriage evil ?


Junior Member
I decide to forward this edited version of a mail I received some few months back from a friend. His motive for sending the mail to me as I learnt later was to make me burst in to laughter looking at the manner women and marriage was ridiculed.

After reading the mail for the 5th time, I realized that the reaction by men folk (who uttered the statements) to women signifies their deep animosity against the women folk as ‘evil’, ‘inferior’, and above all the ‘source’ of our problems.

However, since I do not hold the monopoly of wisdom, I decide to solicit your reactions. As per as I am concern, Islam has honored women and did not ascribe any ‘evility’ to them. They are in fact equal to men on issues pertaining piety and worship.

If you have any contrary idea feels free to discuss your view.


When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.
Lee Majors

By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.

Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them.
Mike Tyson

The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?
George Clooney

I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me..
Bill Clinton

"I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years."
Rudy Giuliani

"There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking.. It's called marriage."
Michael Jordan

"I've had bad luck with all my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn’t.” The third gave me more children!
Donald Trump

You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to.
David Hasselhoff

My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
Alec Baldwin

Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy.
Tommy Lee


Praise be to Allah!
As salaamu 'alaikkum, the people who were quoted above are not people we take our deen from. These people maybe known but they probably have not got one grain of wisdom or imaan. Remember, it is our deen that came as something strange, and we are the strangers. When the arabs used to treat women as slaves, islaam came and freed them from this evil act of theirs. Thus we treat our women as they are meant to be treated, we do not exxagerate about them nor do we degrade them. We do not compare them to men as some people do, nor do we compare them to animals, as some people do. Allaah, the Most High, has created women, and they are something that is precious to us muslim men. We look after them with care, as it is said they are a "Bent Rib". These people go around mocking women, yet they do not realize they are mocking their own mothers, who bore them and by the will of Allaah, bought them into this dunya. Many supported these people turn into great figures.

May Allaah, the Most High, keep us away from the character of people like these, and enable us to follow the example of the Messenger of Allaah :saw2:. Aameen

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
As salaamu 'alaikkum, the people who were quoted above are not people we take our deen from. These people maybe known but they probably have not got one grain of wisdom or imaan. Remember, it is our deen that came as something strange, and we are the strangers. When the arabs used to treat women as slaves, islaam came and freed them from this evil act of theirs. Thus we treat our women as they are meant to be treated, we do not exxagerate about them nor do we degrade them. We do not compare them to men as some people do, nor do we compare them to animals, as some people do. Allaah, the Most High, has created women, and they are something that is precious to us muslim men. We look after them with care, as it is said they are a "Bent Rib". These people go around mocking women, yet they do not realize they are mocking their own mothers, who bore them and by the will of Allaah, bought them into this dunya. Many supported these people turn into great figures.

May Allaah, the Most High, keep us away from the character of people like these, and enable us to follow the example of the Messenger of Allaah :saw2:. Aameen

well said. The way they see and treat women is different with our ways. And as far as I'm concern, they will never feel satisfies with what they have (i mean with the woman they have) as to having lack of faith and respect to women. But i know not all men see women like that. And basically it depends on one's background; a man who sees and feel the hardship his mother had gone through will most likely respect other women.
Just my one cent.

Jazakallahu khair.


Praise be to Allah!
well said. The way they see and treat women is different with our ways. And as far as I'm concern, they will never feel satisfies with what they have (i mean with the woman they have) as to having lack of faith and respect to women. But i know not all men see women like that. And basically it depends on one's background; a man who sees and feel the hardship his mother had gone through will most likely respect other women.
Just my one cent.

Jazakallahu khair.

sad thing is their women do not even realize that they are being humiliated, indeed Allaah has made this ummah the best of nations.


Junior Member
-A homosexual

Mike Tyson
-A woman beater

Bill Clinton and Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump
- Aduterers who think of women as nothing more than objects to satisfy their lust and then throw away

Tommy Lee
-A drunk and a wife beater as well

Hmmm...not exactly the best guys to look to for advice on how to view and treat women. It's like asking the guy in prison for embezzeling funds on how to invest your money for the future. If you don't mind I will stick to the Qur'an and the Hadith when it comes to how women should be treated and viewed.


Junior Member
sis shyhijabi, i loved your response!

then they (the west) think we are the ones who are oppressed-they need only look at how american (and british) males view females and the above is a prime example.


Junior Member

brothers, if you want a good wife be a good guy by yourselfs! know that every no good woman was made by a no good man!!!!

and I´m sorry when I sound rude but I can not laugh about the silly comments of some fools.



Staff member

-A homosexual

-A woman beater

- Aduterers who think of women as nothing more than objects to satisfy their lust and then throw away

-A drunk and a wife beater as well

Hmmm...not exactly the best guys to look to for advice on how to view and treat women. It's like asking the guy in prison for embezzeling funds on how to invest your money for the future. If you don't mind I will stick to the Qur'an and the Hadith when it comes to how women should be treated and viewed.

Nice one.

sad thing is their women do not even realize that they are being humiliated, indeed Allaah has made this ummah the best of nations.

That is very true. Its hard to explain to kafir women that they have no self respect. How would you say that in the politest way possible, anyway? There is no nice way of saying that, especially if they ask you so blatantly whats so different between a muslim woman and themselves, the answer is not exactly what they want to know or hear.


Junior Member
And once again I thank Allah that He has given me one thing He has apparently not given many of my brothers and sisters: A sense of humor.

Lighten up people!!!


Praise be to Allah!

Nice one.

That is very true. Its hard to explain to kafir women that they have no self respect. How would you say that in the politest way possible, anyway? There is no nice way of saying that, especially if they ask you so blatantly whats so different between a muslim woman and themselves, the answer is not exactly what they want to know or hear.

Wa 'alaikkumus-salaam wa rahmathullaah, you can say politely by your tone of voice to be honest, but at the end of the day close minded people will find that offensive. An open minded person will understand the wisdom that Islaam has bought forth. I remember when I replied to this "woman" who was forwarding messages to everyone about islaam degrading women, and till the end she was stubborn upon the lie that Islaam degrades women, whereas I remember this old woman, 59 years old at that time, take the shahadah at our dawah stall and all praise is due to Allaah, the Possessor of Mercy. Later on I was informed that she has understood the stance of women in islaam and many other basic things.


Staff member
And once again I thank Allah that He has given me one thing He has apparently not given many of my brothers and sisters: A sense of humor.

Lighten up people!!!

Taking a look at the first post its evident the thread wasn't made entirely in jest, there a serious question and a genuine point raised regardless of the apparent humour contained in those quotes.

If it was shared purely as a 'joke' I'm sure many of us would have laughed this off too.

Wa-alaykum salaam.


Junior Member
Taking a look at the first post its evident the thread wasn't made entirely in jest, there a serious question and a genuine point raised regardless of the apparent humour contained in those quotes.

If it was shared purely as a 'joke' I'm sure many of us would have laughed this off too.

Wa-alaykum salaam.

Asalaamu alaikum -

Well I guess I just think not everything out there needs to be dissected so thoroughly. At my age I've decided its much easier to not worry about what's Islamically wrong with every little thing and just laugh at a few jokes. That's all. Allahu alim.


Staff member
Asalaamu alaikum -

Well I guess I just think not everything out there needs to be dissected so thoroughly. At my age I've decided its much easier to not worry about what's Islamically wrong with every little thing and just laugh at a few jokes. That's all. Allahu alim.

Sure, we don't dissect things to a ridiculous level, that was the way of the yahood ..they never took a chill pill about anything and still don't, its definitely not the muslim way.

Muhammad :saw: had a sense of humour, a pretty good one at that :)

I was just pointing out that many of the replies were serious due to the additional points about the status of women raised in the first post. Thats all, didn't mean to come accross as harsh.

Wa-alaykum salaam


Junior Member
Sure, we don't dissect things to a ridiculous level, that was the way of the yahood ..they never took a chill pill about anything and still don't, its definitely not the muslim way.

Muhammad :saw: had a sense of humour, a pretty good one at that :)

I was just pointing out that many of the replies were serious due to the additional points about the status of women raised in the first post. Thats all, didn't mean to come accross as harsh.

Wa-alaykum salaam

Its ok sister, you didn't. I apologize if I came across as impatient.


Junior Member
And once again I thank Allah that He has given me one thing He has apparently not given many of my brothers and sisters: A sense of humor.

Lighten up people!!!

I mean ok this was a serious thread and the west is sexist but how can anyone not laugh at this

My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.