bash me!

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...On a Comeback

I'm having a blip in my iman at the moment. :astag:

I'm a lonely man and I don't have enough commited muslims around me to make me feel bad when I should be, so just BASH ME! Make me feel terrible :mad:

Be as creative as you can be. Let your parents be proud of you. I want to hate myself ASAP!

(ps: dont say anything haram. I'm warning you.)
(another ps: I'm not looking for fatwas or someone lecturing me)
(one more ps: if you dont know how to bash, just make dua. I appreciate it)


Uh...okay..., here are some good ol' fashioned Shakesperean insults:

Were I like thee I'd throw away myself.
Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes.
Thou art a most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.

...Is that good?


Here to help
assalam alikom.

i was thinking of pasting 10x pages for you ;)
but may Allah help you, and make your iman go up up and away :D



Your Sister In Islam
Salam o alaikoum brother, why do you want to feel bad? you're still alive so whatever u did that has made u so sad and upset, don't you think you should start repenting and ask allah for guidness. and when ur not lost, thank allah for the life that u have? thank allah for every bad and good sorry if im giving a lecture but i just wanted to tell u my opinion.

salam wa rahmat allah wa barakatou.

island muslim

Junior Member
Salaam Alaiykum,

Akhi Aziz, I am trying to implement adhab in my life so unfortunately i cant oblige here.
Insha allah some one else will help you. :D


...On a Comeback
Salam o alaikoum brother, why do you want to feel bad? you're still alive so whatever u did that has made u so sad and upset, don't you think you should start repenting and ask allah for guidness. and when ur not lost, thank allah for the life that u have? thank allah for every bad and good sorry if im giving a lecture but i just wanted to tell u my opinion.

salam wa rahmat allah wa barakatou.
Jazaki Allahu khairan sister, I agree :) The thing is I'm not feeling like I've done something wrong. I want to catch that feeling


Your Sister In Islam
but thats not a good feeling, and what if you do get that feeling and it would not leave you? well i hope you get the answer you need brother:)


Junior Member
assalam alikom.

i was thinking of pasting 10x pages for you ;)
but may Allah help you, and make your iman go up up and away :D


Maybe we don't want his iman to go "away," just up and up, lol.

And sorry brother, I'm no good at bashing people. But if you ever need someone to say something nice, I can help with that. :blackhijab:

I will make dua for you though!!


Staff member
This isn't really the best way to increase your Imaan ...dont get me wrong, I understand that self reflection is important, recognising our mistakes and seeking to rectify them is something every muslim should be doing anyway, but ....getting us to insult you is kinda weird to me!

Listen to Qur'aan, your favourite surah, something that softens your heart and makes you shed a few tears maybe? I dont know what works for you.




Brother in ISLAM
Assalamoalaikum brother
you are said you are lonely.. I don't think so
ALLAH(SWT) is with you . Move 1 step towards him and ALLAH(SWT) will move 10 steps towards you.
p.s. I hope it wasn't a lecture. Try the above advice *Its working* :)
jazakallah khair


Shahid abdullah
Hahaha thanks God at least one person is like me in this forum.

But brother for me you are just kid not in age but in thought because i am asking for death and i started a thread. And you are just asking for bash. I also insult myself and regret myself. And i know when i started the above mentioned thread people come up with hadith and Quran and i was like going mad

Hey you little people i am not stupid i already studied what you are sending now. Stop kidding me.

Do you do crazy stuff like burning yourself to stop thinking about sin? Do you some time punch at the wall continously. No or yes.

hahahhaha seriously i am happy at least 1 of my kind is here. I tried to find out the solution and solution is opposite totally even i know the solution but i am still unable to apply it on myself.
But first and foremost thing you should learn
1.self respect
bashing make you happy for some time(if you are not happy than try fire sometime. It stop immediately seriously.)
Not now when but after sometime you will become calm than we will talk about it. Not now.

Hahahahah i am happy. Lol


Had Left TTI

I'm having a blip in my iman at the moment. :astag:

I'm a lonely man and I don't have enough commited muslims around me to make me feel bad when I should be, so just BASH ME! Make me feel terrible :mad:

Be as creative as you can be. Let your parents be proud of you. I want to hate myself ASAP!

(ps: dont say anything haram. I'm warning you.)
(another ps: I'm not looking for fatwas or someone lecturing me)
(one more ps: if you dont know how to bash, just make dua. I appreciate it)

Can I bash you in Elven language:lol:
Lle holma ve' edan "You smells like a human

I'm a nerd :(


Junior Member
Assalamu alakoum,

The first step is realizing that there is something wrong... that is half the battle. Sorry for the cliche, I sound like a shrink at an AA meeting in a movie...LOL

Then read Qur'an and study Sunnah and you will be on the road to better things in no time, Insha Allah:)

The ones who don't even realize they are in error are the ones really in trouble.

I will remember you in my dua.

Your sister in Islam


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

OOOOOOOOOOOOOH boy, u came to the wrong place especially that im here.

Im gonna make u go home in tears...Where's my side kick Albdul Hasib....

Abdul Hasib Ill start and u finish aight....

BRB one sec let me go get my hammer..

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